What time do you eat dinner?


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 21, 2008
I like to eat by 5:00 so it doesn't bother sleeping. Wife likes to eat between 7:00 and 8:00. She generally makes dinner and warms hers up later. We used to eat together when we worked, but while my schedule didn't change, hers did. Mods if you prefer, make into a poll.
Our "typical" dinner time is 6:00pm to 6:30pm. Both on the same schedule. Been this way for the past 40 years.
Now that we're retired, around 5:00 p.m.
having dinner when it fits our schedule and we're hungry works for us!
Between 5 and 7 PM unless it's a family dinner for a larger gathering, then maybe noon to 1 PM.
My dinner time is 5pm so it does not interfere with my sleep. This gives me 13 hours of fasting until my 6am breakfast.
When we were in high school we'd eat as late as 11pm. It was up to mom.

Now, more like 4 or 5 pm. It is up to DW.
We usually have dinner between 4 and 6pm so it doesn't interfere with my midnight snack, which I usually eat between 9 and 10 pm.:)
Dinner for me alone at home is usually around 6:00-6:30. When I go out with family it is usually no later than 5, often 4 if they start serving that early. None of us like crowds so we try to get started before the rush.
Normally, I eat between 6;00 and 7:00. But, if it’s close to or a bit after 5:00 PM and I am getting hungry, rather than risk picking at junk stuff, I’ll have dinner early.
Ha ha we don’t really eat dinner.

We tend to have a late breakfast mid-morning, and then a large main meal around 3 pm. It could be anywhere between 2 and 5pm. So two major meals a day. We do the same when traveling.

We might have a very light snack around 7pm but not always.
I eat my big meal at lunch. Then at 5 I eat a piece of string cheese and a few crackers.
We typically eat around 5:00pm since we both retired. When she worked it was around 7-8pm. I go to bed earlier now most nights, around 10pm. Tonight is a bit later because of a nap.
Well after the sun goes down.

I don't like to stop begin active while the sun is up-rather be biking, walking, or just sorting useless stuff in the garage as long as there is daylight. That means 8-9 p.m in the summer, much earlier this time of year.

Well-adapted to Latin culture in spite of my white bread Midwestern heritage and raising ;). Likely closely correlated with my preference to only get out of bed when the sun is up and it is warm outside.:LOL:
We shoot for 5:30p give or take, rarely outside 5:00 tp 6:00p, whether we eat at home or go out. If we’re making reservations for a special occasion dinner, we go with 6:00p so we can act like grown ups. :D

Funny thing is we eat breakfast and lunch whenever (or sometimes skip one or the other), dinner is the only meal we target a time…
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5ish usually. But sometimes things aren't ready by then. A few nights ago, DW's roast wasn't done until around 7:30.
We sit down for dinner between 7:30-8:00
Given the choice we’d eat around 5. However we try our best to include our daughter and she doesn’t get home from work until 5:30. Some days we have plans so I start everything to be ready when she gets home. Other days no plans and the “what’s for dinner?” conversation doesn’t start until she’s home so we end up eating later which I dislike. When we go out for dinner we always aim to be there before 5:30 to beat the crowd.
We’re early eaters. No lunch, just breakfast and dinner. Generally between 4 and 6 but usually closer to 4pm.
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