Done ERd today

newguy888 said:
Funny but yesterday my last day was so uneventful.

Very anti climactic.

Kinda like get me the %&^$$ out of this place!

My last day was low key. Went to the personnel building, signed some papers, and went to the grocery store.

Felt there should have been a buffet, a band, and a cheering section.
newguy888 said:
........get me the %&^$$ out of this place!

That's what I've been saying for a couple of years months years now! :D

They can keep their crappy little breakfast, at the crappy little "slop-chute"....and they can stick their crappy cheap watch up their *ss keep their inexpensive time piece. I'll have my own FIRE party, with people I enjoy, and eat some fine cut of cow, grilled to perfection on my patio! Plus, I already have 2 very nice watches...and I only wear one at a time! 8)
My last day was anti-climatic as well. I actually had nothing to do except visit with a few remaining co-workers. So I came in 2 hrs late and left shortly after lunch handing my pass card, credit card, cell phone and office keys to the admin as I walked out the door. And the very next day got on an airplane for Canada.
Now you guys have done it. You have me salivating all over my keyboard for my own last day. Gotta get me one of those!!

But seriously, I doubt there's going to be much "to do" when I go. Especially since I'll still be on the books for four months burning up accrued sick leave. And since they can't hire a replacement LT until I leave I don't think that will endear me to either the Captain or the Warden. Tough noogies.

As a Union rep I was telling Congress this would happen for years. But the % of gov workers who are 24-7-365 is such a small % they won't change it. They save too much money not paying the rest of the FERS employees for selling it back.
1. Congrats on doing it! Alright!

2. As to the weather, I drove from Northern Va to Miami straight through on Friday and it rained... and rained... and rained... every %$@&*#$^& mile of the way, except about 15 minutes in NC. But at least the dense traffic was curiously courteous, and I only saw one or two minor fender benders on side of road the whole way.

3. O/T: Does anyone know why the traffic is so bad (was not rush hour, and not many entrances/exits apparent) on I-95 around Walterboro SC? I first saw the 'expect many slow downs' signs and wondered "why?" and sure enough, we came to a dead stop several times in the thirty or so mile stretch, but with no obvious LEO activity, no crashes, no turns, no unusual visibility issues and no obvious additional traffic coming in or exiting, other than the stream that was already motoring south on I-95. Moving around the Savannah area was not terrible, so I would not think that was it. Weird. I am clearly missing something.
DRiP Guy said:
1. Congrats on doing it! Alright!

2. As to the weather, I drove from Northern Va to Miami straight through on Friday and it rained... and rained... and rained... every %$@&*#$^& mile of the way, except about 15 minutes in NC. But at least the dense traffic was curiously courteous, and I only saw one or two minor fender benders on side of road the whole way.

3. O/T: Does anyone know why the traffic is so bad (was not rush hour, and not many entrances/exits apparent) on I-95 around Walterboro SC? I first saw the 'expect many slow downs' signs and wondered "why?" and sure enough, we came to a dead stop several times in the thirty or so mile stretch, but with no obvious LEO activity, no crashes, no turns, no unusual visibility issues and no obvious additional traffic coming in or exiting, other than the stream that was already motoring south on I-95. Moving around the Savannah area was not terrible, so I would not think that was it. Weird. I am clearly missing something.

I blame it on poor drivers. The amount of traffic is high and then you get a bunch of slow responding people and you end up with a back up which only gets bigger due to the increased amount of traffic. Then when you have an incline and the pieces of JUNK people are driving ie 1970s and 80s caddillac and continentals driven by FOSSILS and whala a SLOWDOWN!!

I think the old people who took their vehicles out of their museums ala their garages the past two days and drove them to someones house was a major part of the trouble on the highways the past few days. :D
newguy888 said:
New guy broke it down: [snips]

...poor drivers.

...slow responding people

.. incline

...pieces of JUNK people are driving

...old people who took their vehicles out of their museums


I am thinking you are right. Maybe someone needs to... :bat:

DRiP Guy said:

I am thinking you are right. Maybe someone needs to... :bat:


Kinda harsh, those old people just wanted to visit!!

Oh yea they are heading to my house, AND STAYING THE WEEK!!
Hey newguy888, now that yer permanent in my home state, there's one thing that's required of all gotta learn to eat GRITS hahahaha!!! :LOL: Have you taken a liking to all that sweet tea and NC style pork BBQ yet? Man, you're gonna put on some lbs! ;) I grew up and my family still resides about an hour south of where you are. It's a great place to be. Not sure why I'm down here in Louisiana. Oh yeah, it's the j*b! Gotta do somethin' about that soon!
Enjoy - I am sure that you will not miss the commute and the job. As far as what to do next, I am sure that you can come up with a list.
Congratulations and enjoy the next chapter in your life!
Hey it looks as though I ME was the person who moved out of NJ to NC and made NC have more people in it than NJ! :LOL: :p :D

Hey I like this not having to work for imbeciles!!!
newguy, I'm in my 10th year retirement from teaching.

I STILL have dreams of the classes from hell! :LOL: I don't think we will ever be free of them! :D :D

My advice would be to pack it in and forget the coaching job. Take the pension and if you need a few $$ there are tons of cash jobs you can do for a couple of hours a day.

Don't look back and live one day at a time. You put in your years and earned it.

There is so much else out there.
Zipper said:
newguy, I'm in my 10th year retirement from teaching.

I STILL have dreams of the classes from hell! :LOL: I don't think we will ever be free of them! :D :D

My advice would be to pack it in and forget the coaching job. Take the pension and if you need a few $$ there are tons of cash jobs you can do for a couple of hours a day.

Don't look back and live one day at a time. You put in your years and earned it.

There is so much else out there.

Private High School, best in NC.

My terms, 3 months a few hours a day.

Plus they have a real talented bunch of distance runners, jrs and srs that will give me the opportunity to do a second workout a day. Kinda like getting paid to workout.
Sounds like me when I left at 54. I was coach of the cross-country team.

You know the term "rabbit".

That was me! :D


I remember when I was a kid in the 50's and my dad was in his late 30's. He was a RR brakeman but was being constantly laid off because the oldtimers who had had a long career couldn't give it up and let a younger man earn a decent living for his family.
Contratulations, newguy, I am now in my 7th month of retirement from teaching and still feel the euphoria. We've also relocated to a different state and are relishing the fresh air, freedom from the Southern California rat race, no state sales tax, and our new much lower cost of living.
Retire Soon said:
Contratulations, newguy, I am now in my 7th month of retirement from teaching and still feel the euphoria. We've also relocated to a different state and are relishing the fresh air, freedom from the Southern California rat race, no state sales tax, and our new much lower cost of living.

That is probably my one mistake, the tax structure in NC is not super, but it sure is lower than NJ!!

Plus having my wife HAPPY around her family will help.

So I might have to do a few extra weeks of sub teaching or other easy fun part time work will pay for the small extra tax that I might have to pay. They tax your cars property tax adds up to about 390.00 a year for our vehicles. The real estate tax is 3300K a year. Hey I will make almost a 100 dollars a day sitting in a classroom being a sub teacher with no real difficult requirements. Then I got the varsity track coaching position at one of the best private schools in NC for this spring.

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