Moderator Emeritus
After carefully and purposefully planning for the past 5+ years to move to Springfield, Missouri once we could ER, and after having our houses on the market for months, last week Frank made a firm and momentous decision. We are going to stay in New Orleans for the foreseeable future and that is that, case closed.
His reasons are many, including the economy and the location of opportunities for him to find an ESR job if needed. But regardless of his reasons, the upshot of it is that we will be staying in New Orleans.
As some of you have known, I have been pretty ambivalent about the move. On the one hand I really, really wanted to move away from the hurricanes and crime and corruption, but on the other hand New Orleans is a very seductive place and I love living here, too. I love the people, the food, the architecture, the history, the music, the art, the laid back "laissez les bons temps rouler" attitudes, and all that New Orleans is and has been for us. Besides, by now it is my home. I felt very torn. So, I am not so much upset by this news, as slightly "thrown for a loop" since it is a huge change in plans out of the blue. I have absolutely no intention of moving away from him, though, and I didn't really try to get him to change his mind, so I will be here for the foreseeable future as well.
I just can't think of any subtle way to slip this into the forum, so thought I'd be outrageously overt and make this post announcing it. I am looking forward to living like a human being for a change, instead of living in an unrealistically pristine home while trying to sell.
So, time to kick back and have some fun.

His reasons are many, including the economy and the location of opportunities for him to find an ESR job if needed. But regardless of his reasons, the upshot of it is that we will be staying in New Orleans.
As some of you have known, I have been pretty ambivalent about the move. On the one hand I really, really wanted to move away from the hurricanes and crime and corruption, but on the other hand New Orleans is a very seductive place and I love living here, too. I love the people, the food, the architecture, the history, the music, the art, the laid back "laissez les bons temps rouler" attitudes, and all that New Orleans is and has been for us. Besides, by now it is my home. I felt very torn. So, I am not so much upset by this news, as slightly "thrown for a loop" since it is a huge change in plans out of the blue. I have absolutely no intention of moving away from him, though, and I didn't really try to get him to change his mind, so I will be here for the foreseeable future as well.
I just can't think of any subtle way to slip this into the forum, so thought I'd be outrageously overt and make this post announcing it. I am looking forward to living like a human being for a change, instead of living in an unrealistically pristine home while trying to sell.
So, time to kick back and have some fun.

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