I Changed My Browser on Computer


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2008
After finally losing my patience with Firefox on my Win Desktop, I decided to switch browsers. Decided to not go with either of the big two (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) but instead, after trying a couple others that didn't work, decided to go with Brave.

One nice thing with Brave (along with not feeling spied on as much as Google or MS), Brave's import of my old bookmarks works flawlessly :).
After finally losing my patience with Firefox on my Win Desktop, I decided to switch browsers. Decided to not go with either of the big two (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) but instead, after trying a couple others that didn't work, decided to go with Brave.

One nice thing with Brave (along with not feeling spied on as much as Google or MS), Brave's import of my old bookmarks works flawlessly :).

I get frustrated with edge at times, but I can't compare to any other browsers. Maybe Edge isn't as bad as I make it out to be because of that. I need to try something new myself.

I've found that not every site plays well with Brave, but overall I've been very happy with it. Enjoy!
I get your frustration with Firefox. I have been using it since they released Firefox v0.8 (February 2004 release date - I started in March 2004). But for the last couple of years, I have been using Vivaldi as my second browser, and more and more, I have been increasing my use of Vivaldi.

I've found that not every site plays well with Brave, but overall I've been very happy with it. Enjoy!
That was my issue when I attempted to use Brave during 2021. I also wasn't enamored with the inability to tweak Brave's user interface. I think I've spent far too many years with Firefox.
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I have been very happy with Firefox for many many years, but I don't like some of the recent changes/updates. I may be switching too. Not sure to what.
Brave, Firefox, Opera, Chrome. Sorted by frequency of use.

Firefox is the one I've used forever.
Years ago, I went from Netscape Navigator to Internet Explorer. But eventually went to Firefox (to avoid MS's monopoly). Been holding onto Firefox for years. But the last year or so, on my Win machine, Firefox would just hang or stall. I'd disable the extensions (and have done Firefox resets), then the issue would clear up, only to return again hours are days later.

Yesterday was the final straw. I ended up trying different browsers. I've tested Brave in the past so that wasn't' my first choice of switching as when I tried in the past, the navigation just seemed different that what I'm used to.

Yesterday I first tried Vilvadi and this seemed pretty good at first. The bookmarks didn't import seamlessly which I could deal with. Then I ran into a situation where mousing over some folders on the bookmarks toolbar would close the browser :facepalm:. Not sure if that's a quirk or some setting.

Then I tried Pale Moon which is like a slimmed down version of a browser. That seemed nice but from what I've read and seen about Pale Moon, the put things politely, the people running Pale Moon can be a bit on the crabby side :LOL:. Plus some modern features aren't supported.

Then I decided to give Brave another look. Installed and imported last night and to my surprise, all my bookmarks imported flawlessly and the look isn't as unfamiliar as the last time I tried Brave.
I have been very happy with Firefox. There is the occasional site that works better with Safari so I use that also. I avoid Chrome for reasons of privacy.

I tried Brave, but it does not work on my Mac which has the latest version of the OS. I get an error message that says it is not supported.

Edited to add: After reinstalling the browser it works fine.
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I tried Brave, but it does not work on my Mac which has the latest version of the OS. I get an error message that says it is not supported.
hum....I'm running the latest version of Brave (Version 1.48.164) on the latest MAC version (Ventura 13.1) with no issues.
Brave is from Chromium which is the basis of Chrome, MS Edge, and Opera. I'm still on Firefox.
Interesting. I've moved to Firefox after years of using Chrome, and it's been pretty good. I do tend to tighten the privacy settings a bit, so I occasionally revert back to Chrome rather than change settings or disable add-ons if a site really gives me a hard time.

I've installed Brave, but just haven't needed to go there yet.

My only current beef with Firefox is I have a "home" page set to load when it starts. I often want to type in a new URL, rather than wait for that to load. But sometimes after I start typing, Firefox will plug in the home page URL and screw up what I'm trying to type. It's a minor annoyance, and I'm learning to adjust my timing to avoid it.
I've been using Brave, on my Macs, iPhone, and iPads for about a year. I recommend.
I've found that not every site plays well with Brave, but overall I've been very happy with it. Enjoy!

Another happy Brave user here. I also use Firefox (on my Linux laptop) and Chrome (on my Win 11 desktop) from time to time.

I also have my default search engine set to DuckDuckGo or Startpage in every browser I use. Don't want Google or Microsoft to know any more about my online habits, profile, and location than they already do.
What issues do people have with Firefox?

I'm very happy with Firefox. The only issue I see is it tends to slow down periodically and I have to refresh it. Also sometimes I get a cookie problem and I have to delete all my cookies (on that site) and restart everything. This has happened on the Schwab site.
I have been very happy with Firefox. There is the occasional site that works better with Safari so I use that also. I avoid Chrome for reasons of privacy.
This is exactly how I use them on my Mac. I installed Chrome recently only because there were a couple of extensions required to clean up old posts I wanted to delete from a Reddit account.
I've been using Brave for about a year.

383,500 trackers & ads blocked
22.71 GB bandwidth saved
5.3 hours time saved.
I just tried Brave based on this thread. There was a noticeable lag getting into Fidelity. I retried a few times. I'm back to Firefox.
I'm OK with Edge.

But the websites I go to? Not so much. Today I've been fighting with Google News, which has been nagging me dozens of times each day to upgrade to their new version - - so I did, and I hate it, and it won't let me go back. :( That used to be my homepage, oh well... time to find a new one, wish me luck.

And then, there's OneDrive which is "Drive-ing" me crazy since I would rather it didn't exist. :LOL: Uninstalling it didn't fix anything.

Good thing I like Edge or I'd be over the edge.... :D

Maybe I have graduated to the "get off my lawn" phase of aging, I dunno. But these things didn't seem this bad a few years ago.
After finally losing my patience with Firefox on my Win Desktop, I decided to switch browsers. Decided to not go with either of the big two (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) but instead, after trying a couple others that didn't work, decided to go with Brave.

One nice thing with Brave (along with not feeling spied on as much as Google or MS), Brave's import of my old bookmarks works flawlessly :).

Brave is the main browser I use also. It doesn't use up as much memory as Chrome and Edge and there is less tracking with it. Love it! If a website doesn't work very well with it, I'll try Chrome or Edge instead and they usually work.
I use separate profiles in Brave for financials, social media, genealogy.

Firefox is my gmail and research hub.

Opera is my genealogical research center.

Chrome has my chat app and some research.
I use Firefox in both my Linux and Windows 10 computers and haven't really had any significant problems at either. Curious to know what problems folks have encountered with Firefox. I also have Chrome and Edge at the Windows computer but hardly ever use them.
I used Firefox and got tired of it slowing down my laptop. Converted to Edge and love it. It's seamless with Windows of course. No one fighting over resources.
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