whole new meaning to @#$@ like rabbits

can you get different colors?
you mean lorena could get another stab at it?


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OK that's it, no more surfing the web at work for you. :LOL:
Imagine the poor cops looking for that thing...

"Uh...yep...that looks like it".

"You pick it up".

"No...YOU pick it up".

Hours later at the station...

"Bob touched a weener today!"
I'm glad we had s3x this morning...I am SO not in the mood now :er: :p

I wonder if Cute Fuzzy Bunny will change his name again now that bunnies have an, uh, artificial reputation :-X

I must be punchy-tired...how come there's no sleepy smilie?
Sure, one in the car would be handy, as the wife tries to remove mine every time I go out somewhere..."You wont be needing THIS!"..."heyy....that does NOT come off!"

And knowing MEN? Come on now...
Martha said:
Knowing men, maybe even several of them.

With turbochargers and huge exhaust pipes.

Man, we'd be babe magnets.
specially engineered penile tissue

...ahhh, I wonder what engineering school offers a course in "advance penile tissue rehabilitation"? Hey if the bunnies like their new dicks, who's to argue with engineering success? Certainly not me, I may need a new dick someday when this one wears out!
Ok, I typed in and deleted at least 6 replies.

I think i'll just leave this one alone.

See? Once again I show restraint... ;)

Am I the only one who's squeamish around here? :eek: The only one who avoids the CSI family of shows like the plague?

I don't mind the jokes (ok, ok, I LIKE the jokes). But when it comes to glossy full-color 8x10's, could ya give a girl a little warning, por favor?

There goes my Sunday night pizza!
I wonder how many women have ever wanted to do what she did? I'll have to admit I went with a guy that pushed my buttons enough to considering it, I don't think he'll ever know how lucky he was to escape with his..............
Outtahere said:
I wonder how many women have ever wanted to do what she did?
You mean in addition to Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" or Sharon Stone in, well, just about anything?

I wonder how many guys belatedly wonder if they're with a woman who's thinking of Lorena...
Was this what you had in mind? :eek:


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