Blow that Dough 2023

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The condo complex that I bought in do not have laundry hookups because they were built in 1978 and have a laundry room. But they allow you to have apartment size washers and dryers installed. They are a half load. 2 years has passed and I am sick of using the laundry room. Small appliances are expensive and I paid 1100 for them. A plumber comes this week to give me a quote for installation. No clue what that will cost as they have to go through a wall to access the water and electrical. Looking forward to having laundry in my condo.

That's a great way to spend money, though! I love having my own washer and dryer (didn't years ago, and hated it).
The condo complex that I bought in do not have laundry hookups because they were built in 1978 and have a laundry room. But they allow you to have apartment size washers and dryers installed. They are a half load. 2 years has passed and I am sick of using the laundry room. Small appliances are expensive and I paid 1100 for them. A plumber comes this week to give me a quote for installation. No clue what that will cost as they have to go through a wall to access the water and electrical. Looking forward to having laundry in my condo.

A wise use of funds. Something you will use multiple times per week, saving time and effort.
The condo complex that I bought in do not have laundry hookups because they were built in 1978 and have a laundry room. But they allow you to have apartment size washers and dryers installed. They are a half load. 2 years has passed and I am sick of using the laundry room. Small appliances are expensive and I paid 1100 for them. A plumber comes this week to give me a quote for installation. No clue what that will cost as they have to go through a wall to access the water and electrical. Looking forward to having laundry in my condo.

Very nice way to BTD.

It will be interesting on costs to utilities the appliances. If placed in a good spot with water and sewer close by will be best. Sewer connection will be more of a concern than water & electricity for connections.
Very nice way to BTD.

It will be interesting on costs to utilities the appliances. If placed in a good spot with water and sewer close by will be best. Sewer connection will be more of a concern than water & electricity for connections.

I agree.

Water supply should be easy if close by. Washer drain line could be difficult. Dryer vent through an outside wall might be difficult as well as venting the washer drain line.

My grandmother in her later years wanted her washer and dryer on her main floor instead of her basement. My uncle and I thought about it a while, but never did anything because my grandmother moved to a nursing home shortly after.
Recumbent e trike

Last year’s foot fracture left me with some residual pain and swelling if I get to aggressive on our usual hikes. My husband and I decided it was time to add something new to our outdoor activities. Spent some time on a rented recumbent trike and loved it.

I just ordered a Catrike Dumont e trike. It was a first for me, spending such a handsome sum on an unnecessary item. But I’m really looking forward to getting out on the beautiful trails we have in our area!
Very nice way to BTD.

It will be interesting on costs to utilities the appliances. If placed in a good spot with water and sewer close by will be best. Sewer connection will be more of a concern than water & electricity for connections.

Actually these small washers are connected to the bathroom sink pipes. They are made for apartments so if you don’t have them permanently installed you can connect to the kitchen faucet. I want it permanently installed. Also the apartment dryers run on regular electricity and vent into a small bucket of water. There’s no way to vent them outside. I stuck the dryer in my guest bedroom/office. People in the 2 bathroom units put them in their master closet or the bathroom itself.

My bathroom is tiny but I have a spot in the hallway right next to the bathroom sink. I can’t stack them as the ceiling in the hallway is only 7ft. The rest of the ceiling is much higher. This is because pipes and your blower for the central heat and air are located there and have to be accessible hence the only part of the condo with a fake ceiling. I am really looking forward to having my own laundry again.
Actually these small washers are connected to the bathroom sink pipes. They are made for apartments so if you don’t have them permanently installed you can connect to the kitchen faucet. I want it permanently installed. Also the apartment dryers run on regular electricity and vent into a small bucket of water. There’s no way to vent them outside. I stuck the dryer in my guest bedroom/office. People in the 2 bathroom units put them in their master closet or the bathroom itself.

My bathroom is tiny but I have a spot in the hallway right next to the bathroom sink. I can’t stack them as the ceiling in the hallway is only 7ft. The rest of the ceiling is much higher. This is because pipes and your blower for the central heat and air are located there and have to be accessible hence the only part of the condo with a fake ceiling. I am really looking forward to having my own laundry again.

Outstanding! Sounds like it will work great. I guess my mind always works on how to accomplish tasks and the engineering part to make it work.

Thanks I hope all works out great for you.
My friends in the building have all bought condos where it was already done. I installed the dryer myself it was so easy and it works great. They just take longer to dry than a regular one. I still have to use the laundry room to wash so the guy comes Thursday for the estimate and I am going to schedule install as soon as possible.

I decided to use the same plumbing company that the hoa uses for the entire building since no one will know the building better. My son said it’s going to be so easy that he can do it but he’s not a licensed plumber and I don’t want to violate the rules since I am on the board:)).
My friends in the building have all bought condos where it was already done. I installed the dryer myself it was so easy and it works great. They just take longer to dry than a regular one. I still have to use the laundry room to wash so the guy comes Thursday for the estimate and I am going to schedule install as soon as possible.

I decided to use the same plumbing company that the hoa uses for the entire building since no one will know the building better. My son said it’s going to be so easy that he can do it but he’s not a licensed plumber and I don’t want to violate the rules since I am on the board:)).

Plus, you could look at your friends setup, to see for yourself where the pipes are and connections end up. There may be some variation , or it could help in case the plumber suggests something really weird.
Sunset, I have looked at my friends and they all connect to the pipes from the bathroom sink. My son said it’s the only way to do it. Also I am using the plumbers that service the entire 2 buildings and we have been extremely happy with their work so they know the building better than anyone. So looking forward to not dragging my laundry around.

My son tried to talk me into doing it 2 years ago but I didn’t want to spend the money. One of my friends in the building has a serious disease and now she can’t physically go to the laundry room so it’s a good lesson that we never know what the future holds.
Sunset, I have looked at my friends and they all connect to the pipes from the bathroom sink. My son said it’s the only way to do it. Also I am using the plumbers that service the entire 2 buildings and we have been extremely happy with their work so they know the building better than anyone. So looking forward to not dragging my laundry around.

My son tried to talk me into doing it 2 years ago but I didn’t want to spend the money. One of my friends in the building has a serious disease and now she can’t physically go to the laundry room so it’s a good lesson that we never know what the future holds.

I think it's a great idea.
My first place was a condo apt, and I had to just walk down the hall to do laundry, and the machines were free to use.

Still it was annoying as I'd walk all the way down to find out the machines were busy. Then when I got a machine, I had to go to switch to dryer and then go to take out from the dryer or risk someone "helping" me by moving my clothes.
The condo complex that I bought in do not have laundry hookups because they were built in 1978 and have a laundry room. But they allow you to have apartment size washers and dryers installed. They are a half load. 2 years has passed and I am sick of using the laundry room. Small appliances are expensive and I paid 1100 for them. A plumber comes this week to give me a quote for installation. No clue what that will cost as they have to go through a wall to access the water and electrical. Looking forward to having laundry in my condo.

Our condo was built in 1971, so we didn’t have a washer/dryer until we remodeled a few years ago. We went for a full size stacked washer/dryer, which we were able to do with rearranging the bathroom setup. It vents into a box with a filter, and we turn on a humidifier when we run the dryer to keep the humidity low. It works well for us.
Dash man, if I had a bigger bathroom or 2 bathrooms I would have put it in there versus the hall but absolutely no space for it in my bathroom. With it just being me I don’t mind the small size. Glad you were able to get the full size. Being without laundry in my unit sucks.
Just signed the contract for our 'solar system'. Wanted to get in under CA NEM2 which expires mid-April. Financially, it now makes sense with the purchase of our EV and A/C. We're also including a 2-pack battery setup. $61K of which we'll get back 30% in tax credit next year allowing for a nice Roth conversion :dance:.
Just signed the contract for our 'solar system'. Wanted to get in under CA NEM2 which expires mid-April. Financially, it now makes sense with the purchase of our EV and A/C. We're also including a 2-pack battery setup. $61K of which we'll get back 30% in tax credit next year allowing for a nice Roth conversion :dance:.

Heh, heh, you had me at "Roth conversion." Way to go.
Last year’s foot fracture left me with some residual pain and swelling if I get to aggressive on our usual hikes. My husband and I decided it was time to add something new to our outdoor activities. Spent some time on a rented recumbent trike and loved it.

I just ordered a Catrike Dumont e trike. It was a first for me, spending such a handsome sum on an unnecessary item. But I’m really looking forward to getting out on the beautiful trails we have in our area!

Sorry to hear that the fracture is giving you so much trouble. I bought my first recumbent trike 26 years ago. It was a big novelty at that time since there were no others in the area. A year ago I finally bought a new one. It is also a Catrike Dumont although not electric since I live in Fl and the roads are flat. After a fused lower back, knee replacement, both shoulders and both wrists damaged the recumbent trike is my only way to get exercise. Just look out for the cars, use a flag, and plenty of flashing lights.

More fun than doing what people say I can't do.

Actually these small washers are connected to the bathroom sink pipes. They are made for apartments so if you don’t have them permanently installed you can connect to the kitchen faucet. I want it permanently installed. Also the apartment dryers run on regular electricity and vent into a small bucket of water. There’s no way to vent them outside. I stuck the dryer in my guest bedroom/office. People in the 2 bathroom units put them in their master closet or the bathroom itself.

My bathroom is tiny but I have a spot in the hallway right next to the bathroom sink. I can’t stack them as the ceiling in the hallway is only 7ft. The rest of the ceiling is much higher. This is because pipes and your blower for the central heat and air are located there and have to be accessible hence the only part of the condo with a fake ceiling. I am really looking forward to having my own laundry again.
This is a BTD that you will enjoy for years to come. When I lived in Europe, I saw all kinds of unusual laundry systems. I'm sure you have too during your travels. Even if it is a little awkward, it is far nicer to have your own than to share.
Heh, heh, you had me at "Roth conversion." Way to go.

Unfortunately, with the various tax and IRMAA caps, I am only able to do small ones...this tax credit will allow me to bump it up.
This is a BTD that you will enjoy for years to come. When I lived in Europe, I saw all kinds of unusual laundry systems. I'm sure you have too during your travels. Even if it is a little awkward, it is far nicer to have your own than to share.

In Poland the washers are in the kitchen and the cost to use a dryer is too expensive so they line dry. I intend to cover the washer with a pretty tablecloth and put a decorative item on top. Unfortunately I can’t center it on the wall or it will be blocking part of my bedroom doorway so will have to be against the wall off center. I don’t care as I am so sick of using the laundry room.
The condo complex that I bought in do not have laundry hookups because they were built in 1978 and have a laundry room. But they allow you to have apartment size washers and dryers installed. They are a half load. 2 years has passed and I am sick of using the laundry room. Small appliances are expensive and I paid 1100 for them. A plumber comes this week to give me a quote for installation. No clue what that will cost as they have to go through a wall to access the water and electrical. Looking forward to having laundry in my condo.

In our first tiny shabby apartment we had a compact portable washer and dryer. The washer was a top loader and the dryer was above it on a rack. They just barely fit into the small kitchen. We had a hookup on the kitchen sink faucet and I would roll the washer over to the sink to do a few loads and then roll it back. The rack was in front of a window so we had a way to vent the dryer outside.

This was such a treat after having to go to a laundromat. The loads were small but it was just two of us so it all worked really well. When we moved to our house we had a laundry room in the basement so they got permanent hookups.

After we had our first son I still kept them for a while but finally had to upgrade to big family sized machines. But I have very fond memories of our first laundry appliances.

I hope you enjoy your new convenient laundry. Good decision!
All this talk of washer/dryers reminds me that we never owned either until we'd been married for 12 years. We never had a place to put one in our first apartment. Then when we moved to our first real house, the water source (well water with iron and sulfur) and the septic system were so bad, we didn't want to chance it.

So, for all those years, we schlepped 3 weeks of laundry to the laundromat. It was not as bad as it sounds. In those days, it was relatively inexpensive AND we knew places we could use multiple machines. So in 2 hours, we could wash/dry/fold/hang 3 weeks (or more:blush:) worth of laundry (and then schlepp it all back home.)

Even into the late 70s, there were machines that were 15 cents wash and 10 cents dry. We'd save our change and that's all we needed for the laundry. How times have changed. We recently replaced our stack unit at a cost of close to $2K!
We have a Summer cabin on an island, no electricity or running water.
So we have to go to the laundromat every week.. I really detest it. Waste of 1 hour, assuming we can get the machines we need at once.

If I can get pressurized water installed from the lake, I'll happily use a generator and washing machine with hang to dry as a solution.
We have a Summer cabin on an island, no electricity or running water.
So we have to go to the laundromat every week.. I really detest it. Waste of 1 hour, assuming we can get the machines we need at once.

If I can get pressurized water installed from the lake, I'll happily use a generator and washing machine with hang to dry as a solution.
Have you ever seen the antique gasoline motor washing machines? Google it!
Mazatlán has the third largest Carnival celebration in the world. We paid $3000 pesos for two tickets to watch the parade on Sunday from the viewing platform of an upscale hotel on the Malecón, which includes all you can eat and drink. I’m not really a parade person, but DW is all in.
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