Ah, Mondays...


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 24, 2013
Twin Cities
Perhaps it’s a cliche but, 10 months in, Monday mornings have become one of my favorite times of the week: Sleep until I wake up, drink coffee with DW and the cats until I am moved to do something else, go for a walk, or do some errand with no crowds. No commute, no staff meeting, no piled up urgent emails from the weekend... I try not to read the news or have any commitments until at least 11 a.m. every day, preferably none at all. Often, there’s nothing on the calendar for the whole week and I find myself, periodically, thinking, “Holy crap. Everyone else is at w*rk.”

I’m not going to say that life is now perfect. Like everyone, I’m still subject to emotions, moods and irritations, and it’s now 100% on me to occupy myself contentedly, but THIS is the luxury of simple pleasures. It’s still a novelty. Time for cup number 3.

I’m sure others get it so I wanted to share.
I often celebrate Mondays since retiring...it's a magical day. Talk about a transformation! Worst day in the week while w*rking to one of the BEST days when not w*rking. :)

I didn't get up until about 9:30, so I am still on my first cup. Also, the weather is absolutely PERFECT today so after this cup of delightful coffee I am going to walk the dogs, grab another cup o' Joe and then go mess around in the yard for a bit. I think an adult beverage will be in the cards this afternoon as well. What I WON'T BE DOING today includes: commuting, talking to co-workers, answering to anyone, doing endless conference calls or any other activity that I DON'T WANT TO DO. :) :) :)

And to your point of being 100% responsible for figuring out what to do with your day...even though this might be a challenge on some days, I will take that over having some one else figuring it out for me.

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Yep, Mondays are wonderful.
So are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!
Love filling my days with my choices.

don't like to go out on weekends, too many folks out and about :)
It is kind of topsy-turvy.

Monday= Good
Saturday= Less Good

I can't say it is "bad".
I've been losing track of which day it is, depriving myself of the enjoyment of "no Sunday night blues" and "no Monday morning slog." So last night and this morning I made a special effort to note the day and revel in my good fortune. Currently sitting in the sun, drinking a cup of Yorkshire Gold tea with whole milk. Later, I'll go to the public library and pick up the seven books that are waiting for me. And another cuppa after that. :dance:
MARKOLA.... I'm still in the work force for the moment, But have a major different Monday description....
This is Monday on the calendar..... 1st day of the week....But not my Monday. This Monday was last Friday... Starting a week off..
My next Monday is this Friday... starting a 48 hour week...
my next Monday is the following Friday... 72 hours in 7 days... Funny thing is Monday is my whole weekend off...
My next Monday is Actually a Monday .. 48 hours in 4 days... and then Friday is my next Monday starting another week off...
Simple to follow yes?
You guys are killing me!

I know it’s not polite to boast and best wishes for your own journey but I worked and planned for years and put up with all kinds of toxic crap to meet my goal, so I try to enjoy it when it strikes me.
MARKOLA.... I'm still in the work force for the moment, But have a major different Monday description....
This is Monday on the calendar..... 1st day of the week....But not my Monday. This Monday was last Friday... Starting a week off..
My next Monday is this Friday... starting a 48 hour week...
my next Monday is the following Friday... 72 hours in 7 days... Funny thing is Monday is my whole weekend off...
My next Monday is Actually a Monday .. 48 hours in 4 days... and then Friday is my next Monday starting another week off...
Simple to follow yes?

Mind = blown. But good luck!
I've been losing track of which day it is, depriving myself of the enjoyment of "no Sunday night blues" and "no Monday morning slog." So last night and this morning I made a special effort to note the day and revel in my good fortune. Currently sitting in the sun, drinking a cup of Yorkshire Gold tea with whole milk. Later, I'll go to the public library and pick up the seven books that are waiting for me. And another cuppa after that. :dance:

i detect a little too much british tv. tea with whole milk?, "another cuppa"?. that subscription to acorn tv or britbox is having an effect. :LOL:
For me, it is any weekday day while playing Pickleball in the morning, that at least once I feel lucky and happy to be retired.
8 years in (Jan 2013) and I STILL love that Sunday afternoon feeling and the Monday morning NOT having to go to w**k!!!

Have you watched "60 Minutes" yet on Sunday night, and NOT had your stomach go to full knot mode because that clock ticking means the weekend is almost over?!?!?

Sometimes I turn it on JUST to hear that stopwatch!! So I can revel in NOT having a stomach ache!!! I don't even watch 60 minutes any longer...but that ticking clock ALWAYS made me SICK!!!!

Enjoy it!!! I sure do!
For me, it is any weekday day while playing Pickleball in the morning, that at least once I feel lucky and happy to be retired.

I had to give up Pickleball, the group starts at 9:00 o’clock!
Never could get up in time!
I had to give up Pickleball, the group starts at 9:00 o’clock!
Never could get up in time!

Yeah we play at 9am. I can't really sleep past 7am anyway and honestly playing Pickleball is my #1 retirement activity.
I know it’s not polite to boast and best wishes for your own journey but I worked and planned for years and put up with all kinds of toxic crap to meet my goal, so I try to enjoy it when it strikes me.

And enjoy it you should!! ?
Even pre-COVID weekends were like my personal quarantine period. We live next to a county park and all the trails are littered with hikers/visitors on weekends. On Monday the park becomes my private playground again.

It's kinda like how I felt about summer when I was a grad student. Big beautiful campus all to myself without any of those pesky undergrads around. September was always time to grumpily head back into lab.
8 years in (Jan 2013) and I STILL love that Sunday afternoon feeling and the Monday morning NOT having to go to w**k!!!

Have you watched "60 Minutes" yet on Sunday night, and NOT had your stomach go to full knot mode because that clock ticking means the weekend is almost over?!?!?

Sometimes I turn it on JUST to hear that stopwatch!! So I can revel in NOT having a stomach ache!!! I don't even watch 60 minutes any longer...but that ticking clock ALWAYS made me SICK!!!!

Enjoy it!!! I sure do!

This post is pure gold! 37 more Sunday nite suck-fests for me!
With that pandemic going on, I can hardly keep track of what day of the week it is anymore, but I remember my Sunday evening blues. I usually felt so good Friday afternoon, and Saturday was pretty good, but Sunday got hard in the evening...
With that pandemic going on, I can hardly keep track of what day of the week it is anymore, but I remember my Sunday evening blues. I usually felt so good Friday afternoon, and Saturday was pretty good, but Sunday got hard in the evening...

It’s amazing to not really look forward to the weekends. I’m not complaining, but it’s a fact there’s more traffic and people to contend with when shopping, driving, out for a walk or out for lunch, and I have to wait for Monday for my daily podcast episodes. I’ll gladly take the trade, though!
I love Mondays! Love to get up early because it's peaceful and I like to check out the stock market. Almost everyone on my street works 8 or 9 to five I think so it's very quiet. I really enjoy Sunday mornings, because everyone is either sleeping late or at church. I find it's one of the best times to go to the grocery store if you go fairly early. It's nice to not be in a hurry to do anything or to be anywhere or to be stressed about anything except the occasional things that might pop up. I get out mostly sun-thurs because I don't like the way drivers are rushing around on fri and sat. It didn't take me long to adjust to seeing others working while I'm not, though.
I never HATED the upcoming start of the workweek.
But after the first few years of retirement, you learn to sidestep busy times for certain activities.

Head to the beach on a 90-degree Saturday?
Well, a 90-degree Thursday might be better for that.

I do a bit of hiking and mountain biking, exploring different places around my metropolitan area.
I live on the north side of my metro area, so if I go to a place on the southerly side for the day, I might encounter rush hour traffic on my return at 5 pm.
So things like that need to be dealt with...
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It’s amazing to not really look forward to the weekends. I’m not complaining, but it’s a fact there’s more traffic and people to contend with when shopping, driving, out for a walk or out for lunch, and I have to wait for Monday for my daily podcast episodes. I’ll gladly take the trade, though!

As more and more folks venture out, I have noticed a distinct uptick in people in the stores, so I am back to my "retiree drive time" which means I don't go on any errands unless it's Mon-Fri between 10a and 2p. Tuesday is my favorite day and seems to be the quietest :)

I can always tell when it's the weekend because there is a LOT more noise out in the neighborhood. Lawn mowers, trimmers, chain saws but Monday morning? Put peaceful bliss.

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