Take off from thread by kyounge1956


Gone but not forgotten
Aug 23, 2006
Originally Posted by kyounge1956
Maybe people online also think I'm gay. But nobody has said so.

Over the years, people have not known how to classify me.
Long hair not dyed or permed, no makeup, not dresses...

Some folks thought I was lesbian, others thought I was some sort of strict religious sect.

Crap folks, I'm me.
Some folks thought I was lesbian, others thought I was some sort of strict religious sect.

Small thinkers. Can't someone be both? ;)

Crap folks, I'm me.

And if that ain't good enough for 'em, they can (fill in your own favorite colorful, derogatory expression). Hell, you're willing to go through a procedure to donate bone marrow to complete strangers - I don't think a fancy 'perm' can compete with that!

We are ALL unique - just like everybody else!

Apologies, I am new here and a casual visitor... so I thought you were really smart, responsible for starting some of the most discussed threads, a slight agoraphobic who had male guests and frequented bars :)
This conversation reminds me of a card I saw a long time ago. It said, 'you are you...I am me...and together we are us'.

So there you go.

Yep, the only female on the forum with an avatar showing some serious cleavage.

It's been a while and I think it's time for a - Khaaaaaaann!!!!

Thank you. I needed that.:cool:
This conversation reminds me of a card I saw a long time ago. It said, 'you are you...I am me...and together we are us'.

So there you go.

And some days, when I forget to take my meds, I am us.
Originally Posted by kyounge1956
Maybe people online also think I'm gay. But nobody has said so.

Over the years, people have not known how to classify me.
Long hair not dyed or permed, no makeup, not dresses...

Some folks thought I was lesbian, others thought I was some sort of strict religious sect.

Crap folks, I'm me.

A person whose minimalism, and zen-like philosophical approach to life I have always admired. You are well centered and know yourself amazingly well.

Later I found out how generous you are, another admirable trait. I just hope you have enough left to take care of yourself, in case you live to be old and need it.
Don't feel bad; people can be clueless even when they see you right in person. I work in a small group with my boss (50YO) and one other colleague who is about my age (slightly older, actually), but who is of Chinese ancestry (boss and I are anglo). We have had several meetings with different people at our "client" where the people on the other side of the table make a reference to my colleague as being the youngest of the three of us by far. Either there is something about his ethnic bcakground that is throwing them off, or I look like I have a lot more miles on me for my actual age...
Khan, you are who you are. Heck, we all are who we are. It's good to be who you are. Folks who aren't who they are often wind up in therapy which blows their ER budgets......

So, be you.
This thread and the thoughts posted by you guys made me think of this tune. I guess its the first line of the song that came to my mind. :LOL:

BTW, nothing against folks who are heterosexual or homosexual or anywhere in between.
Sex & gender & attraction & behaviors are all somewhere on a spectrum, overlapping & inter-reacting.
Don't know if I am being philosophical or silly.
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