Do You Take Naps?


Recycles dryer sheets
Jul 21, 2007
I was talking to a friend yesterday, it was about 6pm and I said I had better get off the phone, I was ready for my nap. You would have thought I had said I was ready to go torture some kittens! She said she has 2 teenagers, a husband, works full-time and said she was an adult she didn't have time for such silliness. She actually sounded angry with me! We hung up shortly with a distinct chill in the air. I feel like I need to call and apologize for making her feel bad but not sure what to say... maybe she was angry because I said I had to get off the phone? I really don't know...

Every night about 6-7pm, I get sleepy and just lay down on the sofa and sleep and hour or so. I feel better afterwards and I don't think it is a bad thing, right? Many cultures take afternoon siestas, I just take mine a little later than most. Am I being selfish by taking a nap? I feel somehow guilty about them today like I am doing something wrong. However, I told myself that the only one it affects is my dog, and I think he enjoys curling up on the couch for our little naps.

Does anyone else take naps? Do other people get upset about it?
Before I ER'ed I used to nap all the time, but since then I never feel the need to nap. I know plenty of retired folks who take naps and I see no problem with the practice.
I sometimes take an afternoon nap. Naps are very underrated.

The trouble I have is limiting my nap to an hour or two. Once I'm sleeping I want to keep sleeping.

My naps are usually start at 2 or 3 pm. I think I would have a hard time taking a 1-2 hour nap at 6-7pm but if it works for you then great!

I think your friend overreacted and sounds like she was envious. I would let it go.
Somewhere between 3 and 5 PM I take a nap for about 60-90 minutes. With my regular sleep getting interrupted more due to having to use the bathroom more often during the night, the naps are more needed than they were before.

Back in my working days, I would usually try to nap on Fridays after I got home if I were going out that night so I could stay up later. I usually arranged my work schedule to leave a little earlier on Fridays. On weekends I would always get that afternoon nap, the same one I can now get every day, which is one of the best parts of being ERed. :)
She said she has 2 teenagers, a husband, works full-time and said she was an adult she didn't have time for such silliness.

That's why she's envious. I wouldn't lose any sleep (or nap time) over it.
If I am sitting on the couch watching tv, often I get very heavy eyed around 5:00 pm. Like a fool, I try to fend it off but to no avail. Usually nap about 30 minutes and feel pretty good afterwards.
One of the nice aspects of retirement is that I can nap whenever I want to nap. :D Yes, I nap now that I am retired. And yes, I think this person is simply envious and I wouldn't worry about it. Lots of people enjoy napping. Call it a "siesta" if that helps.
I nap a few time a week for 10-20 minutes. When I was at w*rk, I would close the door, set my Jawbone Up for 15 minutes and take a power nap in early afternoon. Most of the time I woke up before the Up alerted me.
Only if I've been outside in the heat doing very heavy work for hours on end, or if I haven't slept well the night before. I'm still too young for a daily nap. (I.e., too many things to do and enjoy to nap).

It's 11AM and I am beginning feel it's time for a nap.
My husband is the king of nappers. When he worked in an office (works at home now) he'd put his feet on his desk and lean back... his goal was to have his feet above his heart for at least 15 minutes... he read somewhere that was healthy. He often worked in an open office environment (no office or cube walls)... didn't bother him. He'd nap for 15-30 minutes after his lunch every day.

Now he works at home - he naps 2-3 times a day. Some short naps... some long naps.

I've never been a good napper. I can't turn my brain off enough to relax and go to sleep during the day. I'm hoping ER will change that for me.
No naps here other than the occasional inadvertent 20 minute variety (half dozen times a year or so). But if I find that naps suit me better one day for whatever reason, I wouldn't hesitate...
One little problem with liking and getting used to daily, late afternoon naps on the off and working only a few days a week was that my body got all confused and became very tired on the days I had to work when it was nap time. Trying to do any work after 3 PM became more and more difficult when all I wanted to do was to take a nap.

Glad I was able to resolve that problem in 2008 with ER. :):)
I remember napping in college - after lunch I'd have a little time and I'd take a 15 minute cat nap.

I've been doing that on and off since then. The last decade I was working at home and a well timed cat nap fit into my schedule nicely. 15 minutes would refresh me nicely.

Ironically, now that I have an almost completely free schedule I actually nap less. Maybe I'm getting more sleep at night and just don't feel the need most days.
Napping is the national pastime of Spain. Their motto is ..." Descansa de día para que dormir mejor de noche" ...roughly translated, "Rest during the day to sleep better at night"
I am napping right now, and making this post by sleep-typing.
I've been trying to nap in the early afternoon if I didn't sleep well the night before. Usually I just end up laying down with eyes closed for 15-30 minutes but don't actually fall asleep. If I nap it's definitely before 3pm. Otherwise I will have difficulty getting to sleep later at night.

There's nothing wrong with napping. Don't let your friend make you feel bad.
I take naps probably every other day. If I feel tired, I nap so I can feel refreshed and get more things done when I wake up. Otherwise I would just spend the rest of the day tired.

I think being able to take naps whenever you want is one of the perks of not having a structured, 8 - 5 job.
I don't nap. I never liked it - even as a kid- and I usually feel worse after a nap than before. But I generally sleep very soundly at night.
I have never been able to sleep "on command". This was problematic when I worked as a physician on call at night, as interrupted sleep often meant no sleep at all and it was difficult to function the next day, when I really needed a nap but couldn't take one. After one of those bad calls I would leave work a little early if I could, drive (very carefully) home and crawl into bed. I would often nap/sleep for 4-6 hours, wake up at midnight, and be unable to sleep for the remainder of the night, before getting up to face another workday. I am convinced that decades of this have been very detrimental to my health.

Now that I have time to take naps, I rarely do, unless I am feeling particularly tired. They are not part of my routine and I do not wake up feeling refreshed.
I am near 70 and never have consciously napped.

Now I have dozed off in the recliner for a few minutes after work, or after working in the yard all day in the hot sun. But I fight that dozing and just get back on my feet and go do something.

The few times I actually fell asleep early in the day, I could not sleep at all at night, so napping is out.

My wife takes a nap during the day for a couple of hours. She has COPD and has lost some of her stamina and endurance, so to say. She is a light sleeper and is up half the night since she took a nap during the day.

I am a night owl and rarely go to bed before midnight. She is out by 9 PM, although she is back up before 3 AM. No matter how early I rise, she appears to have been up for a couple of hours already. What a life!
Warm afternoon......just finished lunch......nothing much that needs done today.... I'm going to close my eyes for a while.

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