Tiger in a pile of p/r poop.............

Not always.... Love, to me is pure, simple, real and sweet. :) For me, love never dies.

What above when wholescale cheating and/or physical abuse happens? Can love conquer that scenario?? :confused:
If someone is being abused in any way by their partner and stays often it is co-dependency rather than any great "love" that keeps them there. Granted, there are financial issues that can keep someone there, too.
But Elin has enough money to leave, and, if she were my daughter, unless Tiger gets treatment for sex abuse and MEANS it, I'd tell her to split. Who needs the humiliating and totally hurtful situation he's put her in? Not good for her self-esteem at all.
Obviously Elin's Mama has been stressed out to her max over this as she's been put in the hospital. This has turned into a real fiasco now.
Something tells me Tiger isn't going to change, tho. Hope I'm wrong, but it wouldn't go along with his personality at this age I think. Just my guess.
Just a sad situation all around.
I agree totally, Orchid. Unless Tiger goes in to in-patient therapy, Elin should split for her own sanity and also for the stability of her children. Always have to put minor children first in my opinion. You have to bring them up in a healthy environment and sometimes that means divorce with one parent as the custodian.
Well now that the woman of the board have convinced me that Tiger isn't as good looking as I thought, :) I can't imagine any reason Elin would stay with the guy.

It is interesting that my opinion has completely changed about this as more or more bimbo's have a appeared. When I first heard about it, I felt sorry for the guy, and wished for the "good old days" when the sports writers would have kept a story like this under their hats, and just swapped stories at the bar.

At this point, I think his public humiliation is richly deserved. At least Wilt Chamberlain had the good sense to remain a bachelor, and latter made this interesting observation.

It is better to have sex a thousands times with one woman, than have sex with a thousand woman.
Alot of these Don Juans finally stop when they hit somewhere around their late 50's. Some never stop.
If the mother stays--and the kids see how poorly the father treats the mother even if he stays around--it really produces alot of unhealthy behavior in their children.
In fact, I don't know of one guy that had a father who cheated--and lived with the mother and that son--who didn't end up being a cheater himself maybe on a lesser level, but he cheated also.
So, if Elie stays for the kids she may have a rude awakening much later down the road with the behavior of her own children: the boys end up being cheaters; the girls assume that being cheated on or abused is normal. Not good for the kids at all, and really not good for the kids to see Mama treated poorly.

clifp: I don't think many women would stay with a guy because he's good looking. We women aren't the visual creatures you men are. In fact, I wondered if Tiger married Elin because she is such a trophy looker, and then he marries her and finds out they really aren't compatible. Another dumb move by Mr. Little Head.
clifp: I don't think many women would stay with a guy because he's good looking. We women aren't the visual creatures you men are. In fact, I wondered if Tiger married Elin because she is such a trophy looker, and then he marries her and finds out they really aren't compatible. Another dumb move by Mr. Little Head.

No I understand. I doubt that looks alone would make a decisive difference to men, much less to woman. At this point, I was just saying the reasons to stick with the guy are getting less and less. Rich and famous only get you so far in the relationship department (In our society probably too far but... )
Okay, first let me say that, if what we are reading about Tiger is true, then he is a slimeball. "Only unto thee until death do you part." That's the promise, and there are no escape clauses.

Our Elin must be feeling very betrayed. She and Tiger went to school together and struggled to establish their respective professional lives. He and she would have long discussions during their college years, and he admired her sharp mind and mastery of Greek philosophy. They sacrificed together and then-he goes and cheats on her!

Oh, wait. That stuff never happened. Tiger was rich and successful when they met, and he was surely attracted primarily by her physical appearance. Now, she's shocked that he's a dog and that he is attracted to beautiful women.

Elin is surely furious. That honeypot trick is supposed to work one time, but not again.
Don Draper and Tiger Woods

Ok I am not sure how many of you are fans of Mad Men, but I watched the first two season in record time on Netflix.

I was wondering if anybody else sees the similarities between Don Draper and Tiger Wood. For those of you unfamiliar with the show Don is handsome Madison Ave. Ad executive married to a trophy wife.


Don is also a womanizer almost on Tiger's scale, by the end of season 2 he is up to four and probably five affairs.

Yet, I find my reaction to Tiger affairs and Drapers infidelities to be quite different. In Tigers case I am disgusted by it and find it inexcusable. In the case of Draper, I know what he is doing is wrong, and also wonder why he cheats, given how sweet and beautiful his wife is, but I am a lot more sympathetic to him.

I wonder if Tigers problem is we are only seeing one side of the story. Either that or he needs fire his PR manager and hire the writers from Mad Men. :)
I don't watch Mad Men, but is Draper having multiple affairs at the same time? Also what type of women does he cheat with? In Tiger's case it seems to be these tarty types that he would never marry. It's almost like there is a good Tiger and a bad Tiger. Good Tiger goes home to the trophy wife, the mansion and the two perfect kids. Bad Tiger takes prescription drugs and has sex with random porn stars and Las Vegas waitresses, does all the things that good Tiger would like to do, but doesn't because it would ruin his image. It is like he is rebelling against everything that may have been forced down his throat at a young age. I think the thing that is likely outraging so many at the moment is the fact that he was having all these affairs at once and to not be practicing safe sex, well how silly is that?
On the Good Tiger / Bad Tiger, he definitely tried to have it both ways. One one hand the clean, wholesome clean cut up image that was portrayed, and on the other the Tiger on the prowl with all the affairs. It actually is a lot like the Eliot Spitzer affair who on one hand tried to portray himself as one that cracks down on the seedy stuff and then there he was client # ...

Not saying that I condone, Tiger's "transgressions", but society itself, I suppose gives mixed messages. On one hand if he was not married, being a womanizer, jock is looked up upon. Even Tom Brady, who's married to a supermodel and is totally clean cut and wholesome (as far as we know), gets chuckled at sometimes as his wife's "errand boy". Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
If anyone is interested in what sacrifices Tiger's parents made that allowed him to become who he is, I found this on the net. Someone mentioned in a post that his parents made sacrifices, and I'm sure they did; but, I got so curious I dug this up. Pretty interesting, by the way:

Tiger Woods: a biography - Google Books *

* In fact, when you click on this link, take the scroll bar at the right hand of your screen and go backwards. You can get all the way to the beginning of this article and back to his parents backgrounds. Really interesting now...
Enough tiger-beating, you heartless people. The Tiger is a true American Success Story and he needs our help. He now faces two different problems

1) His income from endorsements is seriously jeopardized
2) His need for extra cash to pay off women he is having / has had sexual relationships with is growing

We should help – by thinking of endorsement opportunities that would address both of these concerns. I have a couple of ideas

National Spokesman for NASA (national association of sex addicts). “Bringing increased awareness to such a tragic condition.”

Celebrity Spokesman for the NBA (Nevada Brothels Association). “ Not all celebrities are so strongly identified with the products they endorse.

Spokesman for the WCA (World Condom Association). “ Prevents STD and unwanted pregnancies. Believe me – I know!
Let he/she who is without sin, cast the first stone.

Truthfully, I really couldn't care less what Tiger did or didn't do. I don't feel he owes me an explanation, I really think this whole mistress thing is between him and his wife. Also if she decides to stay, it's not my business to call her a fool or any other name, only Tiger and Ellin know the dynamics of their relationship and if they want to save it. I never spent a moment of my day thinking about Tiger and what a good person he was before these incidents and once the media moves onto something else I am sure I won't be spending another moment of my future days thinking about Tiger and his actions.

The problem is the general public put sports stars on pedestals and set them impossibly high standards to live up to. When they prove they are human, people seem shocked and outraged. You know if we were talking about John Daly doing these things we would all have a smile on our face and thinking there he goes again.

I think the media are enjoying immensely this opportunity to bring Tiger down a peg or two, as from what I read he was not the nicest person to deal with, so I guess they see this as a chance for revenge.
Enough tiger-beating, you heartless people. The Tiger is a true American Success Story and he needs our help. He now faces two different problems

1) His income from endorsements is seriously jeopardized
2) His need for extra cash to pay off women he is having / has had sexual relationships with is growing

I think Mr. Woods is in need of a Bailout! Anybody know of any TARP funds that can be raided to provide Tiger with a couple billion bucks? In these difficult economic times, even the best of us could use a helping hand.
I think Mr. Woods is in need of a Bailout! Anybody know of any TARP funds that can be raided to provide Tiger with a couple billion bucks? In these difficult economic times, even the best of us could use a helping hand.
:LOL::LOL: A couple? I'd think one would be sufficient.

I agree his personal life is his own to deal with, but he is also a business, and that part is subject to public scrutiny. Much of his business value is the result of an image that now appears to be in question.

Some people simply cannot maintain monogamous relationships.
:LOL::LOL: A couple? I'd think one would be sufficient.

I agree his personal life is his own to deal with, but he is also a business, and that part is subject to public scrutiny. Much of his business value is the result of an image that now appears to be in question.

Some people simply cannot maintain monogamous relationships.

To summarize, I agree - 1 billion seems fair. And I'd suggest the pay czar step up and regulate what he actually receives in spending money. I mean I'm all for helping out those in need, but we need to have some accountability for what our tax dollars would be supporting. We don't want him going crazy with his money - we've seen where (or to whom) that has led him.
Many ads involving Tiger have been pulled, and at least Gatorade seems to have dropped him.

I have yet to understand, why do people buy stuff with some celebrity's face next to it? Are they that brainwashed, that unable to see the lack of improvement in the gizmo with some sports figure's name?

Or is this just normal delusion of crowds?

Likewise I have never known a car run better because some underdressed bimbo is standing next to it in the sales photo. Nor did the so called Corinthian leather improve Chrysler, in spite of Ricardo's oral ejaculations.

Me thinks it is one of those logic fallacies, appeal to (false) authority.

So is Tiger up to a bakers' dozen yet?
Since I definitely can throw stones myself I can talk about this: Tiger is up to 11 now according to an article I just read, but 11 is iffy and has not been confirmed as yet. I'm glad Tiger has found a way to "relax" himself after a hard day on the green...snicker!

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