Buying a used RV

My pension will give me about $3K net every month and I have no debts. Although I won't be living high off the hog, I think full-timing will work out just fine.
From what I've seen on a number of RV discussion boards, you should be able to live very comfortably on that income - provided you have the health insurance nut covered.
From what I've seen on a number of RV discussion boards, you should be able to live very comfortably on that income - provided you have the health insurance nut covered.

Yup - I live in Canada. Although I'll have to pay for coverage, it will be about $75 a month for medical, hospital care, prescriptions, eyes and dental. And Pharmacare kicks in after I've spent $1,000.
Yup - I live in Canada. Although I'll have to pay for coverage, it will be about $75 a month for medical, hospital care, prescriptions, eyes and dental. And Pharmacare kicks in after I've spent $1,000.
IOW, you'd have to be loonie not to have it made! :D

Congratulations on the new to you RV. Despite all the negative costs associated with ownership I still enjoy mine. We are right now in Park City, UT for a few days followed by Salt Lake City for a few days to see family and then back home for a month. Then off to California for a week.

If I had my druthers, I would be full time and not have a stick house. However, DW can't so that. We tried for 5 months and she got so "house" sick she could not wait to get back to the stick house. I would have been very happy to not have seen it again for 5-10 years. We know a lot of people living full time and I envy them. Maybe in a few more years when we downsize again we can try it again for awhile.

If I had my druthers, I would be full time and not have a stick house. However, DW can't so that. We tried for 5 months and she got so "house" sick she could not wait to get back to the stick house. I would have been very happy to not have seen it again for 5-10 years. We know a lot of people living full time and I envy them. Maybe in a few more years when we downsize again we can try it again for awhile.

I never seem to get home sick. Where I am is where I am. I'm hanging onto the condo for the future though. It's paid in full and the strata fees are reasonable. When I get too old to drive, at least I'll have a roof over my head - plus I figure it'll pay for a nursing home someday :cool:
So, Nuiloa where will you travel with your new rig?

Well, the plan right now is to drive to Ontario by way of the USA, beginning next June.

My brother, who has an end-stage lung disease, is hoping to be well enough to join me. He has always wanted to travel in an RV, and he has always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore. So, we're going to hit the road and go where the wind takes us.

I also want to do some historical touring - I find US history fascinating.

I'll be wintering in the Southern US or Mexico.

Or else, if I find I hate driving, I'll sell the rig and move to the Cook Islands :D
Or else, if I find I hate driving, I'll sell the rig and move to the Cook Islands :D

Small thread hijack: Have you been to the Cook Islands? I have not, but my best buddy here in Paradise has and he believes it is BETTER than Hawaii. He sited lower costs, less hassles, virtually no crime (except an occasional alcohol induced incident), even friendlier people and more perfect weather. My only major concern would be that I find the islands (other than Oahu) too laid back for my tastes. Still, I have put a visit to the Cook Islands on my bucket list. Gotta see for myself a more perfect place than Paradise.

Returning you know to our thread on used RVs. So glad you found what you are looking for. Best of adventures to you and may the wind always be at your back (saves fuel:cool:)
Small thread hijack: Have you been to the Cook Islands? I have not, but my best buddy here in Paradise has and he believes it is BETTER than Hawaii. He sited lower costs, less hassles, virtually no crime (except an occasional alcohol induced incident), even friendlier people and more perfect weather. My only major concern would be that I find the islands (other than Oahu) too laid back for my tastes. Still, I have put a visit to the Cook Islands on my bucket list. Gotta see for myself a more perfect place than Paradise.

Returning you know to our thread on used RVs. So glad you found what you are looking for. Best of adventures to you and may the wind always be at your back (saves fuel:cool:)


I've been to the Cooks (Rarotonga) 3 times, Tahiti 4 times and Hawaii at least 15 to 20 times (Oahu and once to Maui). Although I love Hawaii, I would agree with your friend that Raro is heaven on earth. The weather is outstanding, the water is pristine (and warm) and the people are very friendly. It is also very, very clean. Because it's so remote, they haven't been as spoiled by tourism as many other places, although I've noticed a difference even in the past decade. The pace of life is slow to the point of catatonia. There is very little crime, although even that has changed. You now have to lock your doors because young people have started stealing. TV comes on at 5 p.m. and ends at midnight and there are only a couple of channels. Most people have DVD players now, which I think has helped to change things - kids are fatter, aren't interested in learning the old traditions, aren't interested in learning Maori or learning the dances. People are no longer wearing just sarongs and flowers but are going for shorts and t-shirts. It's sad to see a culture dying.

It is very laid back and there is absolutely NOTHING to do, nowhere to go, nothing to see except jungle and ocean. There's only 1 road and no traffic lights. The NZ dollar is worth only about $.75 Cdn/US, but costs are high for both staples and the cost of gas is nuts (about $10/gallon).

I would very happily live there the rest of my life:)
Well, the plan right now is to drive to Ontario by way of the USA, beginning next June.

My brother, who has an end-stage lung disease, is hoping to be well enough to join me. He has always wanted to travel in an RV, and he has always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore. So, we're going to hit the road and go where the wind takes us.

I also want to do some historical touring - I find US history fascinating.

I'll be wintering in the Southern US or Mexico.

Or else, if I find I hate driving, I'll sell the rig and move to the Cook Islands :D

Sounds like a good plan, but I am very sorry to hear of your brother's health.
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