
We got looked at towards the end of the ultrasound session. He was flipping around in there like an acrobat and towards the end he looked right at us. "Can you turn that thing off and quit lookin' at me!?!"

Also, please dont send me any more photos of your daughter. Explaining to your pregnant wife that the reason why I have pictures of a teenaged girl in my mailbox is because somebody I know from an early retirement web site sent them to me flies like a lead baloon... :D :p
Now, you KNOW I haven't sent you any more of those!

Those other pictures on your computer will have to be explained in some other way. . .


It appears we're having a boy

This remindes me of a simpsons episode.... most things in life do.....

Hibbert: Congratulations, Mr. Simpson: you have a beautiful, healthy baby.

Homer: OK. [makes thumbs up sign]
[Maggie grabs the thumb with her tiny hand] Huh?

Marge: Homey, I think someone is saying "Hello".

Homer: Hello. Aw, it's a boy -- and WHAT a boy!

Hibbert: Er, that's the umbilical cord. It's a girl.

For those of you who don't watch the simpsons... sorry, but I couldn't resist....
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