Eating Pomegranates in the shower


Gone but not forgotten
Jul 18, 2012
Fortunately, the biggest crisis so far today. :dance:

I remember when I was a kid, and went to Zamprini's Fruit Market and bought pomegranates, cut them with my scout knife, and ate them like orange slices.

So, now, Aldi's has been selling them for $.49, and am reliving my childhood 70 years ago. The problem is that I am eating them the way I did in those days, and hard as I try, the kitchen ends up looking like a scene from a chainsaw massacre. So much juice that splashes up, it takes 15 minutes to clean up the "blood". I slice off a chunk and then bite in... seeds, white stuff and whatever else is inside. The cutting and the chomping results in a bloodbath for the counter, wall, and whatever is within a three foot circle.

DW is now requiring that all Pomegranate eating be done in the shower. This will dilute the sparkly taste, so I am looking for another way to eat this poetic fruit:

I felt my heart crack slowly like a pomegranate, spilling its seeds.”
― Trebor Healey, A Horse Named Sorrow

All suggestions gratefully accepted...:blush:
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This is hilarious! :LOL:

I think you should put a tarpaulin on the kitchen floor and sit on it wearing a rain poncho.

PS. This thread is useless without pictures.
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Eat them outside.

For some unknown reason, this story reminds me that my Dad would occasionally take a small bucket of water, a dishtowel, a knife and salt and pepper shakers up to the garden in the late summer to have a fresh vegetable feast.
Don't cut them, that releases the juice, making a mess. Peel with your hands, pull apart gently and pop a portion into your mouth. Chew gently to break up the flesh and juice w/o breaking up the bitter seeds too much. Then spit the seed glop out (or eat them if they don't bother you). The mess stays in your mouth. Might need to do the spitting discretely to not upset DW, but I think it can be done.

I get mine out of the POM bottle, much easier.
This really works.

Looks like a great way to open a pomegranate. I may have to go to Costco today and get some. They looked real nice the last time I was there, but I always hesitate because of the frustration of opening them without much 'bloodshed' as OP noted.
Try this instead - there's no need to beat the poor fruit ;)

I never cease to be amazed at what I can learn here ;)

That said, I think I'll put pomegranate on my shopping list this week - I love them except for the mess. Thanks, Janet!
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I use the method Janet linked. Then eat it over the sink with an apron on... because they still sometimes squirt when you bite into them.

I send the kids outside (so I can hog the sink).

We love pomegranates in our household.
Pomegranates are big stuff here (Azerbaijan; the juice is called nar, best for fish, especially out of the Caspian--you do not want). I like the taste, but seeds always bug me. Nuts. Eat the damn seeds.
Try this instead - there's no need to beat the poor fruit ;)

I've always eaten them (and watermelon) outside, or over the kitchen sink. But the method in the video looks much better than my more random approach. Thanks!

They had pomegranates at the grocery store today, I hope I can still buy one next week to try this out.
Pardon my ignorance, but I was raised by 2nd generation Irish immigrants who didn't stray far from meat and potatoes. Do you just eat the seeds of those things?
Pardon my ignorance, but I was raised by 2nd generation Irish immigrants who didn't stray far from meat and potatoes. Do you just eat the seeds of those things?

The seeds are good on salads!


(First generation Irish immigrant whose mother was willing to experiment with Chinese food). :LOL:
Pomegranate Sangria

2 bottles fruity red Spanish table wine
1 cup brandy
1/2 cup triple sec
1 cup orange juice
1 cup pomegranate juice
Orange slices (thin)
Apple slices
1/4 Pomegranate seeds

A great summer drink. We usually combine 1/2 portions of sangria and club soda. Family friends prefer a sweeter version and replace the club soda with soda pop (Sprite, 7 Up, etc).
I always heard that the only way to eat those things was outside in the nude well away from the house, car, lawn furniture, etc. Apparently, I am not allowed to eat them in my neighborhood.
Try this instead - there's no need to beat the poor fruit ;)

Finally got to try this today, worked like a charm. Had pomegranate with our oatmeal, and DW took half the seeds/fruit to work. She'll only need a spoon!
I am late to this thread, but thanks Imoldernu, I got my first good laugh this morning. That was too funny.

I am also amazed by what I learn here. I hope there are still pomegranates in the store. Must try these different opening methods!
The fruiting Pomegranate tree is a great small tree. Pretty orange flowers in the spring that the hummers love, followed by fruit formation, and in the Fall, lovely golden color. Very low water required to grow. Poms are expensive in the store. Grow your own!

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