Well, lemme see here....Hmmmm....in his 'bio' (what little there is of it) it says
"in his 22 year career".....he also earned a BS.....<cypher> BS @ ~22 years old + 22 year career (part of which was probably taking orders & money at Mickey D's or something similar during his HS & college years....a.k.a
"financial positions with a retailer....") =
maybe 44 years old.....probably 42-43 </cypher>.....Hmmmm, just another one of them there young whipper-snappers that
might possibly be just
barely able to call themselves a baby boomer....but
most likely younger than that.....blaming the Boomers! What nerve!
So I wonder what he thinks about what all the Generation X'ers (or whatever the h*ll they call themselves) are doing to make this country great again, and save & redeem it from all of the carnage that us 'shallow' 'greedy' and irresponsible [-]Ba$tard$[/-] Boomers brought upon it!?
Overall the article was [-]nothing new and rather dull[/-] somewhat interesting, however the last couple of paragraphs made it sound almost as if it was more or less a bit of political propaganda to garner votes for Ron Paul....just MHO.
Dang young'uns! And stay off the friggin' lawn, too!

(He probably wrote this article on on a computer that uses software developed by that evil Boomer Billy Gates)