How many have bought something "cool" after an inheritance?


Recycles dryer sheets
May 6, 2013
I'd like to hear any stories of people who have purchased something "cool" after they were left money. Looking back, was it a good idea or did you regret your decision at all?

My wife says I should buy something for myself, but there's nothing I really want or need.

I remember when my dad and his two brothers got $30k each in 1991. One drank it away, one lost it in the divorce and my dad built a workshop at his house. I guess he got the money back when the house sold, but thinking what that could be worth today is crazy.

But, you can't take it with you.
We remodeled our downstairs which included a major kitchen remodel. My husband had just recovered from being seriously ill for several years and the house looked as worn down as we felt. The remodel helped boost our mood and get rid of some ugly memories. I don't regret a penny spent.

If there's nothing you want, I wouldn't buy something just to spend money. Maybe there's an experience (travel, gifts to someone else) that would have more meaning for you.
I gave my modest inheritance to my kids to assist with house purchases.
When my mother died in 1994 the estate was spilt 6 ways and was very small. I got enough to blow it all on a jet ski which I got a lot of enjoyment out of.
When my mom died there was just enough left for me to buy a new camera. She would have been happy to see my pleasure in that, and it was certainly more than I expected.
When my grandmother died many years ago my sisters and I each inherited a modest amount.

I bought my first new car - a Honda Civic hatchback - to replace a lemon of a used car that was falling apart.

I drove that car for 18 years, and thought of my grandmother with gratitude every time it started up on cold winter mornings!
My inheritance 'bought' me my early put us over the top. That's pretty cool. :cool:
The only things i’ve inherited so far are genes. My German sense of humor, Spanish punctuality, Irish sobriety, Italian seriousness, and my English informality - all the things I have inherited. :)
I have never inherited anything. Am I the only one?

The only reason my sisters and I inherited a bit from my grandmother was because our mother predeceased my grandmother, and my grandmother's will dictated that what would have gone to my mother go to us (my mother's children).
Got a generous inheritance (IMO) but I banked every dime, didn’t buy a thing. OTOH my sister bought her first new car and a house with cash (from apartment living) with her inheritance, and still had a about half her (equal) inheritance left over. Our parents lived very comfortably, LBYM from long before anyone even coined the term, and left a sizable amount. I think our Dad’s last goal was to see how much he could leave, despite us telling him he should spend away - to which he just smirked every time…
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Way back when wife and I were first married she got a modest inheritance from a grandparent and we used it as a down payment for our little 900 sqft starter home.

We thought we were very cool as we moved our worldly possessions out of a crummy little apartment and into our own home.
I have never inherited anything. Am I the only one?

When my Paternal Grandmother passed away my Dad and Aunt got around $75K each when all was said and done. My Dad gifted my Brother and I $500 the following Christmas in honor of Her and my Aunt gave us each $20. I guess that counts as an inheritance and is all I have gotten so far. I MAY get $10-20K from that Aunt at some point and another $40K-ish from my parents if I outlive my Mom which is not a certainty. Crazy to think of what some people get for inheritances. Many people on here will be giving 7 figures to their heirs.
I used the money my dad left for a down payment on the home we have lived in for 20 years. Definitely a good move.
After my wife died I gathered up all her gold chains and the ones from her mother and sold them. Got enough dough for this Yamaha TW200;

After my wife died I gathered up all her gold chains and the ones from her mother and sold them. Got enough dough for this Yamaha TW200;



I inherited enough from my Grandmother some years ago to buy a new leather motorcycle suit.
I got $5000 from my ex-MIL. She still liked me. :)

I put it in the bank, as money is fungible.
My DH used his inheritance to build a detached garage with workshop for $20k back in 1996. We still think about how that has improved our home for the past 25 years.
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