What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

I put up a strip of "bird spikes" on a ledge under my deck.

The Carolina Wrens said "Thanks, Joe! This will make the nest secure!" and built the darn nest right in the middle of the spikes.

Sometimes you just have to laugh and roll with it.

Carolina wrens make my garage there favorite nest building place around here. I've witnessed the young ones learn how to fly in the garage. They make good garage friends and I put out food! I must be a losing it.
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I made a box specifically for wrens and put it out in my garden. Did any wrens use it? No, they did not. And the hole is too small for the sparrows. It looks nice though.
DW wanted to attract Baltimore orioles, in addition to the other birds in the huge back yard. I made a couple of special feeders and we tried for a few years. We use the Merlin app to listen for their songs and enjoyed the different species. Until the squirrels and skunks showed up to eat the spilled seed. 10 skunks at one time one evening last year.
DW had me take the feeders down the next day.
As someone who grew up in the city, where the only birds I noticed were pigeons (which my older brothers raised for a while) and small gray birds I think were sparrows, I will take the sounds of various birds chirping/singing/screeching in our backyard any day over the sounds of traffic, ambulances, sirens, bottles smashing, fights, gunshots, and garbage trucks. it is all relative :).
Maybe some LEO can explain. I routinely see cops, both local and state tailgate cars. Like one car length at 30, two car lengths at 50 Mph. Surely there is a reson?
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Maybe some LEO can explain. I routinely see cops, both local and state tailgate cars. Like one car length at 30, two car lengths at 50 Mph. Surely there is a reson?

My guess would be that many of them have cameras and software that can run a license plate automatically, so maybe they are just following someone until the report comes up on their console?
Carolina wrens are some of my favorites.

The have a few calls. The one I like, and it is a loud one, is:

"Hey Mister! Hey Mister! Hey Mister!"

At least that's what they say to me.
My pet peeve today is birds building their nest in the hollow of my 5th wheel camper.

Way back when I had the Piper Tri-Pacer airplane the dang birds would build nests on top of the engine muffler. Nothing like having the helpful birds build a pile of kindling on the muffler. Fortunately the top cowling on that airplane was hinged and it was easy to get to and remove the nests.

It was so bad I resorted to placing Victor rat traps on the muffler to try to scare them away, although I did actually catch one once.

That was the best toy I ever owned. Pricey though. The photo is one I found online, not my airplane but very similar and blue.


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We call it "bird o'clock" at our house.

"When did you get up?"

"Bird o'clock"

I usually get up in the morning at "Wacko Housecats o'clock". It is a bit earlier than birds wake up but I usually have to make a visit to the "library" anyway.

For me, an ad blocker works wonders for that and a host of other ad related irritants.

My ad blocker does block the video but I think it does not cut the time of the video...
Customer Service

Arriving on the mainland, I picked up stuff for TV and internet on the way home. I hooked up everything and the internet wouldn't w*rk. So I called the customer service number. The robot refused to let me talk to a human until it had tried all kinds of stuff to get me going (rebooting the box, checking connections, etc.) THEN, it said wait 10 minutes and we'll call back. They did and asked if it w*rked. Before I could answer (push either 1 or 2) the robot thanked me and was excited that everything had w*rked out - which it did not.

SO, I called back again and lied to the robot. NO, I'm not calling to hook up new equipment. I'm calling about...Oh, yeah. A bill! I had to go through another robot hell, but finally got to a person who transferred me to get a human to help.

That person eventually said "It's your computer. You need to take your computer be fixed." I told him the nearest Apple place was 80 miles away. Shrug.

Called again, lied to the robot and got another person who spent 2 1/2 hours trying to diagnose/fix the issue. Finally, they too said it was my computer.

So, I went back to the store where the public can pick out plans/lineups, etc. The nice lady there asked me to bring in my computer. I just figured I'd also take in the modem box. We tried my computer which w*rked fine at the store. SO, the nice lady said it must be your box. "I'll exchange it."

SO, I hooked everything up per instruction. Same thing. No internet. I call the Robot and let it do it's thing (like reboot the new box.) Nothing. SO, the robot finally gives up and lets me talk to a human. She said "We've been having problem with these new boxes and sometimes it take some tweaking from us before they will w*rk." SO, she tweaked the box and it w*rked.

Final tally (including calling Apple to see if they had a clue what was "wrong" with my computer - but guess what - unless you have internet, you can't trouble shoot your computer with Apple.) 5 hours on the phone to get things going. A total of 3 trips to the X store (in case you were wondering what internet company I'm dealing with.) Hours of frustration and concern about my aging lap top.

Here's the thing, none of the people I talked to by phone EVER lost their cool with me - they were completely supportive and apologetic about my issues. BUT, only one person actually knew how to fix the issue. I shared with her that in addition to the "problem" they were having with their box, they should w*rk on the robot system and make it easier to talk to a human earlier.

End of rant - for now.:facepalm:
Pet peeve today is Western Union. Attempting without success to electronically send funds to a friend in a truly dire situation. Sent an earlier smaller ‘test’ amount with no problem and he got it. Trying to follow up with a more substantial amount and I hit a wall. Spent much time on phone with credit card company - they say they have authorized the transaction. But no success. Then spent much time in online chat with WU. They blame credit card company. Then waited 24 hours and tried again per their (WU) suggestion. Should be ok. But Western Union app won’t let it go through online. Will have to go in person somewhere tomorrow to make it happen.
Update on the peeve: what I was told by Western Union is that when there is a sudden surge of money flowing to a particular area, their system flags it as being a possibility of fraud and their security increases, requiring increased verification of transactions and fund-senders. In other words, I was one of many people sending funds to the area impacted by the situation that my friend and others suffered from and so the WU system was in high fraud alert mode. So - it took many phone calls with WU and my bank to clear the transfer. (Am I sure I know that this is not someone posing as my friend? Am I positive about the dire straits situation? Yes, yes - I explained.) So yes it’s been a PITA to get the transfer done, but I succeeded. And I do appreciate the anti-fraud efforts. Too many people are scammed.
Bond movie discussions

It always goes to the topic of which actor played Bond. "Oh he was the best Bond" "Oh I hate that one playing Bond" - fine, ok, everyone can like or dislike but that is discussed at a 5 to 1 ratio versus the actual plot and movie.

Oh, and - when people think that modern Bond movies are real ones.

PS: License To Kill. Could care less who played Bond. He goes off on a personal vendetta out of loyalty to a comrade and when he resigns and is about to be shot his British spy boss holds back his snipers and says "God Save you, Commander".

Yeah, that was a very good one.
It always goes to the topic of which actor played Bond. "Oh he was the best Bond" "Oh I hate that one playing Bond" - fine, ok, everyone can like or dislike but that is discussed at a 5 to 1 ratio versus the actual plot and movie.

Oh, and - when people think that modern Bond movies are real ones.

PS: License To Kill. Could care less who played Bond. He goes off on a personal vendetta out of loyalty to a comrade and when he resigns and is about to be shot his British spy boss holds back his snipers and says "God Save you, Commander".

Yeah, that was a very good one.

Not a true "pet" peeve, but regarding bond: I guess Daniel Craig is retiring. I enjoyed many of the Bond movies over the years but Craig is the only one who ever "captured" the Bond of the books IMHO and I've read 'em all. Returning you now...
PS: License To Kill. Could care less who played Bond. He goes off on a personal vendetta out of loyalty to a comrade and when he resigns and is about to be shot his British spy boss holds back his snipers and says "God Save you, Commander".

Yeah, that was a very good one.
My pet peeve is with people who say "could care less" when they mean "couldn't care less.":popcorn:
If I may expand, I care to the precise degree required by any situation, neither more nor less.
Everyone should have cats. They keep you humble, because they are never impressed.
Everyone should have cats. They keep you humble, because they are never impressed.

I have 4 rescues that keep me busy. So I am doing my part with 4 different personalities. Not easy but rewarding.
I like dogs too and had a few but my wife does not want the extra effort of dog owning (she also had a few before we married).

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