Poll: Have you had Covid?

Have you had Covid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 221 55.4%
  • No

    Votes: 178 44.6%

  • Total voters
I've had verified, multiple positive test cases of Covid twice:
May 2022
June 2023
I was vaccinated (Moderna) in early 2021 and boosted once (Moderna) in Nov 2021. So both my bouts were after being somewhat but not perfectly up to date vaccinated. I had little/no issues with both bouts, just a couple days of moderate flu like symptoms. I had far worse issues with the second vax and the booster than I did with actual Covid. I expect that I'll catch Covid again, hopefully not very often, for as long as I'm walking around.
I have not knowingly had covid. However, in the summer of 2022 after getting out of the shower, I noticed red splotches all over my trunk. This continued to evolve over the next few days into a full blown case of hives (which I have never had before in my life). The hives would come and go. After a shower or even eating the red splotches would get worse almost instantly; my arms and legs would also swell. Covid test was negative however doctor said it could have been a case of post-covid urticaria, which shows up after the infection has resolved as a result of a person's immune response.

After about two weeks it went away and has never returned.
I was a "no" until yesterday. Was exposed last weekend via someone who said they just had a mild cold, so I foolishly ASSumed they had a negative test. Nope! When I got a scratchy throat on Sunday afternoon I asked them if they had checked and they had not, and an hour later said they had a positive test. AAARGH! I tested negative Sunday night but faint line positive yesterday at noon. Fortunately it feels like a mild cold. I've had all the vaccinations including the bivalent booster so I think my immunity to serious symptoms is pretty strong. I plan to do a bunch of yard work today as I'm going a bit stir crazy holed up in the guest room to protect DH, who has not had it yet and I hope to keep it that way.

Please rest. Exertion during and after a Covid infection is associated with a higher rate of Long Covid.
Luckily, I never got it (yet?!)
I got the original Moderna™ vaccine and the next 2 boosters. I missed the next one, but I did get the bivalent booster a couple of months ago.
DW got the same vaccines & boosters, but she did end up getting Covid last year due to working at a school where she comes in contact with children that get sent to school when they're sick and other teachers who come to work sick due to lack of substitute teachers.
We flew to Florida last week for a funeral and we wore masks while on the flights. There were a few others with masks, but most people were too busy drinking to wear masks. :biggrin:
No, I've never had it. My husband's cancer come back last year so we were being careful and testing a lot. When he passed, I didn't want to be around anyone and then my sister passed Christmas day so still didn't want to be around anyone. I kept testing this past year because I was working around my other sister, who has health problems, getting houses ready for sale. Glad they brought back the free test kits. They are a little pricey to buy.
Up until Oct 23, 2023 my response would have been no. DH and I dodged the bullet for a long time, but the day after we came home from a cruise to New England and Canada we both tested positive. It was actually our 2nd cruise this year so I guess we pushed our luck too far.

We have both had multiple vaccinations, but not the newest one. My husband is immune compromised and we both have health issues, but luckily we ended up with only head cold symptoms and were very tired for a little over a week.
Tested positive on the self-test while in Sydney on the 26th. This is the first time that I'm aware of that I've had it.

Had felt sore throat and a big of a cough, runny nose for a day or two before then.

On transit I sat in an Uber and talked to the driver for an hour on the way to the airport and then of course the long flight to Australia.

Then went through the Sydney trains a couple of times the first day or two before I thought to test myself.

I looked for option to get a Paxlovid prescription over there, would have cost over 1100 AUD, about $700-800 USD.

In the end didn't get it because the symptoms were mild and didn't think I was under threat of getting hospitalized, though hospitalizations are on the rise in the US and other places.

I had the latest booster in early November.

So the symptoms I felt, runny nose, lot of sweating, some coughing and fatigue. Joints and legs feeling exhausted.

Even just moving around the apartment, felt like my legs would give out and I needed to sleep. But once I walked a bit, like going out to get food, it wasn't too bad.

However, I'd read that it's best to rest, not try to power through with a lot of activity, so that your body recuperates better.

So I really curtailed activity on my trip, though the weather was poor. Maybe if it was sunny I would have been more tempted to at least go do some sightseeing.

My smell or taste wasn't affected as far as I can tell. Maybe at most marginally but I had a lot of congestion so that could have been more of a factor.

About 3-4 days after the test result, I took a short flight, SYD to MEL. Got off the flight and felt congestion in my left ear. Never ever had that before but for the rest of the day, felt like there was an ear plug there. By the morning though it was clear.

Still a week to 10 days after the rest result, kept taking it easy. Again, legs felt tired while in the apartment but when I had to go outside and walk, it felt okay, whether the weather was cool and nippy or the one day where it was in the mid 80s and humid.

The congestion had me looking up possible remedies but read one source that congestion was a good sign, that your immune system was active and killing virus, producing phlegm in the nose and throat.

So it's been 16-17 days since the test result, still coughing up some phlegm but much less congestion. I still have runny nose from time to time.

Actually my nose was runny before I departed on my trip too -- but no other symptoms.

Now I'm just wary of any sequelae in my system, maybe my organs. Also the possibility of reinfection months from now, with each reinfection accumulating and resulting in more severe symptoms, including long covid.

Obviously don't have to worry about reinfection now but I did mask as much as possible to minimize my spreading virus to others.
I was probably exposed on March 14, 2020, standing in line at Trader Joes, just before the shut down. No masks then, wash your hands was the advice. The woman in the adjacent line worked at the local community college and remarked that she was concerned because so many Asian students had returned from New Year break overseas. She's the most likely source. I got horrible double pink eye the following Tuesday. A couple of weeks later, I started developing neuro issues. First of nine trips to the ER May 9th, with a four day stay for tests starting May 15.

I'm still sick, as are many others. Eventually the vascular complications will probably kill me, along with many other victims. I have a brain MRI ordered by neuro ophthalmology in a week to explain vision issues. Probably brain inflammation.

New cancers are now showing up in numerous first wave patients. Covid disrupts the immune system, allowing cancer to get a foothold. Many if not most victims never fully clear the virus. It's a persistent virus and it hides in organs. It's been found in asymptomatic people, many of whom thought they had avoided it. Some transplant patients, where the donor tested negative, have died of Covid.

Your cheery news for Sunday afternoon...

PS: Never had pneumonia.

If you posted back then about it, I think I remember you. I was sick starting a little before you. (I remember the two women who coughed on me in an elevator in Mineola, the end of February 2020.)
DGF and I just returned Saturday from a last minute Caribbean cruise we took last week. Cold snap in Atlanta made us do it. Second cruise this fall counting the 10 day UK cruise in late September. DGF started feeling under the weather Sunday and spent most of yesterday (Monday) in bed with aches, pains, cough and runny nose. I had to make her something to eat for dinner last night so I know she is feeling bad as my cooking is a last resort.

Neither of us has had Covid so far and DGF has tested several times this week but still no positive result. I started yesterday with a cough and runny nose (so pleasant) but also do not test positive. I feel fine otherwise with no further symptoms. Starting to think we may both just have a cold, hers worse than mine so far. I've had far worse.

Next door neighbors who were collecting our mail and packages while we were gone came down with Covid while we were on our cruise but we haven't been in contact physically with them in over 1.5 weeks as we decided to leave our mail and packages in their care for now. They say they have been better since late last week but who knows.
Often, you can't even tell. Flu? Bad cold? Covid.

I had the original and it wasn't pleasant--just like the one time I had the flu. They made me get the vaccine anyway--should have just said no, but I wanted to travel. Even with the vaccine (which turns out to do very little--sort of like the flu vaccines in some years) they tested me before I could travel anyway. This will all be an unpleasant case study some day.
I had the original and it wasn't pleasant--just like the one time I had the flu. They made me get the vaccine anyway--should have just said no, but I wanted to travel. Even with the vaccine (which turns out to do very little--sort of like the flu vaccines in some years) they tested me before I could travel anyway. This will all be an unpleasant case study some day.
The virus mutates plus immunity wanes, so that's why you need to get updated vaccinations, which are then very effective in reducing death and hospitalizations. The original vaccination from late 2020 would not be that effective at this time if that's what you mean by doing very little now.
DW and I had Covid this last August/July. The cause was our Alaska cruise. Both vac'd and booster'd.
We were stuck in a Fairfield hotel for two weeks until we both tested negative.
Our first and last cruise.
Been vax'ed/boosted since Jan '21 and avoided getting it despite multiple known close exposures.... Until late last month with NO known exposure. Symptoms like a bad cold with some muscle aches early on. Got better by 4 days (neg tests for 2 days) then hit again at 3-4 days later with pos test. "Rebound" the doc says so back to isolation trying to not infect DW (who luckily has never had it) :(
No ---but we just got home from our DD house so we may well hve it ourselves. She was kinda feeling puny Sunday, again Mon. then today my DW and I carried her some homemade soup. While there I ask her if she might have Covid,an she said she didn't think so because she tested neg. Sunday. But she said she looked at the date and the test was old,so she tested again while we were there with a good test. Positive!!! I'm going to isolate and get a test tomorrow for us.
I'm getting over covid as we speak. My first time having it. I was vax through July, so didn't get the newest one. This is not like a cold. Well, it started off feeling like I was gotting a cold. Then 3 days later, I knew I was sick, and tested myself. So now, 10 days in from my first symptoms. A few days I took long naps. a few days I lost all sense of taste. The first 5 days no cough, or respiratory. I started with a slight headache, and a rigling in eyes nose, like a cold. Then 5th started to feel kinda bad...and deep cough. Then later, thedeep cough turned productive. A whole different feeling than a cold. BUT, not at all like the flu. Because I have had no fever. No body aches. Day 10, I am barely showing a positive result, very faint line, took a while to show up on the test. In the beginning, the line was immediate and dark on the test kit. I am sad I can no longer say, I've never had covid. I have...it's not so bd..but not much fun either. But, not a cold.
Wife and I both have had it twice , even though we have both had three shots. Asked my cardiologist if I should get any more boosters ..He said no with what we know today you will be fine OK .
I have never been tested for Covid. I am very certain my wife and I both had it when the Omicron variant first came out circa Dec 2021, but cannot prove it. I'd be curious as to the results of a poll asking how many people, like me, have never had a Covid test. I am on vaccination round 5.
My pharmacist and her family never took a Covid test , were never vaccinated . She said they took ivermectin . I asked her did y’all ever get Covid . Her answer was we don’t take a Covid test . Her oldest son races motorcycle all over the US .
I have not had it, DW finally had it last month. I was worried, since she suffers from asthma, but she had fairly mild COVID. We had been very careful all the way (wore N95 masks in any closed spaces with more than a couple of people in it), until 12 days after our 5th dose of the vaccine. We then dropped our guard and that is how she caught it. Back to being a bit more careful, now.
No, I haven’t had covid. Haven’t had a cold or flu like symptoms since the vid hit until recently. The home test kit result was negative.
DB’s family - 3 school age kids - has just gone through their third round.

DB feels like he’s had some brain fog since his second one.

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