What was your COVID news for the day?

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I did fill up a couple large containers of water and freeze them into solid ice blocks we keep in our freezer. If the power goes out, these will keep the freezer cold for at least a day, if not longer. We could move the more sensitive items from the fridge into the freezer and just not open the door again. Most beverages and produce in the fridge will do just fine without refrigeration anyway.

I picked up a rechargeable battery bank to power a table lamp during outages, and we have plenty of battery operated radios, and other gadgets.
Our recent outage I was going to go buy 2 large bags of ice. One for a cooler into which I would put leftovers we could eat that day, and cream. The other would be put inside the fridge to help keep cool and the fridge unopened after that. The freezers already had ice in them.

Fortunately the power came back on after 8 hours and I didn’t have to go run that errand.
Mountainsoft, a better idea is to freeze bottles of water. Less mess when they melt and you have drinking water if needed. We do that during hurricane season. Easy to just pack around other packages of food.

Sorry if I didn't make that clear. I filled up two empty "Pure Leaf" tea bottles with water, leaving just a little air space for expansion. They're rectangular bottles and they fit perfectly in the door bins so they don't take up any space we need for food. We also keep several freezer packs in the freezer to put in lunch boxes or whatever.

Not to mention, the ice bin in the freezer is usually full. Our last outage lasted over nine hours and the ice was still mostly frozen at the end.
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Maybe it's a good time to take up home brewing :flowers:

I *am* a homebrewer, Janet. You knew! And I just might get that 5 gallon jug of malt syrup out of the fridge and make a batch of ale. I just need to buy some hops and yeast somewhere.
DW had pork ribs and a Boston butt in the electronic cart, with the order for 5pm pick-up.

Just got a email: the Walmart grocery order was summarily cancelled due to 'high demand for pickup orders'. She found another slot, a few days out from now, and resubmitted the order. We'll see.
Both the ribs and the butt were in the order picked up yesterday. So much for the pork shortage. Just to be clear, she had those in her electronic cart before the plant shutdown news, as I routinely cook those cuts in my Orion (which I think does a great job of smoking pork). And I've modified it to use propane, so economical too!
We had a protest in our neighborhood yesterday. 200 people showed up. They were shaking hands, hugging, and protesting the shutdowns. The main issue seemed to be their inability to go back to work. Police remained on the scene and the TV stations covered it on the evening news.

I participate in a local chat forum on the Nextdoor app where our normally friendly neighborhood is getting very nasty.
We had a protest in our neighborhood yesterday. 200 people showed up. They were shaking hands, hugging, and protesting the shutdowns.

It's easy to forget that for every one of us on one side of the IQ normal curve there is another person in the same place on the other side.
It's easy to forget that for every one of us on one side of the IQ normal curve there is another person in the same place on the other side.

Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes I forget, and I just go, WTF:confused:
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We had a protest in our neighborhood yesterday. 200 people showed up. They were shaking hands, hugging, and protesting the shutdowns. The main issue seemed to be their inability to go back to work. Police remained on the scene and the TV stations covered it on the evening news.

I participate in a local chat forum on the Nextdoor app where our normally friendly neighborhood is getting very nasty.

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It's easy to forget that for every one of us on one side of the IQ normal curve there is another person in the same place on the other side.

Be careful. Studies show that most people are convinced that they are above average drivers... but the reality is that they are not.

There are legitimate reasons people might protest the madness going on with the lockdowns. There are even legitimate reasons one might be unconcerned about becoming infected given the the talk about allowing those with immunity to be the first to be released from lockdown.

Someone having a different opinion about an issue like this may indeed put them on the other side of the bell curve but make very sure you know which side that is on before you bring it up.
It's easy to forget that for every one of us on one side of the IQ normal curve there is another person in the same place on the other side.

No worries, they’re hard at work constantly reminding us they’re all around.
Today I heard the governor say that an infected person will currently infect .9 others and if it gets to 1.2 others when people get back to work, that will be too high, by whatever measure that was. That was encouraging to me because he'd been saying he wants to make sure it doesn't get ANY higher, which IMO is an arbitrary and possibly unrealistic goal. If you take away the stay at home safety measure then things will be less safe. Set a safety level but don't wait until there's some kind of positive influence that's outpacing the negative influence of sending people back to work.
We had a protest in our neighborhood yesterday. 200 people showed up. They were shaking hands, hugging, and protesting the shutdowns. The main issue seemed to be their inability to go back to work. Police remained on the scene and the TV stations covered it on the evening news.

It's easy to forget that for every one of us on one side of the IQ normal curve there is another person in the same place on the other side.
There is no way to know what the right answer was on this one but once the decision is made to go the 'quarantine, lockdown, social distancing' route one really has to go all in. The post mortem discussions, no pun intended, on the handling of this event is going to occur for many years and serve to inform the decisions regarding the management of the next similar event. IMHO, it would be an unthoughtful person who doesn't wonder about what would have happened if this virus had emerged prior to the advent of the internet, instantaneous global communication, the current local and international geopolitical situation, current health and demographics of populations, etc, etc or if the powers that be had just decided not to act in the way that they have.
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Norway is easing up a bit on it's restrictions by opening kindergartens and primary schools over Easter.

Today 24% of the parents say they will be keeping their children at home.
Norway looks to be still doing extremely well in this area, so let's hope they can make the school opening work.
Covid news from Pa is that effective Monday April 20, 2020, employees AND customers will be 'required' to wear 'face covering' (not a mask, per se) in stores. Well, I guess that means more privacy, which is a plus, ha ha.
OK, am I the only one who thinks that the WWE without fans is just plain sad? They are body slamming each other on to the announcer’s table and there’s nobody even there to watch it.
Today I heard the governor say that an infected person will currently infect .9 others and if it gets to 1.2 others when people get back to work, that will be too high, by whatever measure that was. That was encouraging to me because he'd been saying he wants to make sure it doesn't get ANY higher, which IMO is an arbitrary and possibly unrealistic goal...

Think Cuomo was referencing R nought or Ro, the reproductive number of SARS CoV2, with 1.0 being a steady state of the # of infections but >1 -> difficult to control:

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