For old-timers on

You touched on some things here. And it is one reason I am on a trigger to bail myself. There's been a shift here on this board. Discussion has gotten narrower.

I'll stop with that.

Well, to be fair, as I recall, brewer took is pretty darn far sometimes, and I'm sure there were posts deleted/edited before I saw them. Even I would have told him to cool it.

Wow, time flies! After recognizing so many of you, I had to check and see how long it's been since we joined and now I realize it's been 18 years! Since then, we have been able to retire early (at 46 and 49) and would never have been able to without the help of so many of you. Thank you!
You touched on some things here. And it is one reason I am on a trigger to bail myself. There's been a shift here on this board. Discussion has gotten narrower.

I'll stop with that.

I'm not here too often myself. The exodus of members has sadly included some who were very well rounded and open. Personal dilemmas, loss of a loved one, the things that make us human. To me this was one of the profound strengths of this board and due to Covid or perhaps the increasing judgement of other posters, it's now all about the money honey and that makes me sad.
Nords what's up with your wife's activities at the Pearl Harbor National Memorial?

[Yes, I am a long timer. I espicially miss Rich by the Sea.]

Nord's wife is no longer involved with Arizona Memorial, but he invited me to join the board, and I'm still a member of board of Pacific Historic Parks. I occasionally post about it. Although do more lurking than post on the ER boards.

I miss Rich also, if IRRC he was in his 60s or 70s when he was posting correct?
Yeah, I was on the Motley Fool board back with Intercst etc. I lost track when the Motley Fool became pay for access to the forums, and while I occasionally read the Retire Early Home Page in the intervening years, it wasn't until I stumbled across that I reconnected with the community. I think I lurked here for 4 years before I finally made an account and actually started posting... :p

I remember Gumby from the MF boards, what was your login? I think mind was ClifP but I'm not really sure.

It was really valuable resource, since I think I retired the year after Trinity study was published. I know that forum that introduced me to the 4% SWR.
You touched on some things here. And it is one reason I am on a trigger to bail myself. There's been a shift here on this board. Discussion has gotten narrower.

I'll stop with that.

Unfortunately, it has, which is why my posting, and lurking have dropped significantly in the last ten years.

In reading the list of those of who moved on, I can honestly say that I appreciated every one of their contributions. Sure some could be obnoxious, and arrogant at times. Still, I think it is valuable to have many different points of view.

I know moderating is a pretty thankless task, and no question that some level of moderation is necessary. But for me, the policing of topics (e.g. no Politics and often current events) rather than behavior, name-calling, abuse, etc. is a mistake.

To use one example Mr Money Mustache has a similar mission but the Porky equivalent is seldom used. ER members are older, and possibly a bit wiser, I prefer posting here. But I find disheartening to have a thread shutdown, rather than dying a natural death that happens in most other discussion forums.

I'm curious has there ever been polling done, on moderation?
Mod Note:
This might be a good time to remind members of the community rules (link).

A few points specific to this thread: rules have evolved over time, in order to maintain a supportive and friendly community. They might not be perfect, and the (all volunteer) Moderator team spends a lot of time considering them, and our actions, to benefit as many members as possible.

Our actions are not always visible to members, as we remove posts that clearly violate these rules, and provide recommendations and feedback to members who step over them.

Any member who disagrees with Moderator actions should contact any member of the Mod team to discuss, but not complain in threads. Please discontinue such discussion here to allow this thread to continue.

Thank you all.
I’m pretty sure I stumbled on TromboneAl over on the TMC forum (Tesla Motors Club). His handle there is PianoAl, and while he’s been posting there often, it seems he sticks to Tesla topics, not the broader range of topics he weighed in on here.
Anyone remember CFB (CuteFuzzyBunny)? As I recall he left to "spend more time with his family." His kid should be about done with high school now.

I've seen him here and there. Mostly there.:dance:

And he is about to start looking at colleges. He's a little **** just like his dad.

I'll have to look through this thread and shake a few trees!:greetings10:
Probably as it should be - how many times can we debate many of the same topics?

As many times as it takes!

In other news, I decided to defer taking social security. An unexpected problem arose where I didn't need it and it'd cause me to make too much money.:blush:

I still love my paid off house though.
Yes, sadly Rich_by_the_Bay is deceased, as are others, including Big Money Jim, Khan, Imoldernu, and Moemg.

Many old timers have gradually drifted away, posting less frequently over time - HaHa, Bestwifeever, Samclem and Sarah in SC are a few examples.

I am most curious and concerned about are those who suddenly stopped posting, with no indication of any cause - Nemo2, redduck and RobbieB come to mind.

Oh no!! How awful!:(
It's not just the financial information. It's all the other things people at this site know about. Do you want to take a road trip to Bigrock, TX? Somebody here can tell you were to stay, eat, and what attractions are available. Is your garage door opener occasionally opening your garage when you aren't home? Somebody here probably can give you tips on what to check.

This site is so much more than plain old money.

When the site hit critical inertia, I coined the term SOAK. Source Of All Knowledge. We had enough people to answer nearly any question.
Mod Note:
This might be a good time to remind members of the community rules (link).

A few points specific to this thread: rules have evolved over time, in order to maintain a supportive and friendly community. They might not be perfect, and the (all volunteer) Moderator team spends a lot of time considering them, and our actions, to benefit as many members as possible.

Our actions are not always visible to members, as we remove posts that clearly violate these rules, and provide recommendations and feedback to members who step over them.

Any member who disagrees with Moderator actions should contact any member of the Mod team to discuss, but not complain in threads. Please discontinue such discussion here to allow this thread to continue.

Thank you all.

LOL. When did any of that happen?

Also, if the new rules are that we can't discuss people who came or went without checking in with the mod team, I'm glad I don't stop by.

Rather draconian policy and message. "Don't talk amongst yourselves or we'll lock a thread".:rolleyes:

Ha ha ha...goodbye everyone!:LOL:
That was fast...
LOL. When did any of that happen?

Also, if the new rules are that we can't discuss people who came or went without checking in with the mod team, I'm glad I don't stop by.

Rather draconian policy and message. "Don't talk amongst yourselves or we'll lock a thread".:rolleyes:

Ha ha ha...goodbye everyone!:LOL:

Hi CFB, nice to see you again.

There’s no problem with members talking about days gone by, who’s still around, and so on. Reminisce away! We’d just rather folks not engage in speculation regarding specific actions the moderator team may have taken.

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