A personal Covid Experience

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Wow. today's prayers are Thankfulness for answered prayers!

Can we say he has finally turned the corner to beating this blasted Covid?
That's great news, Alan! Sounds like he's turned the corner and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's so.
Nice that he's well enough for the regular Covid ward. Hopefully the GI thing will resolve soon. My daughter gave Covid to her SO...she had no GI problems, but GI stuff hit him really hard. It's so strange how this thing manifests so differently in different people.
What a relief, Alan! Great news!
I'm once again happy to hear of Jeffery's progress. How are you and Irene holding out? Again, thank you for the updates it really helps to know what is going on.
He sat in a chair for 2 hours today. Only on CPAP an hour at a time now, including overnight. He texted at 4am my time asking advice on downloading podcasts and such and we chatted for an hour, at which point I told him that it was 9am in LA so I was transferring him to our US help desk (his sister). We had taken his good headphones into the hospital for him at 7:30 last night. He is now going to be moved back to the regular Covid ward later today.

It's all good news.

He sat in a chair for 2 hours today. Only on CPAP an hour at a time now, including overnight. He texted at 4am my time asking advice on downloading podcasts and such and we chatted for an hour, at which point I told him that it was 9am in LA so I was transferring him to our US help desk (his sister). We had taken his good headphones into the hospital for him at 7:30 last night. He is now going to be moved back to the regular Covid ward later today.

It's all good news.

This is fantastic news, Alan! I know it has been one heck of a roller coaster and I am sure all of you are ready to get off of it.
Great update. We’ll keep praying until he gets home. Hopefully that will be soon.
That is a lot of forward progress - wonderful to hear such good news!! :)
Great to hear the news.
He sat in a chair for 2 hours today. Only on CPAP an hour at a time now, including overnight. He texted at 4am my time asking advice on downloading podcasts and such and we chatted for an hour, at which point I told him that it was 9am in LA so I was transferring him to our US help desk (his sister). We had taken his good headphones into the hospital for him at 7:30 last night. He is now going to be moved back to the regular Covid ward later today.

It's all good news.

I am just hoping to hear of him complain about the food. ;)
I am just hoping to hear of him complain about the food. ;)

Yes and I'm laughing about the fact he can text Alan at 4AM and Alan thinks that's wonderful. :dance:
This is such wonderful news.
Continued positive thoughts for Jeffrey and you and Irene!
He FaceTimed this afternoon, wanted another iPhone charging cable if I had a spare. No problem, I nipped through and dropped one off.

He is back in the regular Covid ward, in a private room. The bed’s too short, it’s too hot and he’s lonely. Now that he is whining at warp factor 5 we can tell that he is definitely on the mend.
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