Drinking water

How many ounces of water do you drink a day?

  • 0-16

    Votes: 10 11.0%
  • 17-32

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • 33-48

    Votes: 13 14.3%
  • 49-64

    Votes: 18 19.8%
  • 65-80

    Votes: 10 11.0%
  • 81+

    Votes: 7 7.7%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 18 19.8%

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Moderator Emeritus
Aug 23, 2007
Northern Illinois
I'm starting to concentrate on drinking more water. DW says that one should drink half their weight in ounces of water per day. How much do you drink per day?
When I'm thirsty and so the urine runs fairly clear. That of course varies a lot with exercise and weather.
My goal is 64 oz per day, I never reach my goal...
I fill up a 3L jug and fill it with water from my RO tap. I never drink all of it, but at least I know if I've had less. Before I had RO, I drank a lot less since it was full of who knows what (city tap water). I know it wouldn't kill me (right away) to drink the tap water, but now I have no excuses.
I measured mine not long ago. I was thirsty, only drank water when my body said to, about 200oz daily. I've added 16oz of gator aid daily now I'm probably down to 100oz daily.

I do not drink a target amount of water - instead, I use thirst and body weight to monitor my hydration level.
You mean just plain water. Not including any of the other liquids we ingest that are almost entirely water: coffee, tea, soda, sports drinks, milk, beer, etc?
Most people tend to forget that there is a large amount of water in most of the food we eat.

I have never made any sort of effort to consume more water. I simply drink when I'm thirsty. If my urine shows any significant color, I know I should drink more, and I do. Otherwise, I let my thirst dictate my consumption.

Fortunately, beer is about 95% water! :dance:
I now drink the 1/2 my body weight. I was NEVER thirsty even when I only drank 1/2 class a water a day.. however, I ate a lot more to quench my thirst. I also use to have signs of dehydration such as Charlie horses..which btw, go away almost immediately upon drinking water.

Now that I drink the recommended amount, I feel better, my skin looks better, and I don't get any leg cramps. People complain about going bathroom a lot more but since I use to drink coffee, that was a bigger issue than the water is.

The problem is that yes we have water in other things but our body often indicates its hungry when its actually thirsty so if you have any weight issue, this would help. And that too many people drink caffeine as part of that water and that has its own side effects...so water is best, though I don't like plain water so I always toss either a citrus fruit in, cucumber, herb, or strawberry just for a little flavor.
Having had a flare up of gout will teach you beer doesn't always replace water.

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I haven't measured how much I drink but I don't drink anything but water, no soda, juices or flavored drinks. Except 1.5 cups of coffee with breakfast.

I start the day with a large (16 oz) glass of Brita filtered water with 2 fiber caplets, because high fiber makes the world go round.

The rest of my water during the day has recently been carbonated water from a SodaStream. Most people use SodaStream with flavorings but I like just the plain carbonated water. I've been drinking the carbonated water with lunch and dinner and I keep a glass of it with me at the computer.
Is this really a thing?

I drink a glass of water with dinner. The rest of my liquids come from coffee and soda. I drink something when I'm thirsty. Is this suppose to kill me or something?
When I went to my doctor because I was getting light headed he recommended I drink 64oz of water a day and "maybe eat fruit instead of donuts" for snacks at work. He of course was right. I feel better. No more light headedness.
If I make it to 48 ounces, it's a miracle. I really have to make an effort. I don't even try to do more.
95% of all my fluid intake is plain ol' water. I have a bottle with me at all times and drink around 70oz per day unless i'm really active then it's somewhere upwards of 80oz.

Seinfeld on "hydration".

Or as Lewis Black said, if you don't drink 56 bottles of water per week, scientists say at the end of the week you should turn on a garden hose and shove it up your ***.

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A habit acquired while living in Japan is to drink two glasses of water upon arising. Around 20 to 24 oz then wait an hour or two before eating or drinking, which for me is usually coffee in an hour or so as I normally do not eat before 11ish. I think Google will bring up some hits on this practice.

...but whatever, watch out or the next thing ya know you could be squatting too.
I drink water mostly, well at least after a lot of coffee first thing in the morning (side effect of still w*rking). I probably get at least 64oz each day. Unfortunately I get caught up in the day too often, in which case I'm making up for the deficiency at and beyond dinner, and you can imagine what that does to my overnight sleep pattern :p
Drink back coffee (no sugar), black tea (no sugar), and water only......no set amount..it varies.
I read some science article recently that said the 64 ounces a day recommendation is way too much and that over hydrating can be counter-productive. The article recommended drinking when you feel like it not forcing it. I did get dehydrated once when cycling on a very hot day in early spring. So I do pay close attention to hydration when exercising but it does seem like simply paying attention to your thirst is all it takes. The time I got dehydrated I was struggling to keep up with better riders and failed to pay attention to my growing thirst. When we got to a rest stop it was too late.
Is this really a thing?

I drink a glass of water with dinner. The rest of my liquids come from coffee and soda. I drink something when I'm thirsty. Is this suppose to kill me or something?

Unfortunately, life is fatal...
Really don't know, maybe two glasses a day, another 2-3 in equivalent coffee, a diet coke maybe. Never understood the fascination with drinking lots of water and avoiding other liquids. I'd do whatever feels good for you; doubt there's any solid evidence of x ozs a day (that isn't countered by other evidence otherwise).

One observation is that in Africa, west and east, the locals drink VERY little water compared to Americans (and alternative liquids were not affordable). When DS was in Peace Corps in Mali his host family was alarmed at how much water DW drank...maybe 3-4 bottles a day. They all seemed pretty happy and healthy. Would guess their urine was like pancake syrup! Oh, and they also wore layers of clothing that would have baked any of us.
Will add that on long flights, then I am conscious about drinking a good lot of water. Makes a big difference in how you feel. Drinking alcohol on those flights will ALSO make a big difference in how you feel, but unfortunately it is not a positive benefit!
I read some science article recently that said the 64 ounces a day recommendation is way too much and that over hydrating can be counter-productive. The article recommended drinking when you feel like it not forcing it.

Somewhat related, I read a study on marathon runners and it turns out over-hydration is a bigger problem then dehydration with marathon runners. Over-hydration can cause a condition called 'water poisoning' and can be fatal under the right conditions. During the years covered by the study not one runner had died during a marathon from dehydration but several did die from over-hydration.
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