How is your Sleep? Not a poll. Just asking 4 comments

The older I got, the less I slept. For the longest time I fought the obvious solution and decided that it was just an age thing. I could drink a cup of coffee at 9pm and be out like a light by 10.

This last November we did some extended, separate travel where I was unable to continue my normal daily 1.5 pots of coffee consumption and was forced to use tiny travel coffee makers and I ended up drastically reducing my coffee consumption. Oddly enough, my time asleep grew considerably! As it turns out, while the coffee didn't *keep* me up, it certainly did accumulate in my system and wake me up early.

I'm now down to 4-6 cups a day, and mostly in the morning. I get seven hours usually, sometimes more with a nap. I still have occasional issues with comfortable positions, especially since my right shoulder has developed some chronic pain, but other than that I sleep much better now...
I sleep great. The only times I've had issues with sleep was due to drama with teenage sons.... It helps that I maintain a schedule. I also noticed my ability to fall asleep improved when I started limiting my eating after about 6:30pm. No late evening snacks. That, for some reason, makes my sleep more solid.
I still sleep fine, still better than when I was working. Getting up early and staying active throughout the day on things I enjoy (with at times a little nap in the early afternoon) certainly helps.
61, retired 13 years. I sleep 6-8 hours a night, plus several naps per day, just like the last 4 decades. No schedule at all. I have always been able to sleep anywhere, anytime, even if not tired (even during root canals, backpacking during storms,etc). I think of sleep as my personal time machine - just close my eyes, and the clock moves forward an hour or two.
well, we're ~1800-miles from home hunkering down in an RV resort. so, yes, i'm sleeping a little less well since all of this started. i'm popping a 5mg melatonin about 2-hrs before hitting the sack, usually ~11pm. but once or twice a week i'm wide awake at 4am thinking over options...stay, head for home, do I need to make a re-supply run today, are our scripts ready. I can usually go back to sleep but not always.
The last 12 years of my career was a daily start time that was usually anywhere from 8:00 PM until 2:00 am. I never could sleep well during the day. 7 years later and I still don't sleep well. Some nights I do good, but never multiple nights in a row. I'm good with it all. It is just what it is. The COVID 19 has not changed the pattern.
I have been sleeping really well during the coronavirus crisis. I know, that makes no sense! But it's true. :)
No change in sleep.
Not quite as well, according to my sleep apnea software. I’d been going to a kickboxing and resistance bands class for 7 months about six days per week and was hardly having any apneas. Now the gym is shut down and I’m not sleeping as deeply, according to the metrics. It remains in the healthy range though.
Age 76.

Sleep 6 hours per night average, monitored with a Fitbit.

No naps.

Feel good 99% of the time.

I must be lucky.:)
How is my sleep? P--- Poor sums it up. Maybe 5 hours a night. Don't know when I slid down from 7 hrs or so, but it's been many years. 8 hours? Call the undertaker, I'm dead, not sleeping. And I tend to have vivid, turbulent dreams that seem to erase the slept hours rejuvenation characteristics.
Usually pretty good, 7-8 hours. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I listen to a podcast or meditation to get back to sleep. Now last night I have a very bad dream, which is unusual for me and then I had a lot of trouble sleeping. Hopefully tonight will be better.
I have had trouble sleeping for the past 9 years. I struggle to get more than 3 hours nightly. I have no stress or anxiety issues and am unaffected by the current turmoil in my portfolio.

I'm 58 now and am fit and pretty active.

I consider my sleep issues to be my #1 health risk.

I have early rising cortisol insomnia. I go to sleep and fall asleep quickly every night around 11pm. I wake up about 3.5 hours later. Usually, I cannot fall back to sleep.

>> please share what you find most helpful in getting a good night's sleep

I read a lot and try everything. I have tried a variety of sleep meds, but they don't help for more than a week or 2.

Here is what improves my sleep right now. Doing this helps me get about 5 hours.

1. Consume resistant starch. Specifically, I eat 1/2 can of black beans every morning.

2. Consume more resistant starch. I have recently started eating raw potatoes as an after dinner snack. I eat the potatoes without skin.

The idea with resistant starch is to feed the "hard to feed" bacteria in the large intestine.

3. Alcohol is well known to interfere with sleep. I realized early on that I had to give up my nightly scotch or whiskey while sitting in my jacuzzi.
However, I read an article about hoppy beers helping with sleep. I have found this to be true. I drink at least 1 and usually 2 double IPAs daily. These are afternoon happy hour drinks and the alcohol is completely out of my system when I go to sleep.

I absolutely hate the calories I get from drinking this much beer. But, getting good sleep is a top priority.
I'm sleeping well, about the same as always. Although my wife has been restless, which does tend to wake me up during the night.

We have both been extra tired lately. I figure it's being trapped in the house with no meaningful activity and eating too much. It has been raining, cold, and dreary outside which doesn't help our motivation much. We actually had a dusting of snow yesterday and this morning.
I have slept poorly for many years, but I have also used a pillow speaker with my radio within easy adjustment, so when I wake I just listen to what is on or change the station. So, I never considered it a problem until know. I'm on a health trip and finding how important sleep is.
Part of the problem is I need to get up to pee at least 2 times, sometimes 5.
I saw my doc yesterday and he prescribed something for BPH. Last night was my first night on it, it was not good! I went to bed at 9pm, I was up to pee at 9:30, 10:15, 10:47, 11:30, and 1:30 then slept until 5am and got out of bed at 6:30. I hope a few days on the med makes a difference.

I just recently ordered a Fitbit Inspire HR to monitor my sleep, although knowing my sleep and doing something about it are two different things.
On the same order I have some Melatonin. I have installed F-lux on my computer to get rid of some blue light and I have blue blocking glasses.
I don't use my cellphone in the evening.
Just starting the process to improve my sleep, but I hope the Fitbit will give me a baseline to work from.
Here's a little sleep graph that convinced me to buy a Fitbit instead of an Oura ring, and the price difference.
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I have always had difficulty staying asleep, a bit better since retired. Sunday nights were the worst for me! I can fall asleep fine, but wake up several times a night, and frequently after 4 am, going back to sleep is almost impossible.If I go to be about 9-10 and sleep until 4, I am ok. But if I am waking up every few hours, I need some help. I rarely nap during the day, unless exhausted.
What I have found helpful: first round is Valerian for a few nights, then if that is not helping then move on to diphenhydramamine(Benadryl) or CBD. My last go to is xanax, usually not more than once a week if at all. Meditation and relaxation before bed and a white noise machine helps (DH has CPAP machine).
I am sleeping worse with CoVId 19, some worry about financials, but more about health and what it is doing world wide, loss of life, economies. We will survive, but have to get through the coming tsunami first.
Prayer helps my mental and physical well being also.
I have a terrible time sleeping, but not because of the market. Since 2006 I’ve had bad pains because of issues with my spine. I tried prescription Ambien for a short time but had to quit because of side effects. I now use an OTC sleep aid called Unisom which uses the same ingredients as most of the others, but a double dose. I also take a muscle relaxer and Tylenol to ease the pain. This has been working pretty well for me and I usually am able to get eight hours. If I don’t take these meds, I’m lucky to get four hours.
My sleep is terrible the last few nights.

I need to consume less information here, TV, Radio and web.

Time to turn on some music.
Sleeping well as usual (makes DW mad). I attribute this to not watching network news.
This thread reminded me of a nighttime 'exercise' I/we transferred to an iPod and used to perform years ago but had forgotten about......starting tonight, back into it...very relaxing:

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