Hawaii's running out of sand

Don't worry, you guys will have Loihi soon enough :)
"I think that we can all provide enough resources to support at least the current population and maybe another 50% if we could be more efficient about distributing it. " - Nords, July 12, 2005
TromboneAl said:
"I think that we can all provide enough resources to support at least the current population and maybe another 50% if we could be more efficient about distributing it. "  - Nords, July 12, 2005
Just be willing to pay for it!
Florida, central California, anywhere in the Carolines, Marianas, South Carolina Coast, North Cariolina Coast, Georgia Coast, Treasure Coast (N.W. Florida).....look there.
It's like oil or competent medical personnel. It's all there. It just ain't cheap anymore.

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