A personal Covid Experience

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Jul 10, 2005
N. Yorkshire
To save hijacking the thread where I posted that our son had tested positive for Covid I decided to start a new thread as folks seem to be interested, and it gives me a chance to share what we are going through with my friends here.
To summarize the story so far:

We had received our first jab over 5 weeks ago so on Saturday March 27th we did a short drive (10 minutes) to a garden center with our son, 3 of us in the same car, all wearing masks, son in the back seat. First time we have been indoors with him since he started work indoors first week of February. He lives alone and has been part of our family bubble but has been working from home for 10 months or more. Garden center is mostly outdoors and everyone was wearing masks everywhere.

He called me that same afternoon to say that his NHS Covid app just alerted him that he has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, and he has to self isolate for 9 days. (The actual test must have been yesterday). He called his boss who confirmed that someone in the office had tested positive so they were all switching to home working. This is a brand new contract that they have been working on and training for this last 6 weeks and they go live next week, it’s an IT support function.

Fingers crossed that he has not actually caught it. So pleased we didn’t throw caution to the winds and assume our normal close contact with him after vaccination.

3 days later he felt unwell, with a slight fever, and booked a Covid test for the following day which came back positive.

Yesterday, April 2nd he was admitted to hospital with low oxygen levels and some chest pains. Today he was told that he has Covid infiltration of the lungs so they will be keeping him in and treating him for Covid.
Dang, Alan, I hope this cautionary tale turns out well for everyone! Thanks for posting! Let’s hope you and your wife’s preliminary defenses (first jab) are holding up well enough to protect you both.
To summarize the story so far:

We had received our first jab over 5 weeks ago so on Saturday March 27th we did a short drive (10 minutes) to a garden center with our son, 3 of us in the same car, all wearing masks, son in the back seat. First time we have been indoors with him since he started work indoors first week of February. He lives alone and has been part of our family bubble but has been working from home for 10 months or more. Garden center is mostly outdoors and everyone was wearing masks everywhere.
So did your son get a shot too? In anycase sorry to hear he's sick and hope he gets better quick..
How scary for you and your son. Please keep us updated. I hope he recovers quickly!
When he got his positive test result back he entered it into his NHS Covid app and it alerted us on our apps that we had been in close contact with someone who had tested positive for Covid. The app works on distance and cumulative time duration and knows nothing about masking and inside or outside so we were confident from the start that since our contact had been him in the back car with the windows open and all of us masked that we were going to be safe.

However, we are following the guidelines and confirmed via the app that we had every intention self-isolating for 6 days. (The app knows when he tested positive and when we were in close proximity).

Fortunately my sister lives very close by so she made shopping runs for him before he went into hospital, and today her husband went to the hospital where he handed over a bag with some books and his iPad as he said he was getting bored with only his iPhone with him.
Dang, Alan, I hope this cautionary tale turns out well for everyone! Thanks for posting! Let’s hope you and your wife’s preliminary defenses (first jab) are holding up well enough to protect you both.

It has now been a full week since we were in close contact as described above, so we are confident that we are just fine.

So did your son get a shot too? In anycase sorry to hear he's sick and hope he gets better quick..

He is only in his 30s with no health conditions so will not be eligible until probably June. By May they will be starting on the 45-49 age group and will go down in 5 year increments.

How scary for you and your son. Please keep us updated. I hope he recovers quickly!

Thank you.
Best wishes to him. I’ve treated so many young healthy patients with COVID and had a few young friends with it too. Scary stuff but they all came through it well in the end.
First and most important, I wish your son a quick recovery!!

I came down with a low level case of Covid meaning I did not need to go to the hospital and did not feel too bad. But, I have no idea where I got it. I was incredibly careful. I did a little shopping at supermarkets and shortly before I caught it, I was masked and had closer indoor contact than i preferred with a computer repair guy. But, they claim he was not infected.

I only share this to continue to support the need to be careful. DW and I are vaccinated and passed the 14 day time requirement. But when in public we reinforce the message of masks in order to encourage others to do the same. I think we have little impact on those who view the pandemic in a different light which is simply unfortunate.

When he got his positive test result back he entered it into his NHS Covid app and it alerted us on our apps that we had been in close contact with someone who had tested positive for Covid. The app works on distance and cumulative time duration and knows nothing about masking and inside or outside so we were confident from the start that since our contact had been him in the back car with the windows open and all of us masked that we were going to be safe.

However, we are following the guidelines and confirmed via the app that we had every intention self-isolating for 6 days. (The app knows when he tested positive and when we were in close proximity).

Fortunately my sister lives very close by so she made shopping runs for him before he went into hospital, and today her husband went to the hospital where he handed over a bag with some books and his iPad as he said he was getting bored with only his iPhone with him.
Gosh, so sorry to hear about the Covid infiltration of his lungs! What a bummer! At least he is somewhere now where he can be constantly under observation and treatment.

It’s tough - not yet eligible for a vaccine and having to wait, yet in situations where you are exposed to the virus. I know how anxious I have been, and relieved to at least get the first dose recently. And I don’t have to work and can seriously minimize contact.

So he had been working from home for 10 months, but this changed recently and he had to interact with coworkers? Oh - I see, since February.
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I hope you're son recovers quickly. Very scary at any age.

We're in the UK as well. As you may have seen in a thread I posted a few months back, my wife became critically ill (respiratory, not covid) and the NHS hit it with everything they had. They saved her life. You're in good hands I'm sure.
He changed jobs early February to a company taking over the IT support role of a major oil company so it was a brand new team being assembled, new office, new everything. Once up and running the plan was to move to home working. They went live the Monday after his app alert went off so the entire team (10?) had to go live that first week from home. Turns out that patient zero from that office was a manager from another group who had come in for a long meeting with them. At least that is what they surmise since none of their team had symptoms or had been for a test.

The Covid Test and Trace team called him and he gave all this info to them so they will also be contacting all his team mates and folks in the office.
I hope you're son recovers quickly. Very scary at any age.

We're in the UK as well. As you may have seen in a thread I posted a few months back, my wife became critically ill (respiratory, not covid) and the NHS hit it with everything they had. They saved her life. You're in good hands I'm sure.

Thank you, I do recall that thread and was very pleased to hear of such a good outcome.

In recent years my wife and I, my sister, plus a good friend here have all had surgeries of one sort or another at this hospital, which we really like and is only 7 miles away.
Alan--so sorry to hear of your sons diagnosis. Prayers for a full recovery.
I hope your son will be fine and the follow-up tests for all your family members will come back negative.

My uncle is tested positive this past Thursday and all he did was going on boat with his colleagues for work. One of them tested positive so he is now being tested and self isolated. I don't understand why he did not take the vaccine when our state opened for age above 50 two weeks ago.
The odds are for a quick recovery but it is scary in the meantime. I hope all goes well.
My best wishes for Jeffrey's speedy and complete recovery.

Two friends who recently got Covid (one the father of a doctor who insisted upon it) were given monoclonal (sp?) antibodies which they believed expedited their recovery.

It is good that your son is in a nearby hospital that you know and trust.
Alan - Best wishes to your son for a speedy and full recovery. I trust the medical professionals will get him through this with no problem.
Do they offer monoclonal antibodies over there?

Seems like most of the interventions work best early on.
Do they offer monoclonal antibodies over there?

Seems like most of the interventions work best early on.

Yes they do use them routinely for early treatment of Covid here.

Last word from our son tonight is that they have put him on oxygen. He also asked me to send some clean underwear :)
That's very encouraging as he's obviously not so ill that he doesn't care about personal hygiene. :)

Exactly. Even with his oxygen mask on he’s still thinking “underwear” and is capable of texting.
I am keeping you and your son and your family in my thoughts and prayers! Every finger and every toe crossed for you!!
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