Men who do housework may get more sex


Gone but not forgotten
Aug 23, 2006
Men who do housework may get more sex - Yahoo! News

"If a guy does housework, it looks to the woman like he really cares about her — he's not treating her like a servant," said Coleman, who is affiliated with the Council on Contemporary Families. "And if a woman feels stressed out because the house is a mess and the guy's sitting on the couch while she's vacuuming, that's not going to put her in the mood."
I'm going to need more specifics - exactly how much more sex can I count on. While I'm waiting, I'll start building the spreadsheet I'll need to analyze. :)
Finally somebody GETS it! You guys, read the article and roll up your sleeves. Doing housework (a.k.a. pulling your own weight) is very attractive in a man.
It's too bad that Spitzer didn't read this six years ago. Perhaps he would have chosen a different strategy.
We're 50/50 on everything here but cooking. I don't let her in the kitchen.

Will get back to you....
Nothing more sexy than seeing a man doing the dishes. >:D

Nothing is more of a turn off than having just done the dishes, having chapped hands and being expected to "perform"! Hey, am I just a piece of meat here!? :rolleyes:
I love to cook. Dont mind sweeping and dusting. Hate cleaning the bathroom. I think our next house will have stainless steel bathroom with a fire hose hookup. BLAM its cleaned.
so THAT'S why my DH2B is always emptying out and filling the dishwasher for us.

and he still works. :eek:

why that rascal!

Khan, now look what you went and did! The gals know everything! ^-^
Men who do housework may get more sex - Yahoo! News

"If a guy does housework, it looks to the woman like he really cares about her — he's not treating her like a servant," said Coleman, who is affiliated with the Council on Contemporary Families. "And if a woman feels stressed out because the house is a mess and the guy's sitting on the couch while she's vacuuming, that's not going to put her in the mood."

If this is true with all the cooking and home maintenance that CFB does It is amazing that he has time to post !

Come on ya gotta have the visuals with that.


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It's hard to take the article seriously when it starts with, "American men still don't pull their weight when it comes to housework and child care, but collectively they're not the slackers they used to be." This is yet another example of male bashing that is not correlated with reality.

Men as a group have never been slackers. Men have dedicated their lives to supporting their families and children, much to their own detriment. For example, 90-95% of workplace fatalities are men. And you can't compare hauling a 10-ton downed tree up a 30% slope with new ways to get underarm stains out of clothes. Many women have the *opportunity* and make the *choice* to spend more time at home due to the sacrifices that their husbands make.

Studies consistently show that when work performed in the labor market and at home are included, men perform as much if not more work than women. For example, the Michigan Institute for Social Research finds that women spend about 10 hours a week more than men on housework, but that men spend about 13 hours a week more than women in the labor market. This 3-hour difference is even higher when the greater commuting time of men is considered. (To be truthful, there are studies that don't find the above to be true. But in these studies, household chores typically performed by men are not included and/or they make incorrect assumptions about definitions - they assume that a "full-time" working woman spends as much time in the labor market as a "full-time" working man.)

I wonder how people would react if an article from the Associate Press started with, "American women still don't pull their weight when it comes to the job market, but collectively they're not the slackers they used to be." Or how about this. "Ladies. If you want your husbands to give you more sex, get off your bon-bon eating butts and start earning your share of the money." One thing is certain, if such an article appeared, the author and editor would be looking for new work.
I wonder how people would react if an article from the Associate Press started with, "American women still don't pull their weight when it comes to the job market, but collectively they're not the slackers they used to be." Or how about this. "Ladies. If you want your husbands to give you more sex, get off your bon-bon eating butts and start earning your share of the money." One thing is certain, if such an article appeared, the author and editor would be looking for new work.

Shawn, I read all your posts because compared to you I sound like Betty Friedan. :)

Okay, I think I'll take this together with the "women who wear high heels have a healthier sex life" thread, take the average of these two threads and call it a draw.
No wonder my dad was so willing to help out around the house when I was a kid. He always ran the vacuum, did the windows, helped with the dishes and made sure all us kids got a bath every night and into bed on time. Plus he took care of the yard and garden. And I learned at his side. We never left the kitchen after dinner without rinsing off our dishes in the sink and taking out the trash.

I've always helped around the house. When we get up from the table I clean up the dishes and load the dishwasher while DW puts away any leftovers. And I wash, dry and put away all the stuff we don't put in the dishwasher and empty the dishwasher when it's done.

I vacuum and do windows, clean the bathrooms and scrub the kitchen floor. Since I've been retired I do the grocery shopping and even tried my hand at cooking. Baked my first loaf of bread last weekend.

The outside is my domain with mowing and edging and taking care of the house. So far, I've avoided the laundry detail beyond folding clothes from the dryer, I'm not to be trusted with whites and colors in the washer. :p But DW still thinks I'm trainable. :bat:

Guess my dad and DW have trained me well, now when does the sex part come into play? :D
I do most of the house work and all the cooking as i'm retired and the wife still works 3 days a week,i'm supposed to get more sex for doing this??:D,maybe i'll suggest she do a bit more of the housework:Das after 40yrs together the sex thing aint that important..
So far, I've avoided the laundry detail beyond folding clothes from the dryer, I'm not to be trusted with whites and colors in the washer. :p But DW still thinks I'm trainable. :bat:

NEVER EVER criticize a man when he's doing laundry! >:D

just hide the bleach and all is well.

<she dodges yet another rotten vegetable>
I think this is a chicken or egg scenario. I think the study could have just as easily found that men who get more sex are more willing to do work around the house.
That was probably true in pre-1980......when ANY man that helped at ALL was rewarded.......:)

Today, it's an expectation......:)
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