Find My Friends


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 13, 2011
NC Triangle
I've been trying out this app on Apple devices lately. It's an interesting feature and seems to work well. Once you get past the creepiness that makes you feel like James Stewart in Rear Window, that is.

I've been VERY careful about who I share my location with.

Has anyone tried this? Tips, warnings?
We use it constantly.
DW and I each have the other one (and nobody else) listed as permanently findable. So we can each see almost instantly where the other is at any time.
It simplifies things considerably, since the alternative would be a phone call or a text with "Where are you?" and then wait for a reply.

Find Friends makes it quick and automatic and the other person doesn't have to be disturbed.

I also use it when visiting some place with friends. You just set it up so you can track each other for 24 hours (during the visit) and it's OK if someone wanders off to check out something of interest. You can see where he or she is, and easily estimate what they're doing and how long they're likely to be. That sure beats finding a service counter and initiating one of those "Will John Jones please go to the nearest white courtesy phone for an important message" announcements.
I didn't know about the temporary feature! You mean through Messages?

I thought it was all-or-nothing. This is even better!
No, when you invite someone to share their location in Find Friends, you can choose how long it will be active. There are other options as well. For example, "Notify me when Charlie leaves his house" or "Notify me when Jane gets near here."

You have privacy options too. Like "Don't let Mike find me any more."

It's surprisingly useful.
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