Butter: store it cold or room temp?

Butter. Very serious thing.

For day to day butter I go with Land 'O Lakes and buy a boatload during sales.

I usually put 2 sticks out of the fridge so they are soft for toast but also easily accessible for cooking.

Kerrygold: Life changing. When on sale I buy it. I keep it in the fridge and take it out a half hour before using it. I don't cook with it---rather I love using it on warm white rolls or out of the oven croissants (that's French).

The contrast of the cool, rich butter in the same bite as the warm crusty bread is wonderful.

Speaking of croissants my first world problem of the week is the local grocery chain has great donuts and croissants. Donuts were 99 cents - 30 cents less than Dunkin and they are so good. Croissants are fresh, delicious, and large. and $1.69.

Now - the croissants are noticeably smaller, and the price went to $1.99 each.

20%+ inflation. And it got smaller. Grrrrrrrrrr
We store it in the freezer, then the refrigerator. We keep one stick in a butter dish on the counter, but if the house gets too warm in the summer months it goes in the refrigerator. I detest overly soft butter unless I have melted it on the stove or in the microwave for a purpose.
We don’t use butter for spreading, only for cooking, so in the fridge it stays.
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