Earworms du jour

DW will frequently mention that she has a new earworm. Usually it is a little annoying. I don't very often, and generally never annoying.
I've got one that isn't annoying at all: Creedence Clearwater's version of "Grapevine."
A reinforcing earworm factor is that you can summon it on Youtube for a fresh innoculation.
I am a musician and I do it for a hobby . Last night my partner and I played this song and we got a really good applause ….This song has lyrics that are something special . The song
Is ( Ragpickers Dream ..the song by Mark Knopfler . ) If you listen to the song a couple times you get the vibe. Two hobos dreaming about a very nice Christmas . One part they are at a nice restaurant and they tip a waitress 10.00 . At the end they return to reality .
Have this one. A great album.
Yeah, a lot of my earworms are enjoyable blasts from the past.

A few are annoying. Last week I was hearing an annoying intro in my head and trying to place it for a while when finally the chorus line popped in my head. “Do the Hustle!”
Because of a video floating around of Shane Macgowan's funeral, I've had "New York Lullaby" by The Pogues stuck in my head for a while now....
Here's one that gets stuck in my head every time I hear it (I heard it Saturday.)

My second deployment off the coast of Vietnam came to an end, word came over the 1MC that we were bound for the States, that big grey nuke cruiser Long Beach heeled over and started HONKING and this blasted over the 1MC:

My good friend posted a 1982 top 40 list. It had an amazing number of really good bands/songs. Two from a flash in the pan called "Quarterflash" The one stuck in my head is "Harden My Heart".


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Good Blues tune to dance to.

My second deployment off the coast of Vietnam came to an end, word came over the 1MC that we were bound for the States, that big grey nuke cruiser Long Beach heeled over and started HONKING and this blasted over the 1MC

I loved Ten Years After -- I bet you loved hearing that song. The performance was fron Woodstock, wasn't it?
I loved Ten Years After -- I bet you loved hearing that song. The performance was fron Woodstock, wasn't it?

Yes, that's a '69 Woodstock performance on Youtube - we headed home early December '72 and just can't think of a more appropriate song for the mood! Wakes that mood right up whenever it plays.
This morning's swing played in my head. A favorite version.

My good friend posted a 1982 top 40 list. It had an amazing number of really good bands/songs. Two from a flash in the pan called "Quarterflash" The one stuck in my head is "Harden My Heart".

Ah, yes. The early 80's when I used to still pay attention to the radio and what was current. Now, if it ain't oldies, I turn off the radio. Stuck in ancient history, but that's okay. YMMV
Ever since Sunday evening, "Fast Car" has been stuck in my head.

I'm not complaining. :smitten:
This one was never an ear worm for me until a week or two ago. Can't even get to sleep tonight because it's playing so vibrantly inside my head.

Haven't been to West Virginia since I was working, when we were sent there with some other federal environmental people several times a year on planning retreats at the National Conservation Training Center. Guess the state had a pretty big impact on me.
miley cyrus flowers kills me anytime I hear a verse. I try to change the station before it starts......
All Too Well, 10 minute version, Taylor Swift. It has been in my ear for days now. I need to listen to something different today!
I used to listen to "greatest hits of the 'insert decade here'"-type playlists on utoob.
Maybe it's just the algorithms scrambling my acct, but recently none of the playlists are original artists. The description will list the title and original artist, but what is actually played is like a really good karaoke version. Very close. But off just enough to throw the whole tune out of wack.
This song has been running through my brain for a couple of days...

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