Omicron/Covid timeline to manifest

OP here.

It’s been a little over a week, and I still have “faucet nose”, although it doesn’t seem as bad.

Signed up online for a 1:30 appointment yesterday to get tested. Got there 1:28. There were probably 200 cars in line. Even though I’m retired with nothing else to do, I passed.

At golf course today, was talking w a friend who used to be the ER doc. When I told him about my situation, he asked if I wanted a test as he had rapid tests in his car. I did. NEGATIVE!

Weird how this Covid thing makes you paranoid thinking the sniffles are a major disease. But I almost wish I was positive, if that was as bad as I’d get it, and then I’d have better immunity. If that is how it works, which no one really seems to know.
OP here.

It’s been a little over a week, and I still have “faucet nose”, although it doesn’t seem as bad.

Signed up online for a 1:30 appointment yesterday to get tested. Got there 1:28. There were probably 200 cars in line. Even though I’m retired with nothing else to do, I passed.

At golf course today, was talking w a friend who used to be the ER doc. When I told him about my situation, he asked if I wanted a test as he had rapid tests in his car. I did. NEGATIVE!

Weird how this Covid thing makes you paranoid thinking the sniffles are a major disease. But I almost wish I was positive, if that was as bad as I’d get it, and then I’d have better immunity. If that is how it works, which no one really seems to know.

Glad to hear that you managed to get tested, and that it was negative for Covid.

This week at a government TV briefing the CMO stated that in the UK between 10 to 15% of the newly confirmed daily infections are in people who have already had Covid. He said that they are working on how best to publish this data ongoing.
Thanks GCG,

I now have the Virus and was searching for a thread on Symptoms and timeline for same to manifest.

In our case - as ms gamboolgal has it also, we felt like a regular Cold and Sinus Headache was coming on.

Pretty sure we caught it a New Years Eve Trip to a Casino :facepalm:

I was scheduled for Heart Ablation Surgery on 7-Jan-22 and they did the test on 4-Jan as part of Preop procedure and it came back positive.

We both got the 2 X Pfizer Series of shots ending in latter Sep 2021.

Thus far it feels like a Cold/Flu coming on, i.e., Sinus type headaches, fairly sore and scratchy throat, stuffiness, some low grade fever and aches, general just don't feel good.
We have the O2 Finger Meters and they are reading normal.

All the Doctors we called just said to treat it like we would a Cold/Flu.

We are quarantined for 10 days and then go back to be tested and hopefully get the Heart Surgery done.

Will be following, and will update accordingly.

Thanks, gamboolman....
Follow a guy out of UK on YouTube Dr Campbell . He does a good job explaining to idiots like me . He says Omi. Could be a blessing , it is displacing Other variants . He uses information from Tim Specter. They see London’s cases starting to decline Saturday . Last night he showed a paper from out of China with three hypothesis where OMI came from . The paper is not peer reviewed yet but if it is true it will humble you.
I understand that there are several ways people have symptoms, or not, when they are infected with Omicron. But I've never seen anything on a "typical" progression.

The reason I'm interested is, of course, all about me. I'm 67 and boosted. My daughter has been back from college for about a week, going out and meeting with all her friends, so I wouldn't doubt she's picked it up and passed on to me. She tested positive Thanksgiving 2020 but had no symptoms and has been vaccinated. She is also in tremendous shape, being a cross country runner, so wouldn't be surprised if she is asymptomatic but infected.

In the last few days, my nose will occasionally run like nothing I've ever had before. Not frequently, or a lot, but once in a while when my head is facing down running like water coming out of a faucet.

If this is all it's going to be, great. On the other hand, if the virus spends a few days incubating while delivering mild symptoms, and then develops into something more serious, I should probably try to get on some of those treatments to limit seriousness.

But it could just be a weird cold.

I've got a call in to my doc but haven't heard back.

Does anyone know how the virus progresses?

Early results from a challenge trial in England on how the virus infects and progresses. This not specific to Omicron and the volunteers were unvaccinated and exposed to a single droplet in the nose. The study is probably well superseded by actual data now, but I applaud the young volunteers for taking part in the trial.

The trial also gives another thumbs up to the effectiveness of lateral flow tests.

The trial’s chief investigator, Prof Christopher Chiu, of Imperial College London, said: “Our study reveals some very interesting clinical insights, particularly around the short incubation period of the virus, extremely high viral shedding from the nose, as well as the utility of lateral flow tests, with potential implications for public health.”

The findings, published on Springer Nature’s pre-print server, and which have not yet been peer-reviewed, detail the outcomes in 36 healthy, young participants with no immunity to the virus. The volunteers were monitored at a specialist unit at the Royal Free hospital in London, and experienced no severe symptoms.

The study found that the infection first appears in the throat and that infectious virus peaks about five days into infection, by which point the nose has a much higher viral load than the throat. The study also suggested that lateral flow tests are a reassuringly reliable indicator of whether infectious virus is present. Swabbing the nose and throat makes it more likely to detect infections during the first few days, the work suggests.

“We found that overall, lateral flow tests correlate very well with the presence of infectious virus,” said Chiu. “Even though in the first day or two they may be less sensitive, if you use them correctly and repeatedly, and act on them if they read positive, this will have a major impact on interrupting viral spread.”

The team say the trial paves the way for future challenge studies that could help accelerate the development of the next generation of vaccines and antiviral drugs.
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