Do your relatives and friends know you are FIRE'd?

I've always been an 'open book' about finances. Well, about anything. The DW has always kept things like that private. But I'm coming around. It doesn't hurt that I have a relative or two who often have a 'need' pop up. I have begun pushing the idea of how we live check-to-check, how we had to move to Mexico just to afford to live on such a small amount. And it really is a pretty small amount, at least to most of the people on - I haven't told anyone but the DW how much we save back each month, or how I am projecting to hit $1M in savings/investments by 75, on *top* of our pensions/SS. Like others have said, to some people that information just encourages greediness to kick in and hands to extend.
I've been retired for well over 6 years, when people ask how many years I say "a few." I've never had to lie, never been tempted to. I never made any effort to volunteer that I'm retired, but I've never denied it if/when push comes to shove. At any age there will always be some who are happy for you, some who are jealous, some who don't know what to think. Some people are just making conversation, and are surprised when they run into an early retiree, understandable.

When people start to pry about money, I say we have to make what we saved last about 40 more years, who knows what our economic future will bring - they really can't argue with that. NO ONE does know for sure!

I've never had a long discussion about my retirement experience with anyone, and don't intend to. I keep it short, change the subject if necessary.

When people who are working ask me what retirement is like, I keep it short and light and downplay it saying there are things I miss about work (I do miss some of the people I worked with) and things I like about being retired - which is all true. But I let them think I mean it's 50:50 pros and cons, when the pros FAR outweigh the cons if you do retirement right at all. Besides, I don't have any interest in making them feel bad about still working, I did it for many, many years...might as well enjoy it where you can. And though it's a minority, I do know some folks who actually enjoy, even love what they do for a living? It does happen to a lucky few.
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The relatives, (who live in other states), don't know I am RE'ed. My closest friends know my status since we do things together. But they don't know much beyond that. I know many people would be envious but they don't know what it took to get where I am at. They are in another world busy running their Hamster Wheel and don't have a clue. Sometimes I do give some advise when asked, but mostly keep my thoughts to myself because there is nothing out there to prove to anyone. And I also downplay what a great life it is.
I haven't told anybody our net worth or anything, but I'm very open about being FIREd. I've been retired for 12 years, and freely tell people it's the best decision I've ever made, and that I heartley recommend it.

As a matter of fact, DW was telling me yesterday (on the phone) about how DGD2 (18 months old) was saying "nonononono!" when she got woken up to go to daycare yesterday. I told her to tell DGD2 that if she is frugal and saves her money she'll be able to retire early and not have to wake up if she doesn't want to.

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