Hybrid Water Heater

I would have preferred tankless when we built our house. We've used them in rentals and really liked them. Unfortunately, we don't have gas ....

Our Takagi propane powered tankless hot water heater provides both our domestic hot water and two-zone heat... and since we have propane for heat and hot water we use propane for our cookstove and clothes dryer too.
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There are two main hurdles to doing the change yourself. One is that the factories use trained gorillas to install the original ones to make sure they won't leak. This also makes them hard to remove so you'll need either an impact wrench or a cheater bar to lengthen your breaker bar to loosen it. If you use a cheater bar you may need someone to hold the tank still so as not to rotate it and damage the connecting pipes. If one of your friends is a gorilla invite him over for a beer.

I did this a few months ago, and needed a 24 inch breaker bar to move the bolt. Got a bruise on my chest big enough for the doctor to notice it several days later, by which time I had forgotten how i did it.
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