Need help solving a mystery 2

I know what it means to me...every time I heard the song, I ran screaming from the room.....:dead: It bugged the crapola out of me..
'just be'

philosophy and religion are too 'deep' so choke her in the shallow water lol

what i am is what i am (she dont give a damn to figure it out)...very hippy/zen buddhist/taoist

it is what it is

stop over-analyzing!
I do like the song, though.
My favorite on that album (Shooting Rubberbands) is Circle.
I am also a fan of Little Miss S.
Music from high school!
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As I remember the Bohemians picked Edie up as a singer because she could do these word association ditties to their tunes. It was catchy, and good enough to catch Paul Simon as a husband, so I guess it worked. :D

Personally, I like her stuff. Of course, I like Phish's lyrics too. :whistle:
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