When you are 75...

Hell, at 37 I don't bounce back from runs, bikes, swims, etc. like I used to. Hopefully, my triathloning will help me cope with getting older because I'll be used to the flagging physical abilities well before 75! Great post. Great thread!
Good observations imolderenu and I would say by my observation, your experience is what I see of some older folks around me.

I am only 2/3 of 75, but already feel the physical effects of age. I joke that I can still do all the same things as when younger, but it hurts twice as much and takes twice as long to recover. Hopefully this physical aging is a slow decline and not a sharp drop-off at a certain age.

I think one very key observation is to keep busy, both mentally and physically. Lot of truth in "use it or lose it". Exercising your mind and body are critical to keep them working well into later years.
Imoldernu, if it makes you feel any better, at age 66 I am about as you describe in many respects. Oddly, it doesn't bother me a bit and I am happier than ever before in my life.

Health has been better than expected, although we take more "pills", and we're very aware of the vulnerablilities of aging.
Same here.

Our social life stayed very busy, up until the age 75 anniversary, but now is slowing down rapidly. Not an unpleasant change, but we become kinder to each other, and less involved in going out and interacting with others of our age. (maybe a little more selfish, and less willing to go along with listening to the problems of others, or doing things that we don't enjoy, just because it's a 'group' activity.)
We seldom if ever have extended ourselves socially even when we were younger. I converse with people at the gym and listen to their problems and so on, but that is limited to the gym. He doesn't even do that much. :LOL:

Travel... We weren't world travelers, but we did many day trips, and week vacations. Now... sadly... much less interest. Long rides and time away from home comforts, lead to memories of "been there, done that!". This stay-at-home thinking wasn't expected. The afternoon nap isn't as easy to do when you're on the road.
I am so glad I don't have to travel any more. Long international trips do not appeal to me. We used to go on day trips in the car, but seldom do that any more either. It just doesn't seem worth the gas these days. We go for pleasure rides for an hour or so every afternoon right here in town and that seems to be enough for us. I suppose that uses some gas, too, but at least we don't have to battle traffic on the Interstate.

Exercise... I still ride my bicycles and canoe, DW does "sit and be fit", and we both do "mall walking", but no regimen. We're in pretty good shape weight -wise, and with physical dexterity, but the arthritis that began 15 years ago, is creeping up, and accompanied by some peripheral neuropathy (for me), and some common but minor aging problems for DW. Jogging or senior triathalons are out.
You have me beat, here - - I don't ride a bicycle any more at all because I am afraid of falling; I am not as trim as you are and walking more than a half mile is not easy for me. Frank is trim, though, and he rides his bike frequently at age 60 and loves walking too. We go to the gym regularly and work out, and I feel like I am doing a lot more there than many women (and men!) my age at the gym. After my fall at the gym last October, I try to be careful about anything that might result in another fall.

Mental acuity... Our favorite expression "between the two of us, we make one person". The brain still works fairly well as far as reasoning, and the deeper intellectual thinking parts, but the short term memory and the multitasking that was once natural and second nature, is fading rapidly.

The most annoying part for me is fishing for a name or word that I know perfectly well, but that doesn't surface for me right away. Other than that, I don't have any trouble with short term memory or multitasking (yet). I have never been able to separate two audio/verbal inputs at the same time, though. For example, if Frank is talking to me I must mute the TV or radio, or what I hear is a garbled, senseless amalgam of both. This incapability has been a lifetime condition for me. Other than that, multitasking is a breeze.

Energy... The spirit is willing, but the body weak. Tasks that were once picked up and accomplished as they appeared, now require analysis, and planning. That, perhaps, is the one part of aging that is most difficult in which to adapt.

Hmmm. I do find myself wanting to be a couch potato more than previously, but that desire has been a lifetime condition that I have always had to fight. I don't attribute it to aging at all. On the other hand, I have been doing tasks by habit lately, and get a lot more pleasure out of developing these habits than I did when young. For example, every morning I clean the kitchen counters and sink, take out the trash, start the washing machine and dishwasher if necessary, and take my pills, all during the 4 minutes that it takes for my morning coffee to brew. Zoom! No planning required. Maybe this will get more difficult during the next nine years. Meanwhile, it's a good thing I don't have a Keurig or I wouldn't have 4 minutes to get things done. :LOL:
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Nice thread and great to hear from the younger members about their parents, etc and their successes and issues getting older.

I will turn 71 (what? :blush:) very soon and still work part time (yes, I know I am nuts:nonono:), but that keeps me MENTALLY active. Physically, even with my titanium hip implant, I can do most everything I did at a much younger age.

What I have noticed, especially since about 5 years ago, is my ability to bounce back from strenuous activities takes longer. For instance, recently I changed a bad axle shaft and all four wheel bearings on my German car and the next day, I was pretty stiff and had little desire to hop back out in the garage and tackle another knuckle buster job. Five years ago, that wouldn't have happened. My golf game is starting to su*k too!

Another change in the body has to do with joint stiffness. In the morning, my fingers have a hard time making a fist. It's like there are rubber bands holding them out. No pain, just stiffness. I suspect it's arthritis. The key though, is keep moving!

We live in a 55 and over community since last year and I really don't like it. It's small, about 100 single family homes, and a community association that cuts your grass (front only) as part of the monthly fee. What I don't like is seeing the large number of folks who are pushing walkers around the streets (good they are trying, though) and the lack of younger people being around. The place is like Orlando was before Disney World got built. The sidewalks are rolled up at 7 PM and the lights go out. I wish we were back in the old neighborhood, but DW likes it where we are. Maybe I'm just not ready for the change in lifestyle.

DW is a few years younger than me and has COPD. Not good. While the medications can help the breathing, what goes downhill is the ability to keep your cardio system at a high, or even moderate level. Frailness sets in and I can see that happening. Stamina drops also.

Well, for the youngsters here, this is what you have to look forward to, but it's not bad in comparison to some alternatives that don't need mentioning.:D
All of the above... generalities. In looking ahead, in your case... what do you see yourself doing when you are age 75? Things that you do NOW, and what you expect to be doing when you hit that 3/4 century mark?

-Going out to eat
-Social groups/memberships/activities
-Reading - watching TV (passive)
-Computer interaction (active)
-Volunteerism - service to others
-Time with family
-Time spent in planning... money, home, long term
-Time at home vs. away... #hours/day
-W*rk... paid or unpaid
-Where you'll be living

I just turned 40 so this is not something I spend much time thinking about. This is what I see myself doing at age 75:

-Travel: hopefully none! I often travel to please other people but I hate traveling. Hopefully I can use the "I am too old for this" card to get out of it.
-Exercise: my main form of exercise is walking/hiking. I really hope I can still enjoy those activities, though probably scaled back a little.
-Going out to eat: we only go out for special occasions right now, hopefully we can continue.
-Social groups: We are not very social and I don't see that changing - as long as DW and I can keep each other company that is. If I am single, then I have no idea what my social life would be like. I'd probably join a few clubs.
-Reading, watching TV: same as now.
-Volunteerism: same as now (I prefer to give money than my time)
-Time with family: I am really worried about that one. I enjoy spending time with my family, but the number of family members alive is dwindling fast. By the time I am 75, I may have only 1 sister and 1 niece left. And they live very far away!
-Hobbies: my hobbies have always evolved with my lifestyle, so who knows...
-Time spent in planning: probably much less than now. I'll probably have a vey conservative, very hands-off portfolio. I worry about being taken advantage off.
-Time at home vs. away: same as now, I spend quite a bit of my day at home already. I like it this way.
-W*rk: not if I can help it.
-Where you'll be living: Very hard to say. If I am still married to DW, probably somewhere in America. If it's just me, I'll move back to Europe to be closer to family. Hopefully, I will still be able to live independently in my own home. I'll probably live close to a large metro area.

Reading my answers again, I feel like the biggest risk is becoming socially isolated. Maybe I need to start working on that!
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