Drinking water - how much?


Very useful but B vitamins tend to lead to a lot of extra color. I don't know why but have noticed it and was also told of the B-color by my Cardiologist.

I drink a lot of water - too much in the form of diet soda. Without B vitamins, I tend toward (weak) lemonade. Cardiologist actually recommended less water/ (heh, heh, I never really told him about all the Diet Pepsi.:blush:)
2 cups of coffee and 2-3 refills of ice water in my 16 oz bottle, aim for 64 oz a day, not counting fluid in fruits/veggies that I eat.

I rarely drink juice, maybe a 4 oz glass of OJ a few times a week, mostly plain ice water.
Aim to keep urine light yellow.

People should know that diet and medication can change the color of urine. If I eat a bunch of beets it goes red. Since being on Ozempic it is much darker and yet I am drinking more.

Ask your doctor and not SGOTI….
No set amount per day for me. I let my body tell me when I need some hydration and drink water when I'm thirsty.
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