What new series are you watching? *No Spoilers, Please*

I have been a fan of so many classic series it would fill a book. From the 50's to the 90's. Yet I really can't name any series or program that has grabbed my attention in at least the last ten years. So with all that said what new or recent series is anyone watching or would recommend giving it a try?

I am a bit tired of the old shows and would like to think there is something worth while I am missing. It could be comedy, drama, adventure, I don't care as long as it is entertaining and on a cable network or regular OTA TV network. Any suggestions?

I'm hooked on EVIL. New show on Thursday nights on CBS. Show is from the creators of The Good Wife and been compared to The X-Files.

Like how the show explores evil from three main perspectives. One perspective for each of the 3 main characters. Evil as in demonic or ghostly. Evil as physical, psychological explanation. Or from a skeptic's point of view trying to debunk what's going on.

Hide the kids though. As thinking back, if I had seen this show when I was about 9 years old, the episodes with scare the daylights out of me. Ironically, on the show the parts about one of the main characters' kids is the most scary part.
I skipped the episode with Anne Hathaway. Is it worth going back to watch that? I loved the one with the doorman and the one with the Indian guy. The daddy issue one was the worst one of all (gag-me-with-a-spoon bad).

The subject matter made me a little uneasy, therefore I think it was worth watching (for me). It was enlightening.
just finished S2 of 'Jack Ryan'. as a devoted fan of Tom Clancy all i can say is More More More!

as an aside i had never heard of John Krasinski before 'Jack Ryan'. i looked him up on IMDB. don't recall seeing any of his previous work including 'The Office' which we found to be tedious, unfunny and painful to watch. i think we ended up watching maybe 10-min of one episode. but John is VERY good as Jack, very much like the Ryan in the books.
I have a question about Jack Ryan. In the books, he was a CIA analyst, and actually going out in the field in Red October was something new and different. But in the series, he's very comfortable in the field as well. I guess they just took liberties to make it more exciting. Or is there something I'm missing.

Overall, I like the show. I don't like this version of Greer though.
I'm hooked on EVIL. New show on Thursday nights on CBS. Show is from the creators of The Good Wife and been compared to The X-Files.

We always watch two episodes of any new show before decided its fate. This show made the cut last night. The female, in particular, is very likeable and her dialog is quite believable. I am unsure what is likeable, however... the character or the actress.
We always watch two episodes of any new show before decided its fate. This show made the cut last night. The female, in particular, is very likeable and her dialog is quite believable. I am unsure what is likeable, however... the character or the actress.

I like both the actress and character. Thought she was brand new to acting but she isn't as she had a part on that show Westworld on HBO. No HBO for me so I haven't seen except clips on youtube.

I like the premise of the show.
Next week on Acorn (11/14) is the last episode of Doc Martin. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. :(

Not sure when the last series will air on PBS but I assume it will, eventually.

And The Crown season 3 is 11/17 on Netflix. I might have to re-subscribe just for that.

We just finished up The Durrells in Corfu on PBS. Kind of a sad ending, but inevitable.

We seem to have near identical tastes in TV viewing!
Dangerous Waters. It's only on AWE so probably limited availability. It's about guys going around the world on jetskis, from Alaska to Alaska. Been on seven seasons and I think their journey is about to come to a close. Really interesting watching interaction with locals, politicians, and the beautiful things they get to see...and the problems and dangers that arise on their journey.
Looking forward to the new series "Dublin Murders" on STARZ, which starts on Sunday night. It's based on the books by Tana French, which I have really enjoyed, so I have hopes that the series will also be good.
Watching "Better than Us" on Netflix and Season 2 of "Jack Ryan" on amazon....
I am still a ways from 50 and really enjoy the show. Although, I had several years of having weekly happy hours with a group of men in their 80's (and they have all since passed on), so it help fill some of that void in my life.

Without giving it away, how can you not like “taking a Prilosec and two Tums with spicy foods” and the 20 mg of Cialis. Plus all the things that we struggle with as we age but yet are humorous
We always watch two episodes of any new show before decided its fate. This show made the cut last night. The female, in particular, is very likeable and her dialog is quite believable. I am unsure what is likeable, however... the character or the actress.

I was disappointed in episode 6 of Evil which aired last night. Seemed the plot jumped around too much (even more than usual) and instead of the case, the main plot was about the lead female character's mom and her mom's creepy date.
We have just watched Modern Love and Fleabag, several episodes each. We stumbled on to Catastrophe, which appears to have four seasons. We found season one very funny, and will keep watching. The humor is great. Thanks for the other suggestions. We are new empty nesters and are enjoying our chance to have the TV [emoji23]
Modern Love and Fleabag, several episodes each. We stumbled on to Catastrophe, which appears to have four seasons. We found season one very funny, and will keep watching. The humor is great. [emoji23]
+++1. Thanks for letting me know Catastrophe has 4 seasons. Enjoyed each of these!
Looking forward to the new series "Dublin Murders" on STARZ, which starts on Sunday night. It's based on the books by Tana French, which I have really enjoyed, so I have hopes that the series will also be good.
Also looking forward to the Dublin Murders. I checked ahead on STARZ Sunday lineup and did not see the series listed. I'm not sure which Sunday. This week or next week?
Also looking forward to the Dublin Murders. I checked ahead on STARZ Sunday lineup and did not see the series listed. I'm not sure which Sunday. This week or next week?

It starts tomorrow, Sunday Nov 10 at 8:00 PM, might be 7:00 PM for you if you're in the Central time zone.
Binged season 2 of The Kominsky Method. It was very funny and I enjoyed it as much as season 1. There were some unnecessary political jabs that seemed forced and had nothing to do with show storylines, but not too many to completely turn a person off.

I am watching it too. As a recent widower I am relating to alan arkin quite a bit. The writers really have a lot of touchstones to the experience. Talking to your late spouse, anger, forgetfulness, sex & crying after. I suspect the writers have some personal experience here.

It's really well done
Looking forward to the new series "Dublin Murders" on STARZ, which starts on Sunday night. It's based on the books by Tana French, which I have really enjoyed, so I have hopes that the series will also be good.

I saw a preview if this at the movie theater and about jumped out of my seat. We’ll sign up for Starz through Amazon Prime just for this!
Also looking forward to the Dublin Murders. I checked ahead on STARZ Sunday lineup and did not see the series listed. I'm not sure which Sunday. This week or next week?

Good Call: Watched Episodes 1 - 7 last week, just got Episode 8.
Dark Materials is getting a lot of Hype, watched Season 1, Episode 1 this morning, looks like it could be a winner.
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