Hot Prowler

I have a GE version and it's good but there have been 3 false alarms in a little over a week. It's in an inclosed area so there are no animals or other movement. I'd like to find something less "buggy" as it scares the crap out of us in the middle of the night.......

If you don't use the back porch door very often, you could go old school and stack a few empty cans, or better yet cans with a few rocks/marbles in them against the door so they will fall and make extra noise.

I have one of those Harbor freight motion detectors, and I put it out on the front step when expecting a delivery so a package won't be sitting out for hours waiting to be stolen. But the stupid thing does do false alarms as well, I thought it was moving leaves, but each time I checked. :facepalm:
I will reference my earlier post (with video) about hardening the doors again. *If* I was in your position, they would have bee installed within a day of the incident. You can make it very, VERY difficult to break down a door...and it's not that expensive nor difficult thing to do.
A family member was up in years, living independently, and a friendly trusting soul. A gang of teenagers found easy pickings and broke in on a two or three month basis. They would stand guard with cell phones far enough to notify the guy breaking in if police were coming. They almost drove her to giving up her home and moving to assisted living. Just before she signed the papers, they invaded the home of a drug dealer and ended being sent up for kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, felons with stolen firearms, theft, breaking and entering...

The hard facts are that older people are seen as easy prey by professional criminals. Once on their radar, I would make overtly radical efforts make sure I got off their chump list.

Good luck.
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