What did you do today? 2018 version

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Yesterday we went to Bothe Napa State Park for a picnic dinner and a 2.5 mile hike along a Redwood stream trail and later a peak trail with pretty forest views. It worked out driving up in late afternoon as the wineries close at 5 pm so we missed all the traffic jams in both directions.

Today we took a tour of the Hazel-Atlas Mine at Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve. It is a former coal and sand mine that has been restored and is maintained by the local park district. We'd been there before but they just finished an extension and it it pretty cool. It is a quarter mile walk underground with flashlights and hard hats going through the restored portions of the mine with docents and exhibits along the way. Tonight is Westworld on HBO and Black Panther from Redbox.
Took the whole day to drive 220 miles. It rained hard the entire day, and the crosswind was strong too. I drove only 50 mi/hr, and took some rest, well a 1-hr nap, to wait out the wind. There's report of a tornado too.

Currently cocooning inside the motorhome some place outside of Edmonton. Will go into town tomorrow to look around, but due to the weather may have to spend a lot of time in West Edmonton Mall. This is the largest mall of North America, so is worth taking a look. It's 3.8 million square feet and 800 stores, vs. Mall of America with 2.5 million square feet and 500 stores.

That's a lot of retail spaces, and one would not think the surrounding area has enough inhabitants to support such commerce activities. How can one not get curious and go take a look?
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Today I got Punked by a Duck

I was paddling my kayak close to the shore to avoid a twenty-knot headwind. There was some big commotion in the water. I thought it was an otter, but it turned out to be a female mallard duck.

She was struggling as if trying to fly in the water. I figured she had gotten her legs tangled in something. I followed her, thinking maybe I could get her loose, but she was faster than I was. Sometimes she'd fly for about ten feet, then drop back into the water struggling. I didn't see anything attached to her.

This continued for about fifty yards, and then she took off, flying fine, and circled back around to where she'd been.

I realized: She had been pretending to be injured so as to lead me away from her nest.
It's very hazy here today, results of the 416 fire. Kinda impacted people's mood and the entire area. We stayed in most of the day to avoid the smoke.

According to the most recent communications I've seen, they're shutting down San Juan National Forest starting tomorrow. That impacts a tremendous number of people who make their living from tourists etc.. Sadly it's needed. Impacts those who live here too. The same trails are closed for everyone.

It's easy to see why, people don't follow directions. Some moron let their big fuzzy dog go running around unsupervised:

Heh heh - did you lure him in with honey? :)

We read about the fire & closure - very sad. I hope they get it under control soon. Awful early for a fire of that magnitude. We will be RVing in Breckinridge, Ouray, then Pagosa Springs in September - love SW CO.

We spent July & August RVing in the NW US last year, surrounded & moved along by the fires. First outside Glacier NP, then north of Couer d Alene, then Sisters OR. We finally plopped on the OR coast in Newport and finally got some non-smoky air from the sea breezes.

It's very hazy here today, results of the 416 fire. Kinda impacted people's mood and the entire area. We stayed in most of the day to avoid the smoke.

According to the most recent communications I've seen, they're shutting down San Juan National Forest starting tomorrow. That impacts a tremendous number of people who make their living from tourists etc.. Sadly it's needed. Impacts those who live here too. The same trails are closed for everyone.

It's easy to see why, people don't follow directions. Some moron let their big fuzzy dog go running around unsupervised:
Gym day for us, but for the second time in a week we had to take a meandering route to get there and back because two of the roads we normally use were flooded. If this keeps up I'm gonna buy an amphibious R/C airplane to play in the water with. DW was not enthused about this idea, she thinks I already have enough airplanes.

What a novel concept! I didn't know there was such a thing as "enough" R/C airplanes.
During one of our evening pontoon boat rides around the lake last summer there was a guy flying an RC float plane... and he was pretty good.... very fun to watch.
My favorite gym closed so now I have to find a new gym .I keep getting free passes to test out a gym .At the rate this is going I figure I could have at least a free month or two before I need to choose .
My favorite gym closed so now I have to find a new gym .I keep getting free passes to test out a gym .At the rate this is going I figure I could have at least a free month or two before I need to choose .

How awful! I know you loved that gym. Good luck and I hope you find another that you like just as much or better. A free month or two is good, too. :)
Today was a good day. I finalized the transfer of all the assets in DW's accounts with UBS and moved them to FIDO. I was having nothing but hassles with UBS,:( and people at FIDO and their website are so easy to deal with.

In doing some research, someone stuck her in funds with very high expense ratios. I used the FIDO website to find similar funds with much lower expense ratios. :)
Watched the Czech film “Ice Mom”. Did my nails so DH kindly did most of the laundry. Just finished cleaning the kitchen and bathroom floors. Texted a friend who’s gone to BC, Canada for the summer and w/my Sis who lives in town. Can’t say I’m overworked. Easy, relaxed day.
Just got a call that DIL will be having her twins today! They’re waiting for DS to arrive. DW is at the hospital. Twins are only 33 weeks along, but doctors say they need to come out today. Exciting day!
Just got a call that DIL will be having her twins today! They’re waiting for DS to arrive. DW is at the hospital. Twins are only 33 weeks along, but doctors say they need to come out today. Exciting day!

They’re here! 3 lb 15 oz and 3 lb 7 oz
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Chloe, the girl is larger and on the left. Sawyer, the boy, is smaller and on the right.

DSD's twin girls will be three in August....they're very close, but share no common traits...they're a hoot, (as is their 6 1/2 year old sister)...enjoy!
Nemo2; said:
DSD's twin girls will be three in August....they're very close, but share no common traits...they're a hoot, (as is their 6 1/2 year old sister)...enjoy!

Thank you!
I love kids. Why do they have to grow up?
So adorable, Dash Man! How much fun is in store for your family. Your DIL must feel so good right about now :)
Thank you all! Babies and mom are doing well! Dad is having reality set in, but is very happy and proud!
Yesterday I installed 27 cabinet and drawer pulls.

Today I'm doing liners.
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