The Good Wife <Spoiler Alert>


Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 8, 2005
For those of you who watch "The Good Wife" on Sunday nights, last Sundays show was a real shocker. The leading man in the series (Wii, played by Josh Charles) was killed. It was so unexpected and for fans of the show quite emotional. It's something you don't usually see. I couldn't believe it happened. Its one of the few shows on TV that I watch and really enjoy.

Anyone else watch it, and see it last Sunday night?
Yes, and it was unexpected.

I googled it and found some interviews with the writers. It sounds like Josh wanted to move on from The Good Wife to other things but will be in the next episode (some flashbacks of things) and he will also be directing an upcoming episode.
Sorry, I added something to the thread title for folks watching on Amazon Prime or Netflix and not yet current.
I guess spoiler alert is in order, but for those who did watch on live TV, the LATimes blog/analysis is interesting.
Like, if you haven't been watching.. don't read this:
Killing off major character could prove fatal to 'The Good Wife' -

Ummm... maybe the show will morph into some kind of zombie series.

BTW... is anyone else aggravated by the program guide showing a timing error. You'd think that after three years of having the show delayed by ball games etc... that they could figure their schedule out. (picky, picky, picky):nonono:
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...BTW... is anyone else aggravated by the program guide showing a timing error. You'd think that after three years of having the show delayed by ball games etc... that they could figure their schedule out. (picky, picky, picky):nonono:

Yes!!! Big time - especially since I think Amazing Race is a totally useless POS but it gets in the DVR way of The Good Wife and The Mentalist.

Luckily DW and I both like The Good Wife and I'm less keen on The Mentalist but DW likes it so most of the time it works out unless the times get pushed and The Mentalist is a repeat.
We have a smart recorder so we have to set the Mentalist to record regardless when the Good Wife is delayed due to CBS stuff.

It was a shocker. Will Gardner was definitely the co-star.
The Good wife is one of very few broadcast shows I enjoy regularly. I was surprised by the event but figured the actor wanted to leave the show, and this was how the writers decided to write him out. Surprising yes, but it's only a TV show.

But I was shocked by the online vitriol shown those same writers. The show's been on the air several years now. If someone likes it, one reason would be the high quality of the writing. Why not show those writers a little faith that they can make this interesting?
I have a love/hate relationship with that show. Overall I like it. There are just some things that they keep going back to that are so annoying. Martha Plimpton and her baby was a big one. If she never appears again that would be perfect. For the longest time, every judge was either stupid or had some annoying quirk. That seems to be getting better, finally. I like Kalinda, but when they try to make her too big of a part of the show it fails. Luckily the writers seem to take critical feedback well and make adjustments, like dumping that one investigator guy, and Kalinda's boyfriend, and making the judges more normal. Unfortunately they always seem come up with something else to annoy me with.
I think this show really needed some shaking up. And soooo boring and unbelievable, the vote stealing investigation, from the governor's in house ethics person to whoever it is who is interrogating people in a white van. Move along, show, puhleeze. Get back to 75 percent cases, 25 percent personal (for the whole cast).
The writers and the actors have created some particularly interesting characters, especially compared with most TV dramas. I always find Elspeth, Kalinda, the wonderfully slimy David Lee, and Clarke (Nathan Lane) intriguing and fun to watch. Cory is pretty eye candy, but he looks too young for his part. As for killing off Will, it's a win-win as far as I'm concerned; Josh Charles says he wanted out, and I was tired of his character's plotlines.
There are few shows I look forward to watching. The Good Wife is one of them. Whether it will be as good without "Will" remains to be seen. The other characters are interesting so hopefully they can pull it off.
Well I will most definitely miss him. Thought he was sexy (even with his big nose :D ) I thought the romance between Will and Alicia was sweet and endearing.

Even though there were occasionally a few characters we could do without like the nursing attorney, I think over all it is an excellent show and well written. When I compare it to the dribble on most all other network shows that I can't watch for more than two minutes without saying to myself:
"Who writes this stuff", before I flick the channel again.

I find the majority of tv shows writing nauseating. Then there's REALITY TV. A real winner if there was ever was one.

Funny how tastes differ. I really enjoy Ely's character. Love his facial expressions. Also really like Diane. Think she is very good. The one I'd like to see less of is Kalinda.
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For those of you who watch "The Good Wife" on Sunday nights, last Sundays show was a real shocker. The leading man in the series (Wii, played by Josh Charles) was killed. It was so unexpected and for fans of the show quite emotional. It's something you don't usually see. I couldn't believe it happened. Its one of the few shows on TV that I watch and really enjoy.

Downtown Abbey strikes again!
For the first few seasons, I thought Good Wife was good TV show with flashes of greatness. But starting this season with split off law firm, the show has really kicked it up two notches, it is now my favorite network TV show. I think the plot twists have been wonderful, and the writing sparkling. Around the fourth or fifth season most TV shows are well on their way to predictability and becoming boring. This has been by far the Good Wife best season.

I contrast Good Wife with Castle a show which started the same year. Nathan Fillon is so funny, and Stana Katic so beautiful that it was my favorite network show for a while, but it has become stale.
Great to see what we do when we retire early....:dance:

Sooooo... about the show being real life stuff.

If you lived in the Chicago area, you'd be caught up in news/entertainment battles between the media. D'ya remember Rod Blagojevich?
It's like who needs politics or financial info, when we have The Good Wife...
Good grief: Episode of 'Good Wife' gets Blago facts wrong - Chicago Tribune
and the rebuttal
Tech advisor of ‘The Good Wife’ defends Blagojevich inspired episode | WGN-TV

Whether all the facts were accurate or not does not diminish the shows writing talent. I think many of Hollywood's so called "based on real life event" movies take certain liberties and eject into the movies dialog or events that may not be 100% accurate for the entertainment factor.
You got to love this show.. I've fortunately never had a very close friend just suddenly die like what happened to Will..

But if I did I think I'd have the same reactions as the were portrayed in last night's episode.. I feel genuinely sad for the all characters..

:flowers: to the writers and the actors.
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