What have you done in your life that is interesting or different?


Dryer sheet aficionado
Jul 12, 2008
Fairfax, VA
Maybe something you did (of course not the bank you robbed and did not get caught) someplace you visited, something you were a part of or someone famous you knew or met. Just something you tell or will tell your grandchildren. I think mine is that I worked at the White House and have been in the residence and also in the "basement". I have flown completely around the world, of course that is no big deal for a pilot. My mother did not have a birth certificate, just a letter signed by her older sister that she was there went my mother was born. What was your 15 minutes of fame?
Does 1200 parachute jumps count ? First jump in July 1970 and last jump some time in the summer of 1980. Stopped logging jumps in 1976 (kinda wish I had logged all of them).
Hmmm...well, I've met a few famous music artists and one actor. Took a hot air balloon ride, chased a burglar and caught him, was a volunteer cop (saw the best and worst of humanity).

...and entertainment when I was a kid involved digging in the dirt and riding my bicycle. No computers were involved.

I figger the only one my grandkids (if I had any) would be shocked by would be the no computer story.
bbbamI said:
Hmmm...well, I've met a few famous music artists and one actor. Took a hot air balloon ride, chased a burglar and caught him, was a volunteer cop (saw the best and worst of humanity).

...and entertainment when I was a kid involved digging in the dirt and riding my bicycle. No computers were involved.

I figger the only one my grandkids (if I had any) would be shocked by would be the no computer story.

Your burglar story reminds me.. My friend had his car stolen from my house. So we went looking for it and found it being driven in a neighboring town. We cut him off and he left the car running in the street and took off running. My friend wanted a piece of him so he went chasing him down an embankment and into and out of a restaurant. The boy then locked himself into a strangers car in a parking lot. Diners in restaurant called cops thinking my friend was the problem. It all got resolved when cops came as that kid wasn't getting out of that car because he knew he was going to get a beat down. Both of them were covered in mud as they fell down the embankment during the chase.
I sang the Mozart Requiem (as part of a large choir) in Carnegie Hall. Happened 25 years ago and I still remember it well.

Also hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up again - and I was never very athletic. Grandkids will be most surprised that I did it with DH because they will never know him as an avid hiker and outdoorsman, only as their granddad who can't walk due to MS.
I got charged by a black rhinoceros, while on foot in Kenya.
I have helped thousands of patients in third world countries. Setting up three clinics, teaching children how to protect themselves against all forms of abuse for example have been by far the biggest achievement of my life. See my signature line.
Does 1200 parachute jumps count ? First jump in July 1970 and last jump some time in the summer of 1980. Stopped logging jumps in 1976 (kinda wish I had logged all of them).
Wow.....one of 'our' guys in Saudi, (circa mid 1980s), went back to Canada for an R&R, and did 40 jumps on his 40th birthday, thanks to the help of pilots and people repacking 'chutes for him......apparently as soon as he hit the ground there was another 'chute/plane waiting to go.
I can't talk about it in public, but it will be something to tell my kids and grandkids about if they are students of economic/financial history.
Lived on an Amish farm for 6 weeks, helping out.
DW and I travelled around North America in a car for a year. With our dog. And 18' canoe strapped to the top of the Dodge Omni 024.

Not really a big deal. Interesting how some people have trouble believing that you did even the most simple things.
I hung out at an online forum with a lot of very interesting people.
Can't tell about that bank & me, I do not know for the life of me why I would jump out a perfectly good flying airplane. Have done engineering work around the world, but

The best days I have to reflect on are those helping & assisting those who can't. I have done this in many ways, more to come. Ever since I finished playing sports I casually coached younger players, But the assistance since has taken to the sick, handicapped, less fortunate.

BTW, parachuting is on my bucket list. ALSO I sat next to a President's grandson, former Gov, Big guy who elbowed me all game in the seats !!
Have jumped fixed wing, rotary wing as well as a C-141 jet aircraft, scuba dove 185' off of Andros island in the Bahamas, have jumped and dove both day and night. Have been on TV, played guitar in front off over 100 people just this past summer. I have rode my motorcycle over 20K miles in the past four years up and down the east coast to include the Dragon as well as Key West and the Bourbon Trail not to mention the hot springs in Arkansas. Played more golf rounds than I care to admit and have had two hole in ones, both with witnesses. But the best accomplishment by far is having a son and two beautiful grandchildren. I have lived a blessed and wonderful life, 61 and going on 30.
Here are a few things interesting or different about me:
Almost 10 years as a professional Boy Scout.


Still drive my first car-got it in 1984. Currently getting painted.

Built my own stereo amps and speakers. System looks a lot like this (my speakers are yellow):

Re-built (and use) a hundred year old phone. Looks like this, but works on a modern line. Receives only-no dialer!

President of local homeless shelter. Our logo and main shelter:

Brew my own beer:
Was nominated to the All American Swim Team for all 3 years in High School, and for 4 years in College... 1951 thru 1958. Was first in the country in my event, on the last year in H.S. and in 1956 in College. Never defeated in a dual meet. (Too poor to go to Olympics.... had to work summers to go back to school).

Not much else of real import... 20 years in scouts, SBA adviser, Captain US Army Infantry, too many organizations to tell.

Four sons, great marriage. Beginning 77th year of a happy life.
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In high school, I was "Cub Reporter of the Year" two years in a row. That's very hard to do. ( OK, the second year was an honorary award). I also took geometry twice and French 1 twice. Mandatory not honorary.

I also played very small stakes poker with Steve Martin early on in his career (he was sitting right there with that arrow thing going through his head).
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Finished third in a junior golf tournament (I think there were three players competing in my flight.....)
In the different and dumb category: Felt something weird and looked down to see a spare pair of underwear creeping out of the bottom of the leg of my jeans. This actually happened to me twice, once at the airport, once at a store. Couldn't stop laughing.

Wore mismatched shoes (same brand, but slightly different styles and colors) to the office. Twice. Also did the same with gymshoes to the gym but only once.

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