Class of 2021

Guess you'd better take me off the list. A year+ of working from home has reset my clock a bit. (and if I can keep it going even after they bring people back the office, I might hang on a good while yet!)

Congrats to everyone who will be taking the leap this year!
Guess you'd better take me off the list. A year+ of working from home has reset my clock a bit. (and if I can keep it going even after they bring people back the office, I might hang on a good while yet!)

Congrats to everyone who will be taking the leap this year!


I don't see your name on the list. Did you go by another name? :)
Wow, what a large class, of successful retiring people.

I don't see your name on the list. Did you go by another name? :)

No, no other name--I asked to be added probably a year ago, so maybe you did some housekeeping. No worries!
I submitted my letter of resignation/retirement last Friday! My last day will be June 25. When my boss read the first line of my letter, she audibly gasped and started to tear up. Said she felt like I was a son. Gave me a lot of nice compliments and told me I could do anything I wanted to. Weird, I felt like she had no confidence in me for a long time. Ground me on every little things. Now, it looks like I'll be missed. Go figure.

As someone said in an earlier post, 8 more "Sunday feelings" to go. I am done.

I'm 57, my last daughter is graduating in June, I have 23 years at my work and I have a nice pension and 403b/IRA stash.

Weird how some people react. Most people don't believe I won't work again. "You'll find a cool new gig for sure." When I tell them I might not work, they can't believe it. The only people who really get it are those who are already retired and a few who are already burned out!

House hacked for years. Bought a house with in-laws and we have lived with them. They are 80 and 85, but the father in law is a bit self centered. I told them I was retiring and he said, 'now maybe we can move. There are earthquakes here that I'm worried about." We live in a beautiful place, they've been retired for years and enjoying it. I bust my butt for years and finally get a chance to fully enjoy it and he tries to pull the rug out from under us. Fortunately, there is no way he could move. Has little savings and only lives off SS. All bark and no bite, but still. And I can't tell him I'm retired because of his own low self worth, he never said he was retired. He still thinks he's not just because he volunteers a few hours a week. So much projection. At least my mother in law is grounded and knows they can't move without us. They don't really want to move. They've lived in this town for 35 years!

BTW, these last 9 weeks ahead seem like they will take sooooo long. I'm burned out, running on fumes and will be running hard for the rest of the journey. It felt good to submit my letter. Was able to let go of some stress. Now I just have to make and not screw up. I think I can.
Had a chat with my boss (great guy - been very good to me) yesterday that I'm done and planning to begin retired life in June 2021. As a military retiree, I've only been with MegaCorp for a few years, so no company retirement package to come, but there is some potentially significant bonus/commission pay to be had.

Exact June date is TBD. Boss countered with offer to explore continued employment with greater time off, but I don't need or want to continue employment.

It's an exhilarating feeling to be in the drivers seat for my few remaining months of employment. Actively planning post employment trips and activities.

Considered my bosses offer of greater time off for a month or so before ultimately rejecting it. Told him I wasn't interested, and I laid down a solid 30 July end of employment date.

Told him that there were several personal events I needed to attend to before 30 July that would take me on the road for extended periods; he readily agreed in order to give him more time to hire a replacement.

The post employment calendar is filling up fast - looking forward to it more each day!
Welcome, buddhajer! It's nice that your first post puts you on a countdown list!

I will update your departure date, schenbew.

(It is easiest to quote the latest list, then remove the quote tags.)

Boose 1/5/2021 Announcement.
BGH1 1/15/2021 Announcement
[-]GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021[/-] Seems to have graduated early, in Oct. 2020.
gamboolman 2/1/2021 Announcement
Ger0n1mo 2/5/2021. Announcement
Exchme 2/11/2021 Announcement
djsander 2/12/2021 Announcement
Djwil296 2/12/2021 Announcement
Ready2Go 2/19/2021. Announcement
iblearning 2/26/2021 Announcement
ATX78701 3/1/2021 Announcement
DeepSouth 3/1/2021
AZDre 3/5/2021 Announcement
CCBoard 3/5/2021 Announcement
HI Bill 3/5/2021 Announcement
Corn18 3/12/2021 Announcement
retire48in2018 Announcement
SunnyOne 3/31/2021 Announcement
Spanky42 3/31/2021 Announcement
Gocubsgo 3/31/2021 Announcement
rocketjockey 3/31/2021 Announcement
Retire2023 4/1/2021 Announcement
Nougat 4/1/2021
KevinZ 4/1/2021 Announcement
ChicagoGal 4/2/2021 Announcement
random thought 4/15/2021
NoiseBoy 4/30/2021 (but out of office starting 4/8)
ClearSky 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Aramis 5/28/2021 (subject to revision!)
BGH1 6/1/2021
dp226 6/4/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Irishgirlyc58 either June or September
Caramel 6/25/2021
buddhajer 6/25/2021
Out-to-Lunch 7/1/2021
LeeLee2021 7/15/2021
schenbew 7/30/2021
FLSUnFIRE "summer"
DenverCraig 8/3/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
RBDan "October" or thereabouts
tmitchell "October"
Unpaintedhuffhines 10/1/2021
KrisQuit 10/1/2021
retireingby50 10/1/2021
kaudrey 10/31/2021
Proteus126 "November"
old medic 12/16/2021
perez99 12/31/2021
Last edited:
I just noticed that, on our retirement countdown list, we have both Caramel (6/25) and Nougat (4/1). I think you two should get together and make something delicious together!
I just noticed that, on our retirement countdown list, we have both Caramel (6/25) and Nougat (4/1). I think you two should get together and make something delicious together!


Love it!

4 more days of work for me and I’ll be free from evil mega Corp!!!
BTW, these last 9 weeks ahead seem like they will take sooooo long. I'm burned out, running on fumes and will be running hard for the rest of the journey. It felt good to submit my letter. Was able to let go of some stress. Now I just have to make and not screw up. I think I can.

There's so much to do in those last 9 weeks that is only "work adjacent" - you can work out a list so you're doing something every week that gives you a sense of forward movement! Scheduling last health appointments under the old insurance, talking with the company HR person about your "checklist," talking with your own FA about next steps, consolidating accounts, deliberating on which people you want to talk to before going. It's extra stuff, but doesn't seem like it because it all relates to your next life.

And planning that leisurely first day after retirement! Actually, "planning" is the wrong word, visualizing might be better. Celebratory lunch? A walk in the woods, a book you've been wanting to read. It's all so delicious!

Congratulations, and you'll likely recover from burnout fast!
Told my boss yesterday that I could be gone on June 30th, 2021, clearing the way for a reorganization they've been itching to do. Very strange mixture of "can't wait for this to be over" and "wow, i love working, why can't they just get off my back and let me do the cool stuff?" BUT, I think it's just grief talking. Now I've got to figure out whether or not to take a lump sum from my pension and roll it over into a 401K. Hmmm...gonna' go look for that thread...
As someone said in an earlier post, 8 more "Sunday feelings" to go. I am done.

Ha ha, that was me. Also 57 and also done on June 25th. Cheers to us! :dance:


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Hi All!

Adding myself to the list as I have come to agreement with SO to stop the OMYing and pull the trigger on Dec 31. Still pondering when exactly to tell the bosses, as I don't want to be treated differently in the interim. Then again - maybe I do. :)

Super happy to be joining class of 2021.

Boose 1/5/2021 Announcement.
BGH1 1/15/2021 Announcement
[-]GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021[/-] Seems to have graduated early, in Oct. 2020.
gamboolman 2/1/2021 Announcement
Ger0n1mo 2/5/2021. Announcement
Exchme 2/11/2021 Announcement
djsander 2/12/2021 Announcement
Djwil296 2/12/2021 Announcement
Ready2Go 2/19/2021. Announcement
iblearning 2/26/2021 Announcement
ATX78701 3/1/2021 Announcement
DeepSouth 3/1/2021
AZDre 3/5/2021 Announcement
CCBoard 3/5/2021 Announcement
HI Bill 3/5/2021 Announcement
Corn18 3/12/2021 Announcement
retire48in2018 Announcement
SunnyOne 3/31/2021 Announcement
Spanky42 3/31/2021 Announcement
Gocubsgo 3/31/2021 Announcement
rocketjockey 3/31/2021 Announcement
Retire2023 4/1/2021 Announcement
Nougat 4/1/2021
KevinZ 4/1/2021 Announcement
ChicagoGal 4/2/2021 Announcement
random thought 4/15/2021
NoiseBoy 4/30/2021 (but out of office starting 4/8)
ClearSky 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Aramis 5/28/2021 (subject to revision!)
BGH1 6/1/2021
dp226 6/4/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Irishgirlyc58 either June or September
Caramel 6/25/2021
buddhajer 6/25/2021
Out-to-Lunch 7/1/2021
LeeLee2021 7/15/2021
schenbew 7/30/2021
FLSUnFIRE "summer"
DenverCraig 8/3/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
RBDan "October" or thereabouts
tmitchell "October"
Unpaintedhuffhines 10/1/2021
KrisQuit 10/1/2021
retireingby50 10/1/2021
kaudrey 10/31/2021
Proteus126 "November"
old medic 12/16/2021
perez99 12/31/2021
Travis Bickle 12/31/2021
Hi All!

Adding myself to the list as I have come to agreement with SO to stop the OMYing and pull the trigger on Dec 31. Still pondering when exactly to tell the bosses, as I don't want to be treated differently in the interim. Then again - maybe I do. :)

Super happy to be joining class of 2021.

Congratulations and welcome! :greetings10:
Now I've got to figure out whether or not to take a lump sum from my pension and roll it over into a 401K. Hmmm...gonna' go look for that thread...

Congrats! And as for that decision... good luck! I went back and forth so much that my decision ended up being to defer my decision :angel:
Hi all :greetings10:

Joining this thread to add my name to the list.... target is 9/30 (or as someone suggested on my intro thread, 10/1 to get that extra month of health insurance!) As it turns out, 10/1 is a Friday so I may be able to check out by noon or so :dance:

(It is easiest to quote the latest list, then remove the quote tags.)

Boose 1/5/2021 Announcement.
BGH1 1/15/2021 Announcement
[-]GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021[/-] Seems to have graduated early, in Oct. 2020.
gamboolman 2/1/2021 Announcement
Ger0n1mo 2/5/2021. Announcement
Exchme 2/11/2021 Announcement
djsander 2/12/2021 Announcement
Djwil296 2/12/2021 Announcement
Ready2Go 2/19/2021. Announcement
iblearning 2/26/2021 Announcement
ATX78701 3/1/2021 Announcement
DeepSouth 3/1/2021
AZDre 3/5/2021 Announcement
CCBoard 3/5/2021 Announcement
HI Bill 3/5/2021 Announcement
Corn18 3/12/2021 Announcement
retire48in2018 Announcement
SunnyOne 3/31/2021 Announcement
Spanky42 3/31/2021 Announcement
Gocubsgo 3/31/2021 Announcement
rocketjockey 3/31/2021 Announcement
Retire2023 4/1/2021 Announcement
Nougat 4/1/2021
KevinZ 4/1/2021 Announcement
ChicagoGal 4/2/2021 Announcement
random thought 4/15/2021
NoiseBoy 4/30/2021 (but out of office starting 4/8)
ClearSky 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Aramis 5/28/2021 (subject to revision!)
BGH1 6/1/2021
dp226 6/4/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Irishgirlyc58 either June or September
Caramel 6/25/2021
buddhajer 6/25/2021
Out-to-Lunch 7/1/2021
LeeLee2021 7/15/2021
schenbew 7/30/2021
FLSUnFIRE "summer"
DenverCraig 8/3/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
RBDan "October" or thereabouts
tmitchell "October"
Unpaintedhuffhines 10/1/2021
KrisQuit 10/1/2021
retireingby50 10/1/2021
kaudrey 10/31/2021
Proteus126 "November"
old medic 12/16/2021
perez99 12/31/2021
PageTwo - 9/30/2021 ... or 10/1?
Well, I gave my notice yesterday!

It was a great hour long conversation. Two or three times my boss said he was very jealous. He is the same age but has a 6 and 8 year old.

Anyway, he wants me to work remote after I move to Colorado in 20 days (not that I am counting). There is a fairly complex project that I am the only person that has all of the necessary skills and experience to lead. So that is perfect! I was going to offer to work remote for a few months to fund the finishing of my basement in our new home. :)

Maybe it is just a coincidence but I slept in to 8am this morning. I honestly don't remember the last time that happened.

Official retirement month still October.
Hi all :greetings10:

Joining this thread to add my name to the list.... target is 9/30 (or as someone suggested on my intro thread, 10/1 to get that extra month of health insurance!) As it turns out, 10/1 is a Friday so I may be able to check out by noon or so :dance:

Well, I gave my notice yesterday!


Maybe it is just a coincidence but I slept in to 8am this morning. I honestly don't remember the last time that happened.

Official retirement month still October.

Congratulations, PageTwo and RBDan!

(It is easiest to quote the latest list, then remove the quote tags.)

Boose 1/5/2021 Announcement.
BGH1 1/15/2021 Announcement
[-]GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021[/-] Seems to have graduated early, in Oct. 2020.
gamboolman 2/1/2021 Announcement
Ger0n1mo 2/5/2021. Announcement
Exchme 2/11/2021 Announcement
djsander 2/12/2021 Announcement
Djwil296 2/12/2021 Announcement
Ready2Go 2/19/2021. Announcement
iblearning 2/26/2021 Announcement
ATX78701 3/1/2021 Announcement
DeepSouth 3/1/2021
AZDre 3/5/2021 Announcement
CCBoard 3/5/2021 Announcement
HI Bill 3/5/2021 Announcement
Corn18 3/12/2021 Announcement
retire48in2018 Announcement
SunnyOne 3/31/2021 Announcement
Spanky42 3/31/2021 Announcement
Gocubsgo 3/31/2021 Announcement
rocketjockey 3/31/2021 Announcement
Retire2023 4/1/2021 Announcement
Nougat 4/1/2021
KevinZ 4/1/2021 Announcement
ChicagoGal 4/2/2021 Announcement
random thought 4/15/2021
NoiseBoy 4/30/2021 (but out of office starting 4/8)
ClearSky 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Aramis 5/28/2021 (subject to revision!)
BGH1 6/1/2021
dp226 6/4/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Irishgirlyc58 either June or September
Caramel 6/25/2021
buddhajer 6/25/2021
Out-to-Lunch 7/1/2021
LeeLee2021 7/15/2021
schenbew 7/30/2021
FLSUnFIRE "summer"
DenverCraig 8/3/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
PageTwo - 9/30/2021 ... or 10/1?
RBDan "October" or thereabouts
tmitchell "October"
Unpaintedhuffhines 10/1/2021
KrisQuit 10/1/2021
retireingby50 10/1/2021
kaudrey 10/31/2021
Proteus126 "November"
old medic 12/16/2021
perez99 12/31/2021
Just sent an email to my 1st and 2nd level supervisors that I intend to resign 7/16/21. Possible I'd stick around on a PT basis to help the transition if asked but the fuse is lit. I'm a bundle of nerves and bouncing between euphoria and fear.

Got to trust my cape (pun unintended but funny).


I finally called it quits and retired 3/26 after talking about it for ten years. Working from home with no supervision and it was just to easy to keep getting those checks.

Boose 1/5/2021 Announcement.
BGH1 1/15/2021 Announcement
GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021 Seems to have graduated early, in Oct. 2020.
gamboolman 2/1/2021 Announcement
Ger0n1mo 2/5/2021. Announcement
Exchme 2/11/2021 Announcement
djsander 2/12/2021 Announcement
Djwil296 2/12/2021 Announcement
Ready2Go 2/19/2021. Announcement
iblearning 2/26/2021 Announcement
ATX78701 3/1/2021 Announcement
DeepSouth 3/1/2021
AZDre 3/5/2021 Announcement
CCBoard 3/5/2021 Announcement
HI Bill 3/5/2021 Announcement
Corn18 3/12/2021 Announcement
retire48in2018 Announcement
SunnyOne 3/31/2021 Announcement
Spanky42 3/31/2021 Announcement
Gocubsgo 3/31/2021 Announcement
rocketjockey 3/31/2021 Announcement
Retire2023 4/1/2021 Announcement
Nougat 4/1/2021
KevinZ 4/1/2021 Announcement
ChicagoGal 4/2/2021 Announcement
random thought 4/15/2021
NoiseBoy 4/30/2021 (but out of office starting 4/8)
ClearSky 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Aramis 5/28/2021 (subject to revision!)
BGH1 6/1/2021
dp226 6/4/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Irishgirlyc58 either June or September
Caramel 6/25/2021
buddhajer 6/25/2021
Out-to-Lunch 7/1/2021
LeeLee2021 7/15/2021
schenbew 7/30/2021
FLSUnFIRE "summer"
DenverCraig 8/3/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
RBDan "October" or thereabouts
tmitchell "October"
Unpaintedhuffhines 10/1/2021
KrisQuit 10/1/2021
retireingby50 10/1/2021
kaudrey 10/31/2021
Proteus126 "November"
old medic 12/16/2021
perez99 12/31/2021
PageTwo - 9/30/2021 ... or 10/1?
Pointby2 - 3/26/2021
Congratulations, Pointby! And good luck and deep breaths, FLSUn!

Oh, and also Travis Bickle and Lstansbury! I had missed those.

(It is easiest to quote the latest list, then remove the quote tags.)

Boose 1/5/2021 Announcement.
BGH1 1/15/2021 Announcement
GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021 Seems to have graduated early, in Oct. 2020.
gamboolman 2/1/2021 Announcement
Ger0n1mo 2/5/2021. Announcement
Exchme 2/11/2021 Announcement
djsander 2/12/2021 Announcement
Djwil296 2/12/2021 Announcement
Ready2Go 2/19/2021. Announcement
iblearning 2/26/2021 Announcement
ATX78701 3/1/2021 Announcement
DeepSouth 3/1/2021
AZDre 3/5/2021 Announcement
CCBoard 3/5/2021 Announcement
HI Bill 3/5/2021 Announcement
Corn18 3/12/2021 Announcement
retire48in2018 Announcement
Pointby2 - 3/26/2021 Announcement
SunnyOne 3/31/2021 Announcement
Spanky42 3/31/2021 Announcement
Gocubsgo 3/31/2021 Announcement
rocketjockey 3/31/2021 Announcement
Retire2023 4/1/2021 Announcement
Nougat 4/1/2021
KevinZ 4/1/2021 Announcement
ChicagoGal 4/2/2021 Announcement
random thought 4/15/2021
NoiseBoy 4/30/2021 (but out of office starting 4/8)
ClearSky 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Aramis 5/28/2021 (subject to revision!)
BGH1 6/1/2021
dp226 6/4/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Irishgirlyc58 either June or September
Caramel 6/25/2021
buddhajer 6/25/2021
Lstansbury 6/30/2021
Out-to-Lunch 7/1/2021
LeeLee2021 7/15/2021
FLSUnFIRE 7/16/2021
schenbew 7/30/2021
DenverCraig 8/3/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
PageTwo - 9/30/2021 ... or 10/1?
RBDan "October" or thereabouts
tmitchell "October"
Unpaintedhuffhines 10/1/2021
KrisQuit 10/1/2021
retireingby50 10/1/2021
kaudrey 10/31/2021
Proteus126 "November"
old medic 12/16/2021
perez99 12/31/2021
Travis Bickle 12/31/2021
Last edited:

It's finally here. Today I filled out my last timesheet and mailed my equipment back to the office. My official retirement date is tomorrow but I haven't worked since 5/6 to use up leave that doesn't pay out at retirement. Last week was my virtual retirement party.

Today my office had a flag flown over the US Capitol in my honor and I was told last week that I am going to receive a presidential letter of appreciation for my federal service (30+ years) too. Happy to serve the country but even happier to FIRE.

Can't believe I can actually say this but I am looking forward to Monday! :dance:
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