Daily WORDLE - 2022

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Wordle 249 5/6


Too many possible solutions!
Wordle 249 4/6*

Wordle 249 4/6

Bogey. Got greedy and went for it on 3, wasted the turn (didn’t get a new letter).

Wordle 249 5/6

Thanks, but it really wasn't. I put in a random word trying to get another letter and was quite surprised by the result.

I was much happier with my effort yesterday. It took me close to an hour doing the various combinations in my head before I figured it out.

Wordle 248 3/6

Felt pretty confident for a 3: I thought I had a 50-50 shot. Both were wrong, and I fell to a 5!

Wordle 249 5/6*

Got lucky on my second word which forced the three yellows into greens for my third try.

Wordle 249 3/6

Struck out today.

< sad horn >
Wordle 249 5/6


I actually had the answer typed-in on the 3rd guess, but lost my nerve and typed in my standard letter elimination word instead. And without any help there, typed my 4th letter elimination word. :facepalm:
In 3 today...

Wordle 249 3/6*


I started with a different word than usual and then my 2nd word I think helped keep me out of the corridor.

cd :O)
In 3 today...

Wordle 249 3/6*


I started with a different word than usual and then my 2nd word I think helped keep me out of the corridor.

cd :O)

Interesting, because that word isn't in my Meriam-Webster dictionary. :angel:
Interesting, because that word isn't in my Meriam-Webster dictionary. :angel:
It's in the online Merriam-Webster dictionary. How old is your dictionary? :D
I don't know why, but I wish they'd throw in a real stumper just to keep us on our toes. I have yet to see an uncommon word, much less one with infrequently used letters. Of course it's been a while since my only double bogey, so careful what I wish for? :blush:
I don't know why, but I wish they'd throw in a real stumper just to keep us on our toes. I have yet to see an uncommon word, much less one with infrequently used letters. Of course it's been a while since my only double bogey, so careful what I wish for? :blush:

We were playing an archived game with friends (so 4 people) and the word was "banal". That is kind of uncommon and a double use of a vowel.
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