Leaving Feedback on sites like Amazon

No we're not! :LOL:

Try, "Honey, I love you more than life itself, cherish and adore you, and would never let you risk losing your feet in a silly lawnmower accident. Let's go buy some new shoes for you right now, so that you can try out the mower and keep those precious, beautiful feet safe and secure. It'll only take a minute, my love."

Yes, I could just see the puzzled look on her face after those words were spoken. :confused:

Well I'm glad to hear about all of your postings. As I said Amazon has always been great in all of my purchasing experiences. I have read articles about the shills that companies hire to write positive reviews for them. I even went on a web site that advertised for this looking for people with good writing skills to submit some sample reviews. So I know it happens. Just never knew to what extent. Like most of you said. I don't feel comfortable with only a few reviews. I feel much better when there are greater number, cause you know they are bound to be more representative.
This article was in today's ConsumerWorld newsletter, discussing how to tell fake reviews from real ones, and suggesting other review sites. I'm not familiar with Buzzillions, but will probably start looking at it. I'm an Amazon fan, but I'm also skeptical of the five/one star reviews

Learn to Dissect Lies from Truth in Consumer Reviews
Nice link NeverBored. One thing they mentioned that I look for that sends red flags up is when they are reviewing anything techie. (router) If I start reading someones review who uses a lot of the technical jargon in explaining it's wonderful performance, I assume it could be fake.

Most people, even techie's don't go into such technical detail in their personal review. I think actual consumers tend to explain in more laymans terms what they like about an item and what they don't. Though I'm sure there are exceptions as with anything. I do know, according to what I have read before, that they do go to great lengths to make review sound like it came from Joe Blow, including bad grammar and misspelling - so what are you going to do. If it sounds too informative - it could be fake. If it sounds too dumb - it could be fake. Just hold your breath, and push BUY NOW.:blush:
Try, "Honey, I love you more than life itself, cherish and adore you, and would never let you risk losing your feet in a silly lawnmower accident. Let's go buy some new shoes for you right now, so that you can try out the mower and keep those precious, beautiful feet safe and secure. It'll only take a minute, my love."

Then she'll be mowing in Prada heels. I've drawn this picture to illustrate.

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