Days outta buddameouk!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 1, 2005
Days outta buddameouk, WTF, over?

I got up early in Columbia, SC and went to the breakfast buffet and there was a huge African-American gentlemen weighing in close to 600lbs, easy. He was standing at the counter pouring some foul looking milk into his glass and downing it without stopping to breathe between cups. He drank the entire pitcher and the 2% milk one too. Nearly a gallon.

I was in the process of getting one scoop of Raisan Bran and heard him say:
"Days outta buddameouk" and I wondered the following:
1. Had he left Buddameouk, ND and making reference to the length of the drive?
2. Was he in a daze from drinking the "buddameouk" too fast?
I looked around and there came his wife and 3 kids, easily another 1500 lbs of lard. They looked furious that the place was out of "buddameouk", while their bellies (dragging the floor) were growling. God knows they probably hadn't eaten in 4 hours what with the sleeping and all.

While I sat and read my USA today and drank coffee and had Bran, I suddenly realized what he was saying. And I watched in shock and awe as nearly 50 sausage patties, 5 lbs of bacon, 40 scrambled eggs, 30 biscuits, 3 qts of sausage gravy and a car tank full of "buddameouk" was consumed by this Hogzilla family. He could only be someone's Older Brother cause he had an OBs family.

If that wasn't bad enought and yes, it was sickening to watch those sorry excuses for humans but I saw worse in Richmond at late lunch, a white, obviously country, lady with an butt bigger than a sofa, having to be helped out of her chair by her equally obese husband and son. NO, not to leave but for another helping. And the sorry a$$ was shoving all kinds of food into little ziplocks and putting them in her purse. Wouldn't want to get hungry, maw (pigs stomach?, hmmmm, apt)! When I left at least 6 full chicken skeletons were on her scrap heap.***

Damn, this country is sick. But got to admit, it's good entertainment.

Hope this doesn't spoil anyone's breakfast, or disturb the sensitive nature of some. It paints a bad picture of me as an inveterate obese-ist. Next bad turn will be criticizing Jerry Falwell, ooops, too late for that.

Maybe Wednesday Weigh-In ought to be deleted before it reveals too much. I'm over weight so I can cast the stones. At 5'10" and 157lbs the doc says lose the 7lbs and I have had salad and salmon for several days and can feel the weigh coming off.
Your post just actually made me wonder why you would go out to a breakfast buffet for a bowl of raisin bran and a cup of coffee and what they charge you for that? :)
it's the free buffet at the motel. All the one's off interstate seem to charge $89, so that OBs family can eat hearty. Plus entertain me.

my pleasure. A good laugh is worth a thousand words, cause when we're laughing we can neither hear, speak nor eat.

This morning I was first in the buffet, apple and cereal. Got out quick while I could still breathe. Those dry raisin bran flakes are still lodged in my nose from yesterday when I realized his comment.
I feel sorry for the owners of these places. If these "customers" keep coming back often, they might have to close the place down.

"Days outta buddameouk":confused: OK, my imagination is not that imaginative. What does it mean? "They are out of butter milk"?
When I traveled around the country last year I saw the same thing. If you live in NYC, SF, Chi, or LA you might not see so much of it. Also, check out the way we Americans dress; you would never know we were the richest nations on the earth.
The worst was when I was at an Indian Casino on the Washington State coast - Gambling, poorly dressed and overweight.
This is one thing that amazed me. I had dinner at the Casino thinking it might be better - like LV - and it was on the rive. So I ordered tuna steak. When it arrived there was a large lite yellow lump on it about the size of those small ice cream scoops you sometimes see. I tasted it - butter. I'm not a health nut but this is how you get obease - small things with a lot of calories.

Anyway, think about the future for the people you saw - diabeates, riding around in an electric wheel chair. Have you seen the healthy people riding around in the store provided electric chairs?

The good part of all this? You will not see these people hiking.
Only major buffet amusement I've seen was at a local macdonalds in Santa Clara which is the only one i've ever seen with a breakfast buffet...and it was actually pretty decent.

But whenever they'd put out a new bucket o' bacon, one guy or another would go and just grab the whole mass with the tongs and move it onto his plate. Looked like about a pound and a half.

Bet they were drinking a little bit of water later on in the day.

We did have an 'all you can eat' mongolian BBQ place which had a "We have the right to limit customers to 3 bowls!" sign in it. Which sort of means its not all you can eat, I think. There was one absolutely enormous guy that I saw show up there a couple of times. The people working at the place always reacted like they saw an armed gunman headed for the door. Much grumbling and gnashing of teeth.
Sam, yeah, it was his version of "they are out of buttermilk" and the way he said it,it was somehow their fault for not providing a 50 gallon barrel for him and his clump family.

Dex, I have lived 20 years overseas on SF and Chicago since returning so this cross country (ocean to ocean) drive has been fun AND revealing.

The clothing is amazing, here in the South some of the people are more than huge almost gigantic. And the pants tend to be size 60in or bigger waist and mid calf supposedly but most were them hanging low so the crotch is at the knees, they can barely walk and so the legs nearly touch their shoes.

T-Shirts almost exclusively and size XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL.

Where do you go for clothing when you weigh more than a typical car.

Visibly the look like slobs and when eating they give the word slob a positive meaning. Ravenous swine.

My country. God bless us all. And we thru our blind arrogance still proclaim to be the greatest nation on earth. Why I have no idea. Sort of wishful thinking and if you've ever spent time in France, Germany, Sweden or Italy, you can probably guess what they think.

But, just saw a tour bus unload (real-time) and the over 60 crowd got off and 90% overweight and having trouble even walking.

Oh, well on to UNC at Chapel Hill.
What really puzzles me about families such as the one you describe, is how the hell do they afford their eating habits? Seems like they would be unable to hold down any meaningful job because of the health issues associated with their size.

We've been watching a show on Discovery Health on obesity. Seems like this group lives in denial, there is nothing they can do to help their situation besides have gastric bypass surgery. I am so angry because how do people let themselves end up like this? It's not as if there is not the information out there to let us all know what we are putting into our mouths, whether it is good for you or not.

I come from a family of obese people who blame everything on genetics rather than on the facts that they eat crap and huge portions of it and the only exercise they do is changing channels using the remote.
I wonder if the presence of these extremely obese people causes society to accept and view people who are just regular-old-obese (cough Jordan Sparks cough) as normal.
I wonder if the presence of these extremely obese people causes society to accept and view people who are just regular-old-obese (cough Jordan Sparks cough) as normal.

Of course. No different than money. If you go to another country and tell people that you're poor because you only make 20K USD a year, they would automatically assume you just came out of a mental institution.

BTW, you mean Jordin Sparks, right?
Feel better guys? You just conducted a wilding.

Dang funny stuff. "buddameouk"! Have fun around the Triangle. Hope you get a good eyeful at UNC - the ladies should be out in summer apparel today. :)
Thanks a lot---I'll never be able to drink buttermilk again (not that I ever have)! But definitely a good laugh, as well as sobering realization as to how expensive universal health care would be with all these people who are walking time bombs in terms of heart attacks and other problems.

Al, about Jordin Sparks---I'm not sure I agree. Yeah, she sometimes looked enormous, with shoulders that could rival a linebacker's (and her father was in the NFL), but the entertainment industry almost always is composed of women with zero body fat who look emaciated and may have eating disorders, so I think it is actually a positive message for young girls that they can still look attractive, even with some weight on them.
We did have an 'all you can eat' mongolian BBQ place which had a "We have the right to limit customers to 3 bowls!" sign in it. Which sort of means its not all you can eat, I think. There was one absolutely enormous guy that I saw show up there a couple of times. The people working at the place always reacted like they saw an armed gunman headed for the door. Much grumbling and gnashing of teeth.

Who was the obese comedian who did the "hey you - fat boy! You go now!" routine?
I've noticed coworkers at the [-]ptomaine domain[/-] cafeteria at w*rk, in the line at the grill for breakfast ordering "a mess". Now for you folks not from the "South", a mess consists of pretty much everything but the kitchen sink: eggs, scrambled with cheese, sausage, potatoes, a maybe a smidge of onion or bell pepper, drizzled with butter or maragarine. Throw in a couple of hunks of Texas toast for good measure. Oh, and smother it in gravy...
My wife and I made our last (only) visit to Golden Corral as the result of a cuepon? she received for doing a 15K or so run. The pure irony of that only dawned on us when we got there. I have never seen such concentrated fat in my life - and that was the clientel, not the fare.

The high point of the meal was looking up just in time to see woman staggering towards us who would easily go 400 lbs. She was about 40, pushing a walker and balancing a tray of several plates. The food was stacked a good 5" high. She was busting out of her support hose, at ankle level. That was the last time I took my eyes off my plate. The scary thing is she wasn't truely one of the bigguns.... just most notable.

As a counter point, next time you see a film from the WWII era (or older), notice how thin everyone is. Actually, even later.
You can walk around Seattle or Bellevue or Kirkland all day long and never see a truly fat person, as long as you stay out of the outer suburbs or the tourist concentrations at Pike Place Market.

Maybe one problem people have in the south is that it is so hot and humid who wants to get out and be active? When I was a kid growing up in the South there were damn few fat people- I remember one fat kid in my high school, and none in grade school. But in those days you had no choice but to go out in the heat, and besides it was too hot to eat much anyway.
Damn......I feel guilty as hell now.:( I scrambled a couple of eggs this morning and grilled a little smoked sausage. Oh yes, throw in a fluffy southern biscuit. I have to sure was good. I figured my cholesterol pill would counter act all the grease. But to be honest, this was highly unusual for me. Mon-Fri I usually have Fiber-One cereal with blueberries. I save the weekends for being a bad boy.>:D

The obese situation is bad though. The local community college currently has some kind of summer camp going on for a group of Choctaw Indians who live on a reservation here in MS. Well I was walking my dog yesterday and I saw 40-50 teenagers from the camp walking/running track and at least 70% of the kids were 50lbs over weight.:eek: I kid not. Hopefully this is a camp to get them on a fitness program.
I took Gabe to the park last week, and this one has a water feature...big sprinkler for the kids to run through basically.

In his swim trunks, among about 25-30 other kids, he looked like a little white stick surrounded by well fattened, tanned seals. I couldnt believe how porky most of the other kids were...most of them under 5.
Justin, when you were down visiting the rellies did you pull the plug on Hope Mills Lake, it's gone. I last went there 52 years ago and it seemed 100ft deep, amazing to see how shallow it was. And I was at Kenan and DES Center today, got some pics of both. Love UNC. Didn't go there and my Bruins ruined Rusty Clark's day but I still am a big fan. All class.

if wilding means "acting crazy" remember we all retired early so it's just, as Hank Jr. would say, acting naturally.


One thing that makes their gluttony alright was this was a "free" breakfast buffet at Comfort Inn (I stay only at the more expensive places:cool:. So "dayuz jes gittin day money's worf".

ROTFLMAO. :D :D :LOL: :D. Your original post should have its own spot in the Best of the Boards Section. Hogzilla. Nice touch.

BTW: When DW and I were in Paris, we played a game we called "Find the fat Frenchman." It was nigh impossible to do. I think it's because they walk everywhere and every day. No Monsieurs Hogzilla's there. 6 chicken skeletons? Wunnerful. Made my day.
Justin, when you were down visiting the rellies did you pull the plug on Hope Mills Lake, it's gone. I last went there 52 years ago and it seemed 100ft deep, amazing to see how shallow it was.

Oops... I was hoping you wouldn't notice it was gone. ;)

The dam broke a few years back in a big rainstorm. The lake bed looked pretty shallow when I was there a few weeks back - maybe 10-20 ft?
Eagle43, thank you, glad to provide a day enhancing story. I intended it to be good humored and glad it made you smile. I just hope neither of my descriptions were of some of the ER posters while traveling.

And, gosh, too right. Paris is too funny cause if it's obese and eatin lard, it's an Amurkan (Bush speak). I for one was happy that the anarchists always attack the McDonalds. Walking seems a big part and they shop every day for the evening meal which I really got into while living in Europe. Fresh and tiny amounts. No driving to a Mega-Mall and coming out with 40 bags of garbage food, just nice fresh veggies and a small piece of fish.

Did McDonalds start this pandemic? (and for the perversely arrogant among us, yes, I do know that the word is miss-used):bat:

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