Big change in our plans


Moderator Emeritus
Jan 11, 2007
New Orleans
After carefully and purposefully planning for the past 5+ years to move to Springfield, Missouri once we could ER, and after having our houses on the market for months, last week Frank made a firm and momentous decision. We are going to stay in New Orleans for the foreseeable future and that is that, case closed.

His reasons are many, including the economy and the location of opportunities for him to find an ESR job if needed. But regardless of his reasons, the upshot of it is that we will be staying in New Orleans.

As some of you have known, I have been pretty ambivalent about the move. On the one hand I really, really wanted to move away from the hurricanes and crime and corruption, but on the other hand New Orleans is a very seductive place and I love living here, too. I love the people, the food, the architecture, the history, the music, the art, the laid back "laissez les bons temps rouler" attitudes, and all that New Orleans is and has been for us. Besides, by now it is my home. I felt very torn. So, I am not so much upset by this news, as slightly "thrown for a loop" since it is a huge change in plans out of the blue. I have absolutely no intention of moving away from him, though, and I didn't really try to get him to change his mind, so I will be here for the foreseeable future as well.

I just can't think of any subtle way to slip this into the forum, so thought I'd be outrageously overt and make this post announcing it. I am looking forward to living like a human being for a change, instead of living in an unrealistically pristine home while trying to sell. :)

So, time to kick back and have some fun. :dance: :dance:
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New Orleans is a great spot. Every time I visit I have always enjoyed it.
Isn't it great that you don't *have* to move to finance your ER? :) Congratulations on not having to pack up house and re-locate!
Congratulations W2R!

I guess my Xtranormal movie was prescient!

I think we all understood you were very torn about this decision and that you would miss NOLA a lot. I see that Frank was the one who made the firm and momentous decision. Are you comfortable with that or are you happy to have the decision lifted from you?
Sometimes, just deciding to do what you're doing is a relief. Here's hoping that the hurricanes leave you alone for a long time.
Congratulations W2R!

I guess my Xtranormal movie was prescient!

I think we all understood you were very torn about this decision and that you would miss NOLA a lot. I see that Frank was the one who made the firm and momentous decision. Are you comfortable with that or are you happy to have the decision lifted from you?

I started to discuss his decision with him when he told me about it, mostly because I was worried that maybe he hadn't thought it through and would change his mind again. But once he told me he was very sure of this decision, I realized that I really was OK with it. I am also OK with him making the decision, because I have been so indecisive about this issue. I know that he is thinking of what is best for both of us and I'm glad one of us has a clue about that (because I really don't know).
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If you're happy, we're happy for you! :) :flowers:

We look forward to more great NOLA stories! Party on! :dance:
People in the military sometimes encounter a similar situation.
Once I was about due for a PCS (permanent change of station), and I had my new assignment all lined up. I was really looking forward to it, despite the huge disruption.

About 45 days before the move, I got a message from the powers that be, informing me that instead of going to location A, I would be going to location B, about 2,000 miles distant from A.

I was upset and annoyed, but I got over it and started looking forward to location B. As it turned out, I was very happy with the change, and everything worked out for the best.

I suspect that, with your great attitude, you'll be happy too.

Now get back to work on that Mardi Gras costume!
Now get back to work on that Mardi Gras costume!

Even though I threw out most of my Mardi Gras beads in preparation for the move, I kept several boxes full of the GOOD beads! And Mardi Gras is one month from today.

Man, I was afraid the big change was going to involve another countdown clock to retirement because you'd decided for the next couple of years to return to, you know.... And now your houses are beautifully fixed up, decluttered, etc., so you can enjoy living there!
Man, I was afraid the big change was going to involve another countdown clock to retirement because you'd decided for the next couple of years to return to, you know....

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: No way! I wanted to retire, and I retired, and ain' no way I'm gonna un-retire now. :D

Bestwifeever said:
And now your houses are beautifully fixed up, decluttered, etc., so you can enjoy living there!

They are really delightful to live in, now. They should be better once we can get out our "personal" stuff and make them our own, once again. I miss all my cheap art (which is all packed up in a big closet). :)
I am glad to hear this. Places have spirits, and people have spirits and over time our spirits either grow entwined with the spirit of our home, or come to strongly reject it. I think those who vibrate with the spirit of their place are usually wise to give in to this, because whatever people like to say about wherever you are, you are there, etc, etc, some of us are much more content and more able to live joyously in some particular place. Just like one lover or spouse is not interchangeable with another, neither is one home city interchangeable with another. In particular, ports are different from non-ports.

I hope you have good luck with the elements and the other aspects that did bother you. (And not unreasonably either!)

Thank you, Ha, and thank you for your very perceptive post. There is something special about New Orleans for me (even though it was not pleasant to see it half destroyed, but it is coming back little by little). I think what you are saying about the intertwining of spirits is so true, especially here in New Orleans because of the way it is.
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I always felt your heart was in NO, so I think you made the right decision. Or at least Frank did. :)
I always felt your heart was in NO, so I think you made the right decision. Or at least Frank did. :)

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Exactly! And that is why I didn't mind the fact that he took the lead on this one. :D I would have been happy no matter what his decision, I admit.
I thought you were pregnant.
I thought you were pregnant.

Oh Lord no!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I think that was removed from the realm of possibilities for us, a few years ago... thank goodness! But bless your heart for thinking there was even a remote possibility that I could be that young. :flowers:
I was going to say "whatever floats your boat" but maybe that isn't a good thing to say to a NOLA resident. Anyway, enjoy.
I am looking forward to living like a human being for a change, instead of living in an unrealistically pristine home while trying to sell. :)
Man! If we ever sell our home, the only way for us to do it is to leave and to show it vacant. Just too much hassle otherwise.

And about stayin', did I read somewhere that most people just retire in place? I have also been thinking I am going to die here in my current home that we have had for 23 years.

Still, I am going to keep my screen name. I will be NW-bound frequently in my motor home anyway, so it is not going to be "false advertising".
I was going to say "whatever floats your boat" but maybe that isn't a good thing to say to a NOLA resident. Anyway, enjoy.

Probably not! A 65+ year old sedentary lawyer friend of ours barely escaped with his life after Katrina by paddling a long way to safety over 10+ foot deep, debris clogged, oily floodwaters in the kayak that he had purchased for exercise. After hearing his frightful story we have often wondered if maybe we should take up kayaking, but didn't since we were going to move. Now? Who knows... maybe at some point we will have a boat to float. :)

Thanks, we will. :)
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