Road Rage!

OP: I'm confused about one thing. When the driver cut in front of you, did he actually hit your front end? If yes, then clearly this should have been reported to police.
Suggestion for everyone: Late 2017 a driver ran a stop sign while making left turn...into my car's front end. I was lucky in that he admitted fault to the police officer and had insurance. But I immediately went out and bought dash cams for my [replacement] car and DW's car.
I took an AARP driving course and we were told to leave a three second stopping gap between us and the car ahead of us.

That got a good laugh.

If you leave three seconds between you and the car in front of you on Route 128 around Boston, there will be 14 other cars in that space before you can blink.

You'd basically be stopped in the road, and you'd never be able to rejoin the flow, because there's never room to merge in from a dead stop.
Driving north (home) from the Pentagon in D.C. traffic, I was lucky to have 3 inches between me and any car ahead (or behind) me. There literally was no interval small enough to keep someone from trying to merge into it. I used to wish I had spurs on my wheels, like Roman gladiators' chariots.

That got a good laugh.

If you leave three seconds between you and the car in front of you on Route 128 around Boston, there will be 14 other cars in that space before you can blink.

You'd basically be stopped in the road, and you'd never be able to rejoin the flow, because there's never room to merge in from a dead stop.
OP: I'm confused about one thing. When the driver cut in front of you, did he actually hit your front end?

There was no contact with my car, but only because I stomped on the brakes and swerved into the other lane (thankfully I didn't hit the car in the right lane). If I had maintained my speed and position the truck most certainly would have hit my car.
I try to anticipate what the other drivers are going to do and pre react accordingly. Smith Systems driving...Leave yourself an out. You did the right thing in slowing down. I don't think I would have moved over...but that is a reaction and you never know. Your "out" was to slow down.

I got in a fender bender about 5-6 weeks ago. Other drivers fault entirely...I was stopped. Luckily he admitted fault & had insurance. If he had tried to claim mutual responsibility I might have been in a tough spot. Car got out of the body shop last week. I'm putting a dash cam in next. Front & rear.

I try to drive with a zen mode for last couple years. The road over to Bend has only a few passing areas. I try to use them. If someone is tailgating I will pull over & let them pass. And just be zen about it
If you are being harassed while in a car by a road rage, have your cell phone on video, and video everything. Or just hold up your phone and fake it, people tend improve their behaviors when recorded.
That got a good laugh.

If you leave three seconds between you and the car in front of you on Route 128 around Boston, there will be 14 other cars in that space before you can blink.

You'd basically be stopped in the road, and you'd never be able to rejoin the flow, because there's never room to merge in from a dead stop.

That is probably true in the worst places, but less so in others. I was taught the "1 car length per 10 mph," which I find easier to follow, and, here in congested NJ, yes, people do cut in front of me, but not 14, nor 10. Maybe 2 or 3. In general, it is much more tolerable than riding someone's bumper, which I find terrifying and stressful.

I once asked a friend whether he felt any tension as they were driving so closely to the car in front. He responded "no, not anxious at all." I was astounded. How do people not feel anxiety in this situation?

I use a variety of mind tricks. I compare my brake taps to those of the car in front of me - usually it's a 5 to 1 difference in my favor. (My garage told me my brakes had virtually no wear). I watch my mileage meter keep me at a high mpg. I once read an article that told angry and annoyed drivers to substitute other goals for "making good time" and to remind themselves that, as the superior drivers, they have to control the smooth flow.

I tell myself that I'm driving for both myself and the other driver. I used to compare my lack of anxiety to what I imagined the tail-gaters were feeling, but I'm no longer sure they feel anxiety :)

And finally, there's the stoicism of Marcus Aurelius, who told himself every day that he would meet with stupid people doing nasty things, but he also owned his share.

** One thing I regret no longer being able to deploy is a Star Trek sound effects keychain that, when a button was pressed (quietly) fired phasers or photon torpedoes at an offending vehicle. It stopped working ...
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Two words: Dash camera.

Not only does it record bad behavior of other drivers, it has the added benefit of keeping yourself in-check as your actions are being recorded as well. Worth the $79.

Who knows you might just record that next viral YouTube video too!
I use a variety of mind tricks. I compare my brake taps to those of the car in front of me - usually it's a 5 to 1 difference in my favor. (My garage told me my brakes had virtually no wear). I watch my mileage meter keep me at a high mpg. I once read an article that told angry and annoyed drivers to substitute other goals for "making good time" and to remind themselves that, as the superior drivers, they have to control the smooth flow.

I tell myself that I'm driving for both myself and the other driver. I used to compare my lack of anxiety to what I imagined the tail-gaters were feeling, but I'm no longer sure they feel anxiety :)

All good tips. I tell people I usually know what the other drivers are going to do before they do. It's all about situational awareness. Focus on driving. Like the pilots say, the three most important things you should be doing, one, two and three, are each "fly the plane."

We get the summer people up here from NY and MA. You can really tell the difference between their style and the natives. They'll tailgate even when there's no other traffic, just out of habit. They'll spring from a stop sign or red light and cut you off, even when there's no one behind you, then go slower than you were going before slamming on your brakes for them. It's just habit. So, no, they don't feel anxiety. They're used to it.

I can drive like that too. You have to when you're on their roads. But how stupid do you have to be to not adjust your driving to meet the local conditions?
There was a road rage murder in Colorado, the guy chased a family down. A mom was taking her 3 kids to the dentist, the guy got out with a gun and shot everyone except one kid who was able to run away. The guy started walking away and then came back and shot again at one of the victims laying on the ground.

It's not worth that little honk as you are driving away, you never know who you might be up against.
Unless actual contact is made, don't bother memorizing plate numbers. Cops won't do anything unless they see it happen themselves... around here even multiple witnesses does not matter. Dunno what they would do with a dash cam video...
I recently bought a dash cam (Garmin 55). I really like it. It records a constant loop, will save video 1 minute before to 1 minute after any impact (its on a SD card). Or you can speak "OK Garmin take a picture or OK Garmin save video. Many other features but that's the jest.
These tailgaters that think they are in an NASCAR race are probably my number one pet peeve when driving and it is almost a daily occurance. I think to myself what can possibly be going through someone's mind to drive like that, especially considering I am not slow poking along. I do brake for people, animals and debris in the road and how these clowns endanger me, my passengers and others on the road is disturbing. Unfortunately, I have never observed folks ever getting pulled over for this type of driving. It does have me considering putting both front and rear facing video cameras in the car to catch these idiots if they do cause an accident.
You'll love this one. When I was about 19 or 20, i was a passenger in one of my best friend's car (Brooklyn, NY). We get to a stop sign, and the car behind us, pushes against the rear bumper of our car, and accelerates a bit, trying to actually push us through the stop sign. So, my friend leaps out of the car, and yells 'what are you doing"?

As I'm about to get out to join in the conversation, the other guy get out, (probably around 25 years old), big tough guy and pulls out a gun and says something to the effect to my friend - "just go back in your car and get lost", which we did.

So now, we decide to calm down after this and go to this local neighborhood pub and get some a tap beer (25 cents at that time and you could drink at 18 years old). Sure enough, probably around 30 minutes passed, we are now calm, and who comes into the bar? - the other guy who pulled a gun on us!!

He recognized my friend, walks over to us, and says "hey guys, I'm really sorry, I just had a fight with my girlfriend, and was kind of in a bad mood". "Bartender, you see those two guys over there - put their drinks on my bill".
These tailgaters that think they are in an NASCAR race are probably my number one pet peeve when driving and it is almost a daily occurance. I think to myself what can possibly be going through someone's mind to drive like that, especially considering I am not slow poking along. I do brake for people, animals and debris in the road and how these clowns endanger me, my passengers and others on the road is disturbing. Unfortunately, I have never observed folks ever getting pulled over for this type of driving. It does have me considering putting both front and rear facing video cameras in the car to catch these idiots if they do cause an accident.
I've been hit 3 times by people who were not paying attention while driving. The last was on her cell and didn't realize all of I70 stopped, hit me. Lady gave me attitude as I was talking to OnStar and didn't check on her condition! WTF I'm getting first responders to assist her, I don't need a tow truck. Totaled her vehicle, my truck needed a bumper. I was in pain for 5 years after the accident

Another person couldn't stop on ice, she managed to find the only other vehicle on the road, mine, and rear ended me. There were 5 lanes of traffic and she hit me. Again my truck needed a bumper and her vehicle was totaled.
Sure hope the girl friend "got lost," too. Before he pulled a gun on her and used it. :mad:

Y"hey guys, I'm really sorry, I just had a fight with my girlfriend, and was kind of in a bad mood". "Bartender, you see those two guys over there - put their drinks on my bill".
A road rage altercation between two women a couple weeks ago in the middle of a busy highway north of Boston completely stopping traffic. The incident was recorded by a motorist and provided it to the state police who identified both women. They will both be facing charges and suspension of licence. The young woman driver in front will be facing the more serious charges as she seems to be the instigator and the other women is over 60.

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OP, were you driving a car or low height vehicle?

I find that high profile vehicles (SUV, Pickups) that follow my low slung car get irritated with me because I leave space ahead. They know better (gotta fill that gap!) and thus ride my bumper. I always try to just let them pass, if possible.

I'm thinking of joining the SUV club for my next vehicle just to avoid this kind of thing.
No excuse for the crappy driver. Sorry it happened to you. I have been too aggressive at times in my younger days. Trying to get somewhere too quickly. When I almost hit two pedestrians because I did not look both directions before I turned right, that was the wakeup call I needed.

My joke is that when someone is driving too fast they must have to poop.
when someone gets too close to my rear end, I start swerving like a NASCAR car before the green flag. They think I'm drunk or high and they quickly change lanes and pass me. works every time..
Many people today are angry and stressed, and don't care how their actions effect others. Times have changed, and they will continue to - and not for the better. Remember, the "meek inherit the Earth". Let them 'win', and go on with your day.
On those long, boring road trips I've been known to play a bit of a game.

When one of those [insert city name here] drivers locks onto my back bumper, even though there's plenty of room in the left lane(s) to pass, I click cruise control once to lower my speed by one MPH. Repeat every 15-30 seconds. I like to see how slow I can get before they wake up and realize they should have just passed me miles back. I think the record is about 20+ MPH below the speed limit.

Many city drivers really are clueless. The only way they know how to drive is to latch onto the car in front of them, oblivious to the actual speed they're going. Where I come from, there isn't always someone in front of you. Sometimes you have to know how to choose a safe and legal speed all by yourself.
^^^ I get a kick of of the people who pass me really fast and go ahead just to brake behind some car in that lane, then they stay there, as I drive by them.

Nobody seems to look far ahead to see the flow of traffic.
When someone is behind you & driving aggressively there are some things you don't know & can't control:
Are they using a substance? If it's meth( & other substances) the other driver can be hallucinating & believe you are a threat.
Are they mentally ill without medications to control their behavior? Refer to above.
Are they armed?
Are they fleeing the scene of a crime or the police?
Is there a medical emergency?
For brevity I'm leaving out many other causes. Since you can't know why the individual is behaving erratically the best thing to do is get out of the way as safely as possible. Eventually a road rage driver will meet up with law enforcement, especially if you contact them. Let them handle it. I'm tempted to get a dash camera. I will at least have a record in case something serious happens to the car.
^^^ I get a kick of of the people who pass me really fast and go ahead just to brake behind some car in that lane, then they stay there, as I drive by them.

Nobody seems to look far ahead to see the flow of traffic.

That's another good one! They'll also cut you off merging in, or pass you from behind, then once in front of you, slow down to less than you were going before they cut in. I'm not talking about the deliberate a-hole move of braking in front of you to "teach you a lesson." I mean the brainless "I always want to be in front, even if I'm going slow" type.

Ditto on the drivers never looking ahead to read the traffic. I see that all the time. They allow themselves to get boxed in, when paying just a little attention to what's going on around them would have allowed them to avoid it altogether.

I think I said earlier, I generally know what the other driver is going to do before they do.

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