What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

"The Unicorn" on CBS All Access.

I started watching that, as I was curious to see the lead actor (Walton Goggins), who starred in "Justified" (a great series, in my view) as the main enemy/occasionally ally to Timothy Oliphant's US Marshall character, in a comedy. Though "Justified" was a drama, he had a lot of moments/sayings I found humorous. I only saw the first episode of "The Unicorn" but have not gone further. Maybe I'll try to look again.
Two episodes into Utopia, and DW and I are enjoying the hell out of it. Weird, violent, funny at times, and did I mention weird? It's got a couple of stars in it, John Cusack and Rainn Wilson, but so far they aren't a big part of it. I've felt like we've run out of things to watch recently, but this is my best find since Dispatches From Elsewhere. I hope it keeps up the good work.

We watched the whole series last week. Found it tedious as it went on. Fast forwarded through the last 2 episodes just to say we did finish all episodes. Would not watch season 2.

It was the same for the 2014 British version, but that got dumped completely after episode 3.
Finished Raised by Wolves. OK, but not memorable, interesting take on Religion. I do not advise it as a watch for believers.

I thought RBW was pretty incredible - I thought the family unit raising the children was very well developed - and certainly has the more frightening au pair I have considered.

The group led by the former Viking not so well developed, but certainly within the nutter religious believability factor I use.

Anyone bothered by the way religion is treated, should immediately delve into the history of religion. It's far worse than any modern day movie-based depiction.

I thought RBW was pretty incredible - I thought the family unit raising the children was very well developed - and certainly has the more frightening au pair I have considered.

The group led by the former Viking not so well developed, but certainly within the nutter religious believability factor I use.

Anyone bothered by the way religion is treated, should immediately delve into the history of religion. It's far worse than any modern day movie-based depiction.

I guess so. I would have preferred a little more action myself and less family stuff. We found it a little slow. The concept was interesting though and does beat the rubbish that seems to be on TV lately, and no adverts is priceless. We are not fans of religious shows and found all the chanting and mindless devotion tedious.

Other than the initial howl, I did not see the connection to Wolves.
We've been watching Tehran on Apple TV+. It's a real thriller about an Israeli spy in Iran; she was born in Tehran and is a computer hacker. I hope we get all the episodes (they're releasing one per week) before the end of the month when I the free year subscription I got when I bought my new phone runs out. This week is episode 5 so I think we'll make it.
"Travelers" on Netflix.

Scientists from the future have the ability to transfer the consciousness of people from that era backwards in time to people in the 21st century who are in their moment of death. Essentially, personalities from the future inhabit bodies in the present that otherwise would have died. The task of these "reborn" people are to carry out missions that will cumulatively undo the damage that led to the downfall of humanity. Basically, these travelers from the future will try to save the planet one step at a time.

Very intriguing premise which focuses on the people and personalities involved rather than gimmicky gadgets and high-tech stuff. For example, imagine if you were from the future and you assumed the life and identity of someone that was married. Your spouse is unknown to you yet you are expected to drop right into the routine of married life to a stranger. Or how about in the future you are a scientific wizard in your 70's and you are put into the body of a teenager?

I've seen four episodes and while I'm not hooked, I am very interested and will continue.
Such a soap opera! Loved every minute of it. The plot gets thicker and thicker...

After a break we're back to watching it (A Place to Call Home) - you're right about the soap opera aspect! :LOL:

We, (as I imagine many people do), attempt to guess what will happen next.....with the knowledge that the writers try hard to be unpredictable.
We've been watching Rectify on Netflix, about a guy who spent 19 years on death row then had his sentence vacated due to DNA evidence. Interesting but slow development. Finally made it to season 4 but feel it could have been a 2 hour movie.
We've been watching Rectify on Netflix, about a guy who spent 19 years on death row then had his sentence vacated due to DNA evidence. Interesting but slow development. Finally made it to season 4 but feel it could have been a 2 hour movie.
I watched the entire series. I found it haunting. Could not stop watching. I found the characters believable and the silences in the dialogue refreshing. Like that's how real people communicate.
We've been watching Tehran on Apple TV+. It's a real thriller about an Israeli spy in Iran; she was born in Tehran and is a computer hacker. I hope we get all the episodes (they're releasing one per week) before the end of the month when I the free year subscription I got when I bought my new phone runs out. This week is episode 5 so I think we'll make it.

Wait a second! There was a movie with the same theme. Just looked it up, it was called "The Operative." It is worth a look, if anything, for the footage of Tehran. The producers had "friends of friends (a French film crew)" make their way into Tehran and take footage of street scenes. I think there was some deception involved right there. In any case, very interesting footage.

The actual action scenes were filmed elsewhere.

So, is this based on the movie, or perhaps a similar concept? I don't have AppleTV so I guess I won't be able to see it.
The actual action scenes were filmed elsewhere.

Athens apparently. That's where the show was filmed, not sure about the movie. Tehran is OK but I have a small issue rooting for a woman who's running around Tehran planning something that objectively is a terrorist attack (shutting down electricity for the whole city to begin with). It's not about politics, just this particular element of the show. There is a somewhat similar Israeli series without that disturbing subplot on Netflix: Spy. It takes place in Syria in the late 50s and early 60s and is based on a true story.
Just a follow-up on Bosch (Amazon). I might have lost interest due to the cases moving quite a bit slower and all of the personal drama and flawed (sometimes whiny) characters, but DW kept us watching 'till the end. The first season was the hardest for me to get through (serial killer, or what I call "mad slasher, that needs no reason and does completely unreasonable, outrageous [but apparently entertaining for others] things). Later seasons had aspects of stories that included fewer irrational moves, but I don't like to go from watching a show like this (with very, very horrible bad guys around every corner trying to kill people), and then go right to bed and try to fall asleep, so.....

Based on a recommendation on this thread, we started watching "Call The Midwife" (Netflix). I like this show. Not quite as much as DW, but this is something we do together, and when we find something we both at least kind of like, we'll make it a nightly thing.
Watched Money Heist based on recommendations from this thread. I liked it a lot. Looking forward to the final season.
I’ve been watching Emily In Paris.

I want to learn all about French culture, mannerisms and history. And I want to know how to connect with the natives I meet in France. Hopefully I will also pick up a bit of the language. I already learned one new French word - la satire.
Finished Rectify, the last show was a let down. They really need another season or at least a couple more shows to have some resolution.
Started Supernatural, so far pretty good. Not sure if we'll stay around for all 15 seasons though.
Binge watched the Haunting of Bly Manor on Netflix. Hard to comprehend at the beginning, kind of bizarre, and kind of heart breaking.

Season 3 of Fargo is out on FX and its a good one. For those unfamiliar, each season of Fargo has a completely different plot line and different characters. So you don't need to watch the first two seasons to enjoy the third. But I recommend all three seasons.
Fear The Walking Dead season six on AMC.

Star Trek Discovery Season 3 starts in a few days on CBS All Access.

The Mandalorian on Disney Plus
Watched the first episode of Next. A little too much SiFi for DW. I thought it has potential.

Agreed. There was a lot of scientific hand-waving to make the AI character credible, but going forward I think it will be more plot and character driven. I like the character that plays Paul LeBlanc, the creator of the AI algorithm. Nice blend of sarcasm and wit. I have DVR set to record all 10 episodes.
I had greatly enjoyed the first three seasons of Fargo, but number four is dragging. I seen reviews critical of Chris Rock, but find his character very well done.
Been watching Condor, into the second season now.

First season hasn't been aired in the US but supposedly HBO has the rights so it may yet show up.

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