Poll: When every day is a Saturday...

The reason I asked is that a woman from another department was retiring and made the comment that "this is going to be my last weekend".

I thought it was a pretty funny comment - but I could see the truth of it.
I look forward to weekends, because that is when things get lively. I never go out to stores and Lowe's or the suburbs so the crowding aspect doesn't touch me. If I need some item I order from amazon or Costco and have it delivered. Otherwise I take a bus downtown if I need printer paper or whatever.

Cities are most fun on weekends, and there is never much traffic anyway if you stay off the freeways. All the people are out driving madly around the state crashing one another, or waiting on ferries. Also my GF and most of my friends still work, so weekends are more social for me.

Living in a tourist area, weekends and holidays are best for staying home, at least during the summer. Still, I think we were programmed at birth to recognize the weekend and want to do something away from the house. So we sometimes cheat..:dance:
For sports, I look forward to weekends. For running errands and shopping, look forward to weekdays. the best part is I can come and go as my schedule sees fit as opposed to planning my catch up time on nights and weekends like when I was w*rking.

Sometimes a weekend sneaks up on me and I didn't even know as everyday feels like a Saturday. I've caught myself checking the Dow Jones Index, only to realize it's a Saturday :LOL:
I have been fully retired just about a month now and Saturdays are starting to blend in with the rest of the week. I have noticed that I now try to do my errands during the week as if they were work. I try to keep the day open as I can chat with the neighbors and see friends.
I tell people that the only thing I know for sure is that it's 1968.

And as I recall 1968 was a very good year for me. Time to get into my wayback machine.

Not retired yet, still working for another 345 more days. I wonder how long it will take to get over the 'finally free Fridays', and the 'Sunday afternoon dread'. :confused:

Just waiting for the time when every day will be a Saturday!
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