Blow Me!




Yep firefox shows it but IE doesnt, in fact firefox lets me click on your url and it displays the photo but IE gives me a "forbidden" error.

Very annoying. But resolved by jumping through flaming hoops...
[warning]Only OT geek talk in this post[/warning]

I'm using Firefox, too. I tried IE to make sure it wasn't a problem just with Firefox. I think one of my extension messes things up, the preview button here posts instead of previews. I think I've narrowed that down to the tabbrowser extension, though.

The pic does show in my Firefox in your second post.

It almost looked to me like they were possibly doing something on the site hosting the picture to stop direct linking. So I simply copied the pic to the empty homepage on my own ISP and linked directly to that. Looked like firefox was ignoring the "forbidden" on the first site as IE sure wasnt.

Preview works ok for me here. So far the only sites that work differently in some places and not very well at all in others is my healthcare providers website, and vanguard. Those require me to go back to internet exploder.

Are ya running firefox 0.9?
Some brief NERDness before reverting to referential picture links: I downloaded 0.9 but haven't installed yet because I have my extensions and all exactly as I want them, although supposedly it'll be much easier to transfer all my settings and extensions than before.

Some extensions dont work in 0.9, although I dont use many of them.

Oddly, the ones that dont work all clearly state on their respective web sites that they work great with 0.9.

Make sure you download the latest 0.9. I pulled it down when it first became available. When I installed it it said "0.8" in the 'about' drop down and it wiped out everything...cookies, tabs, favorites and extensions.

That didnt make my day :'(

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