Cheap/Free Activities

I would love to find a pinochle group, Moemg, and Scrabble online would be fun! I used to love Tetris. And a long time ago I gave our kids a PC game called Sam and Max Hit the Road that I adored myself. I was never coordinated enough to get Mario and Luigi to jump AND move forward at the same time on the Nintendo. The Wii intrigues me but DH would kill me if I suggested getting it.

DH and I are both volunteering for different things that interest us--that's cheap and easy and keeps us out of each other's hair for a few hours. We also belong to a health club for $100 a month--an expense I would cut but we go almost every day and hey, why not take showers there too--that saves us money on water and water heater at home. I take a creative writing class at the local community college--it's about $20 a session and good for social, intellectual exercise.

Also, if someone is a veteran, check your state veteran's agency--DH learned he can take 4 years of classes at an Illinois state college for free as an Illinois active duty veteran, even though he served a bazillion years ago and for only two years--this benefit is not related to the federal GI bill (which he already used a bazillion years ago). He's applying now for a master's program in something he's been interested in. Hope the program is looking for a few well-seasoned applicants.

And knitting, sewing, other handicrafts....
I enjoy cooking, especially in the winter (pretty weird for a guy, huh?) Depending on your ingredients, I would submit that it goes beyond cheap and beyond free to being a great money saver. Entertainment that saves you money! How can you beat that? :D
You are right on Hankster. I love making a big pot of soup while the "game" is on(whatever game that is). Kids enjoy helping cut up veggies and stirring the pot. It smells wonderful and cooking is a wonderful bonding activity.
We just subscribed to NetFlix and just get the "one movie at a time" deal, but it is great! It's really cheap and we get to watch about 3 movies a week. It's way cheaper than the video store, or even PPV. It is especially good in the winter when we can't bet outside late. (In the summer we're outside til dark most every night)
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