What did you do today? 2018 version

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A new repair for me today. One of our toilets was leaking around the base, so I took it apart and discovered the flange in the floor that holds the bolt had broken. I hadn't ever replaced one of those before, and was a little concerned about messing up the pipe that goes into the floor. The last thing I wanted to do was have to call someone to jackhammer the floor and replace the pipe. But YouTube to the rescue! I watched 4 different videos about how to do it, and luckily the flange had just been glued (no solvent), so I was able to cut and pry it out. Glued in a new one, put the toilet back together, tightened a bunch of things that were leaking, and voilà! We're a two toilet household again. It's amazing what you can do after watching somebody else do it. That's why I've always followed workmen around and watched them.
^^^ I don't know how I was able to repair anything before youtube. Just put a new pull cord on my chainsaw with the help of youtube. And how to decarb my boat motor.

Yesterday helped a buddy put his rc airplane together. Looks like a fun hobby if you can keep the plane from crashing.
Took my truck to Durango for an estimate of some damage and a recall for power steering. It's always had a slight understeer and I hoped this fixed it.

Coming up on the rocks it's a challenging section of road. Visually busy, I have to check the rocks out, and this corner(pictured)is a problem for my truck's steering . As I glanced at the rocks and back I see a really big bird flying a few feet above the road. Holy flying collisions, a big dark bird with a white head and tail. Yeah I'm going to hit a Bald Eagle at 50mph!

Fortunately for both of us it gained more air and flew over me. It made a full circle and I got to see it again still up close. I have no idea why it felt a need to fly in the middle of the road for a while but I'm glad I missed it.

Picture of the road where I was attacked by the bird. 20180330_123818.jpeg
Took my truck to Durango for an estimate of some damage and a recall for power steering. It's always had a slight understeer and I hoped this fixed it.

Coming up on the rocks it's a challenging section of road. Visually busy, I have to check the rocks out, and this corner(pictured)is a problem for my truck's steering . As I glanced at the rocks and back I see a really big bird flying a few feet above the road. Holy flying collisions, a big dark bird with a white head and tail. Yeah I'm going to hit a Bald Eagle at 50mph!

Fortunately for both of us it gained more air and flew over me. It made a full circle and I got to see it again still up close. I have no idea why it felt a need to fly in the middle of the road for a while but I'm glad I missed it.

Picture of the road where I was attacked by the bird. View attachment 28338
Had a mature one like you described fishing in our lake a few days ago.
I swear by the YouTube DIY videos. I had to remove the cross divider in my Maytag freezer, and without the video I would have been stuck.
Today I flew a different type of Angel Flight mission. We transported 2 boxes of blood and one of plasma from one blood distribution center to another.
Reviewed my charitable donations for the year and increased most of them. It’s a good feeling.
Had a mature one like you described fishing in our lake a few days ago.
It was a special experience, albeit too short. I'm guessing that eagle found some fresh kill/roadkill and was hanging around. In this area the big animals are moving. I drove solo the 120 miles in daylight and spotted ~50 mule deer and elk along the way.
I’m still doing it! VGK is smoken’!!Mahi Mahi for dinner!


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Dragged the lawn mower out just to make sure it started this year. Saw some minor debris in what little gas was left in bottom of gas tank. Almost dumped it all out but too awkward. Added some fresh gas. Primed several times. Pulled cord slowly, just to get things moving, but it started on the slow pull!! Let it run for about 30 seconds, then shut it down and back into the house with it. Grass not high enough to mow yet. Going to look for starter tomatoes today, will keep them inside until 5/15 approx.
Dragged the lawn mower out just to make sure it started this year. Saw some minor debris in what little gas was left in bottom of gas tank. Almost dumped it all out but too awkward. Added some fresh gas. Primed several times. Pulled cord slowly, just to get things moving, but it started on the slow pull!! Let it run for about 30 seconds, then shut it down and back into the house with it. Grass not high enough to mow yet. Going to look for starter tomatoes today, will keep them inside until 5/15 approx.

That's how long I have to wait to plant my tomato plants too.
With the last big rain, about a week ago, the basement sprung a new leak. The puddle from that, unlike the one I've always had that flows in to a catch basin, is still there, almost unchanged, because there is no catch basin on that side.

So I got a contractor to come out and look at it. He proposed a French drain around the perimeter of the basement inside and a new catch basin with a pump. Only thing I worry about and need to research more is that all of the water is coming from cracks in the foundation about 3-4 ft. below ground. Water will still be flowing from them and possibly eroding the foundation.

Has anybody else started assessing home improvements in terms of the maximum years it has to last before a move or death? Not really that morbid if you are already using an investment/RMD calculator.
With the last big rain, about a week ago, the basement sprung a new leak. The puddle from that, unlike the one I've always had that flows in to a catch basin, is still there, almost unchanged, because there is no catch basin on that side.

So I got a contractor to come out and look at it. He proposed a French drain around the perimeter of the basement inside and a new catch basin with a pump. Only thing I worry about and need to research more is that all of the water is coming from cracks in the foundation about 3-4 ft. below ground. Water will still be flowing from them and possibly eroding the foundation.

Has anybody else started assessing home improvements in terms of the maximum years it has to last before a move or death? Not really that morbid if you are already using an investment/RMD calculator.
We had a wet basement in a home. I highly recommend you seek a structural engineer to review your home. It was well worth a couple hundred dollars for his report.
Pruned some bushes, pulled weeds, washed the pollen and dirt off the patio furniture, and cleaned the gas grill after my morning walk and breakfast. Just as I was finishing up, my phone rang - it was the lawn service that is going to aerate and top dress our grass next week telling me I had to flag all of the sprinkler heads not around the edge of the lawn so they don't damage them. So rummaged through the garage for stakes, etc., to mark them and spent 30 minutes getting soaked as I hunted each head down. Not fun, but hopefully this will make our grass healthy enough to choke out a few more weeds and cover some bald spots.

DH and I are going out for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants shortly. I see a nap coming this afternoon...
While DD and new DSIL are basking in the sun in Maui on their honeymoon, I am stopping by their house to feed the cats and get the mail. One cat of the two has been in hiding and not showing her face. I also agreed to clean the litter box :blush:.

They get home Sunday so my tasks are nearing completion. :dance:
In preparation for DD’s wedding on Sunday, I had my first mani/pedi this morning. Good thing DD#2 was along to coach me through the process (filed or clipped? Straight or rounded? Gel or regular?). Who knew there were so many decisions?

It was a surprisingly enjoyable experience. I’m too hard on my feet & hands / too frugal to make it a regular thing. Typically I’m happy to scrub the dirt out and throw on a coat of clear polish. But I can see myself going back to get pampered a couple times a year.
Gym day for me, DW has left me again for a couple of other guys, ages 2 and 4, for babysitting with SIL. Then I went to the grocery store and bought two family size bags of wavy potato chips, two bags of Fritos scoops, two large jars of medium salsa (they didn't have any hot) and three cartons of chocolate mint ice cream.

Two of the bags of chips are stashed in a kitchen top shelf that DW can't reach without a stepladder and two of the three ice cream cartons are hidden behind the lima beans in the freezer.:D

That oughta hold me for a while....
After your recent medical issues, I'd say you're entitled to some comfort food. Enjoy!
With the last big rain, about a week ago, the basement sprung a new leak. The puddle from that, unlike the one I've always had that flows in to a catch basin, is still there, almost unchanged, because there is no catch basin on that side.

So I got a contractor to come out and look at it. He proposed a French drain around the perimeter of the basement inside and a new catch basin with a pump. Only thing I worry about and need to research more is that all of the water is coming from cracks in the foundation about 3-4 ft. below ground. Water will still be flowing from them and possibly eroding the foundation.

Has anybody else started assessing home improvements in terms of the maximum years it has to last before a move or death? Not really that morbid if you are already using an investment/RMD calculator.

We had a wet basement in a home. I highly recommend you seek a structural engineer to review your home. It was well worth a couple hundred dollars for his report.

+1 A french drain inside and sump pump seems to be addressing symptoms rather than the cause.... sealing the foundation so the water doesn't get in to begin with and fixing drainage around the foundation.

Do you have gutters on the eaves? At our old house gutters did a world of goo in diverting water away from the foundation.
Gym day for me, DW has left me again for a couple of other guys, ages 2 and 4, for babysitting with SIL. Then I went to the grocery store and bought two family size bags of wavy potato chips, two bags of Fritos scoops, two large jars of medium salsa (they didn't have any hot) and three cartons of chocolate mint ice cream.

I can't even imagine! Wow. I'll tell you what; if my doctor ever tells me I have a month to live, I'll get all that stuff and add a 10 pound box of Belgian chocolates, and oh, why not, also a couple of Sara Lee cheesecakes and some big, soft chocolate chip cookies. Meanwhile none of that fits into my low calorie, kinda low carb diet so I can't.

Two of the bags of chips are stashed in a kitchen top shelf that DW can't reach without a stepladder and two of the three ice cream cartons are hidden behind the lima beans in the freezer.:D

That oughta hold me for a while....

Behind the lima beans? :ROFLMAO: Good thinking! Trust me, if her opinion of lima beans is the same as mine, then she will never see them there.
Today was a gym day. I'm still walking for warm up and cool down, jogging for 15 minutes. Today I hit the 13 minute mile mark, my goal is only 12 minutes. It will probably go lower. It feels good to jog a little; especially when I stop. :D I'm not sure if it's real but my heart rate seems to be lower after a few weeks.

Took a bunch of DW's larger clothes to the humane society charity. Tried to stop at another of our favorite restaurants only to find it permanently closed. After another couple false starts we ended up at a Chinese place. Pretty good food at a reasonable price.

Unfortunately it really feels like I've broken a tooth today! It's sharp, not too painful, right now. Hopefully it's not a new crown.
Today was a gym day. I'm still walking for warm up and cool down, jogging for 15 minutes. Today I hit the 13 minute mile mark, my goal is only 12 minutes. It will probably go lower. It feels good to jog a little; especially when I stop. :D I'm not sure if it's real but my heart rate seems to be lower after a few weeks.

Took a bunch of DW's larger clothes to the humane society charity. Tried to stop at another of our favorite restaurants only to find it permanently closed. After another couple false starts we ended up at a Chinese place. Pretty good food at a reasonable price.

Unfortunately it really feels like I've broken a tooth today! It's sharp, not too painful, right now. Hopefully it's not a new crown.
Hope it isn't a broken tooth! The last time I had that happen, it was a filling that had fallen out. It had only been there 2 months, so my dentist replaced it for free.

Congratulations on the jogging; that's simply amazing. BTW there are lots of gizmos to measure your heart rate, or you can just do it by hand the old fashioned way.

As for what I've done today, not a whole lot. We went out to lunch as always, and I had a cup of nice and spicy crab and corn chowder. I have been browsing through the 18,000+ newly declassified JFK documents that became available yesterday, and so far they don't seem any more informative than the last 13,000+ documents from a few months back. I should have known better but hope springs eternal and I'd love to find something interesting, whether it implicated Oswald more firmly or led to something else. But no. Steak for dinner tonight and yes, it is going to be delicious.
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With the last big rain, about a week ago, the basement sprung a new leak. The puddle from that, unlike the one I've always had that flows in to a catch basin, is still there, almost unchanged, because there is no catch basin on that side.

So I got a contractor to come out and look at it. He proposed a French drain around the perimeter of the basement inside and a new catch basin with a pump. Only thing I worry about and need to research more is that all of the water is coming from cracks in the foundation about 3-4 ft. below ground. Water will still be flowing from them and possibly eroding the foundation.

Has anybody else started assessing home improvements in terms of the maximum years it has to last before a move or death? Not really that morbid if you are already using an investment/RMD calculator.
When houses are built,they dig a big hole and install a foundation, then back fill in around the perimeter with loose fill dirt. Initially, the dirt near the house is higher than the yard, then over time it settles and settles until it is either level with the yard or slightly below. Once the settling occurs, water sinks next to the foundation and wants to leak in. Often, merely building up the dirt around the foundation is enough to fix the problem, sometimes you need to extend the gutters out away from the foundation. If the downspouts are plugged with debris, the gutters overflow and water falls right next to the foundation, again going down the wall and leaking. The internal drain and a new sump will achieve the same result as the easy fixes but will also send the contractor's kids to college.

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Arrived in Bucharest, from Lisbon, at 05:30 this a.m.......caught the 07:30 Mercedes minibus direct from the airport to Brasov.......a three hour trip.

Middle aged driver was a cross between Heinrich Himmler and Smokey and the Bandit........."Solid white lines? Overtaking on a blind curve? Passing on the crest of a hill? Tailgating? Oncoming traffic?...What are these things of which you speak?"

At one point, blowing the horn and exchanging waves with a cop who was overseeing a bunch of firemen who were using the Jaws of Life on the remains of a vehicle wrapped around a tree, he proclaimed "He's my compadre".

His technical driving skills were superb.......his judgement in exercising those skills? Not so much.

One thing the trip did for me.........in future, when discussing motoring experiences, stories about Saudis will come in second place!
We had a wet basement in a home. I highly recommend you seek a structural engineer to review your home. It was well worth a couple hundred dollars for his report.

The foundation leaking has been going on since i was in grade school. My dad made boards out of scrap wood that we put out every time there was a big rain. The house has essentially been a little covered bridge over a stream for 50 years. I still use those boards. That sounds so stupid as I write it :) Now that I have taken my head out of the sand I guess i would like to know if a structural problem with the foundation could cause the house to fall down on top of me before I reach the end of the actuarial table.

On the treadmill today I was watching HGTV and they were touring one potential fixer-up with the owner who had lived there since childhood. They went to the basement to investigate why the floor above was sagging. Turns out owner remembers when her mother requested that the ugly "pole" in the basement be removed so they could make a dance floor. Turns out, "pole" was a support beam. I laughed out loud. Silly people.
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