Don't Call Me Lucky?

Cheating might be too strong a word, but you know things like mulligans, moving the ball to a better lie, wrong count on strokes, not counting penalty strokes, etc.

Ummm, this is the very definition of cheating in golf. :cool:
I used to play about average golf, and focused on my own game not others. Wish everyone was doing the same! Many people have character flaws just below the surface. Competitive activities expose these often quickly.
The first year I retired I had 3 holes-in-one in 12 months-- I was definitely "lucky" because I am not a great player--I usually shoot around 90. Several of my playing partners kept telling me how lucky I was, even my husband said so. But I was unlucky too--at my club the tradition is to buy a round of drinks when you have a hole in one--so those 3 holes-in-one cost me a bundle. In fact the second of the holes in one was during a tournament, it was a very expensive shot. But heck I got my name in the paper so there's that.

If you are really frugal, you'll make a point never to hit a hole-in-one in a tournament.:LOL:
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